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Blackpill Just Be Chad: Non Verbal Autistic Boy Gets Simped by Girls



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@nicolegottesmann1/video/7074598831299562798?_t=8SyNHsuPfJq&_r=1

EAF5C67F FD21 42D3 B8AB 52CB0A3D7AC4
Non NT chads can get girls while non NT sub 5s rope and rot! :feelsree:
@sub human @Transcended Trucel
You son of a bitch. I IQ mog you. But you get all of the foids. Clownworld :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
I hope you die early like your autistic friends (in roblox)
non nt as fuck
Dude, it's the internet. They are virtue signaling.
stacys probably rimjob clean his asshole
this is why you shouldn't donate to charity
Foids are the only arbiters of male attractiveness.
Jesus bro, I thought I already explained to you how that doesn't make any sense. Post the ugliest currycel you know or even BO2cel and I will post them on inceltear and some random hamplanets will call them cute and will say "I would totally date him if he wasn't a misogynistic inkel". Internet comments are meaningless. Look at the amount of posts even from women saying that ER was good looking. Hell, there's some blonde mentally ill foid on youtube who thinks she's in a relationship with him. Did internet comments stop him from blowing his brains out because he was a 22 year old virgin? absolutely fucking not.
Foids are the only arbiters of male attractiveness.
Foids are the only arbiters of male attractiveness.
You're here since the day this website began existing and you still can't understand that women are experts at virtue signalling.
Jesus bro, I thought I already explained to you how that doesn't make any sense. Post the ugliest currycel you know or even BO2cel and I will post them on inceltear and some random hamplanets will call them cute and will say "I would totally date him if he wasn't a misogynistic inkel". Internet comments are meaningless. Look at the amount of posts even from women saying that ER was good looking. Hell, there's some blonde mentally ill foid on youtube who thinks she's in a relationship with him. Did internet comments stop him from blowing his brains out because he was a 22 year old virgin? absolutely fucking not.
Correct. People virtue signal on the internet. IRL, does any foid actually date or sleep with non verbal autistic males?
Just be confident.
Correct. People virtue signal on the internet. IRL, does any foid actually date or sleep with non verbal autistic males?
Personal anecdote but I know legit Chads irl, not random prettyboys like this guy. They regularly got no strings attached sex offers from women when I went out with them. One of them is a KHHV and the other one fucks landwhales because any half-decent looking foid is turned off by him after actually getting to know him because he's a massive autist.
Then there are 5/10 NT slayers.
Women and normies hate autists more than anything. It's as much of a death sentence as being ugly.
Tee hee autistic men can be pretty too! Have confidence :foidSoy:
Tee hee I love it when Chard fucks me while shitting himself :foidSoy:
Foids :feelswhat::feelswhat::feelswhat:
stacys probably rimjob clean his asshole
this is why you shouldn't donate to charity
Chard will get his nappy changed and ass cleaning services by a hot stacy while a high functioning retards like me don’t even exist :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Jesus bro, I thought I already explained to you how that doesn't make any sense. Post the ugliest currycel you know or even BO2cel and I will post them on inceltear and some random hamplanets will call them cute and will say "I would totally date him if he wasn't a misogynistic inkel". Internet comments are meaningless. Look at the amount of posts even from women saying that ER was good looking. Hell, there's some blonde mentally ill foid on youtube who thinks she's in a relationship with him. Did internet comments stop him from blowing his brains out because he was a 22 year old virgin? absolutely fucking not.

The only evidence you have to call them virtue signalling is your (worthless) opinion of the guy's attractiveness. How can you tell apart virtue signalling vs foids actually believing the guy is attractive?

There's an autism spectrum from being kinda shy/weird to screaming at forks at a restaurant. Probably no one here is the latter kind so nobody here is incel because of autism, but because they aren't physically attractive.
The only evidence you have to call them virtue signalling is your (worthless) opinion of the guy's attractiveness. How can you tell apart virtue signalling vs foids actually believing the guy is attractive?
I'm not saying the guy in OP is not attractive. He's the kind of cute twink that girls in their mid teens find attractive. He's an autist though so it's probably over for him.
There's an autism spectrum from being kinda shy/weird to screaming at forks at a restaurant. Probably no one here is the latter kind so nobody here is incel because of autism, but because they aren't physically attractive.
You don't need to scream at forks to be excluded from society. Being an awkward and shy beta is enough. Any average (and slightly below) looking white guy on this forum (a large percentage of the forum) is not here because of his looks.
Who would've thought?!
Blondes = God's favorites. This is why Jews are more focused on destroying blonde countries and dont really care for black-haired Europeans, like Spanish or Bulgarians
He's the kind of cute twink that girls in their mid teens find attractive.
Like these kids?
Top 10 greatest leonardo dicaprio movies

He's an autist though so it's probably over for him.
Evidently not or this thread wouldn't exist.

Any average (and slightly below) looking white guy on this forum (a large percentage of the forum) is not here because of his looks.
Agree but a lot of them claim autism (undiagnosed of course) when they're just pussies who never try. Can't be an autist if you got friends and go out to bars and clubs and are generally normal except you don't have the balls to walk up to a foid. Cowards don't deserve pussy.
:lul: imagine if an autistic nonverbal( is he even self aware) child becomes a model and makes more staring at a camera then you do putting in 40 hour weeks
Yes, teen girls were attracted to them. Again, you’re using super famous celebrities in a conversation about normal people. It’s low IQ.
Evidently not or this thread wouldn't exist.
Just like ER didn’t commit a mass shooting because women on reddit say he’s good looking..... oh wait, he did....
you’re not actually this dumb, right?
I mean ffs, you’ve been here since 2017. How are we even having this conversation?
Agree but a lot of them claim autism (undiagnosed of course) when they're just pussies who never try. Can't be an autist if you got friends and go out to bars and clubs and are generally normal except you don't have the balls to walk up to a foid. Cowards don't deserve pussy.
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Again, you’re using super famous celebrities in a conversation about normal people. It’s low IQ.
It would be low IQ to scour the internet for some non-famous examples and evidence of foids being attracted to them, when this is about physical attractiveness and not money/status.

Just like ER didn’t commit a mass shooting because women on reddit say he’s good looking..... oh wait, he did....
ER commited a mass shooting because he was an entitled idiot who was butthurt because he wasn't a millionaire Chad but just a well off normie.

foids pretty regularly approach me whenever I go out so I don’t need to do it myself. This however hasn’t stopped me from being a dry dick incel rotting on this forum because i’m not NT. i’m weird, boring, awkward etc and so any foid that talks to me is turned off after a few minutes even if initially she’s clearly into me.
So you're NT enough to be going out (presumably with friends) and seem normal enough that foids approach you regularly? And you call me stupid? Any reason you can't figure out beforehand what kinds of thing to say and practice saying them into a camera and then say them. You don't have to be interesting if foids are approaching you regularly. You just have to not be retarded or a pussy.
You're here since the day this website began existing and you still can't understand that women are experts at virtue signalling.
I wonder why many men get shamed for listening to 'girly' or 'unmanly' music if they are average or ugly?
If you are good looking it doesn't matter if you are not NT you can still ascend. If you are autistic but you are on this site bale to communicate you are clearly a high functioning autist so drop all the excuses of the NTpill because if you are good looking that shit doesnt matter.
Has a part of virtue signaling in it. "Oh look how im such a good person, I am nice to this autistic boy teeheee im such a good person!"
If you are good looking it doesn't matter if you are not NT you can still ascend. If you are autistic but you are on this site bale to communicate you are clearly a high functioning autist so drop all the excuses of the NTpill because if you are good looking that shit doesnt matter.
Nope, foids hate autists no matter how they look. It all depends how autistic you are and how good looking you are. Sure, if you look like prime Dolph Lundgren, you can eat your own shit and it'll be fine. But 99.99999% of people don't look like him.
Not being NT is a huge, huge failo, just as bad as being ugly.

Personal anecdote but I know legit Chads irl, not random prettyboys like this guy. They regularly got no strings attached sex offers from women when I went out with them. One of them is a KHHV and the other one fucks landwhales because any half-decent looking foid is turned off by him after actually getting to know him because he's a massive autist.
Then there are 5/10 NT slayers.
Women and normies hate autists more than anything. It's as much of a death sentence as being ugly.
Nope, foids hate autists no matter how they look. It all depends how autistic you are and how good looking you are. Sure, if you look like prime Dolph Lundgren, you can eat your own shit and it'll be fine. But 99.99999% of people don't look like him.
Not being NT is a huge, huge failo, just as bad as being ugly.

This is gigabullshit. NT is important but there are so many things you can do if you are not NT and still ascend. Starting off with locationmaxxing.

If are good looking literally go to some shitty third world gook country and you would probably fuck a girl on the first date. The language barrier masks NT really well.

Not being NT is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as being ugly. I will never accept fucking good looking fakecels on this site who claim to be mentalcels fuck off with that shit. Being ugly is a BILLION times worse than not being NT.

They should make a website for mentalcels so they can fuck off from here its getting annoying.
This is gigabullshit. NT is important but there are so many things you can do if you are not NT and still ascend. Starting off with locationmaxxing.
Lol no. Locationmaxxing where? Any part of the western world hates autists and i'm not going to be some sex tourist going to Asia to fuck underage prostitutes. I have too much dignity for that. I'm going to stay put for now. Also i'm a poorfag college student so I couldn't even afford to travel thousands of miles looking for gook pussy if I wanted to.
I have too much dignity for that.
In other words. You are a nigger fakecel who has options but refuses because of 'MUUH DIGNITY'''

If you were really an incel you would not be so picky but get what you can. But no. Just another fucking fakecel.

Thanks for confirming.
In other words. You are a nigger fakecel who has options but refuses because of 'MUUH DIGNITY'''

If you were really an incel you would not be so picky but get what you can. But no. Just another fucking fakecel.

Thanks for confirming.
I have some years left in me before I become a subhuman sexpat going for glorified prostitutes in some 3rd world Asian shitholes. That wouldn't be ascension to me, it would be no different than escortcelling which I can do here.
I have some years left in me before I become a subhuman sexpat going for glorified prostitutes in some 3rd world Asian shitholes. That wouldn't be ascension to me, it would be no different than escortcelling which I can do here.
Jfl you think all Asian hoes are prostitutes or something? They have hook-up culture there too its no different than fucking western hoes if you are good looking.

You say women approach you and yet you claim to be incel jfl the state of .is

Yes. I understand the NT pill is powerful. But you are clearly a high functioning autist if you're an autist at all since a truly autistic mfker wouldnt even post here he would probably be rotting doing some weird psycho shit as most gigaautists do. Also you can tell by the way people write if they are giga-autists or not. Being NT is very important, and I agree with you, if you are average looking but NTmaxxed you can ascend that is how most normies ascend true. Being NonNT makes it difficiult.



Is law.

You just can't fail if you are good looking. You are good looking enough that women approach you and yet you cant ascend? Jfl. Literally get fucking drunk and hit the nightclub and your pussy problems would be solved. You have a million of options. You can thirdworldmaxx. You can drugmaxx to mask your NT. You can do so many things. But I guarantee you haven't tried.

Tell me honestly, have you ever made a dating app profile? Have you ever met someone while under an influence of confidence boosting drugs? Have you ever went to a nightclub, got drunk?

Because I have done all of those, and every time I was met with rejections because of the way I look. But I guarantee you if I was good looking and autistic I would ascend those nights. Because unlike most niggers on this forum I got actual experience with women. I met women before, I tried ascending with women. I approached women. In nightclubs, school, work. I approached them. Every time I got rejected, sometimes brutally so. I know that what I said wasnt the issue, its the way I look that was the main show-stopper.

In some places like in Italy/Spain there are places where people literally go to fuck, it doesnt fucking matter what you say everyone is drunk and just looking for a hook up.

You just didn't do anything to actually ascend because you are probably too autistic to try but then blame everything on your autism when your autism probably isnt as bad as you think and if you would just get on some confidence drugs which there are many of you would do just fine ascending.

Look up confidence drugs.

You literally fucking say women approach you :feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously: :chad::chad::chad::chad::chad:
Jfl you think all Asian hoes are prostitutes or something? They have hook-up culture there too its no different than fucking western hoes if you are good looking.

You say women approach you and yet you claim to be incel jfl the state of .is

Yes. I understand the NT pill is powerful. But you are clearly a high functioning autist if you're an autist at all since a truly autistic mfker wouldnt even post here he would probably be rotting doing some weird psycho shit as most gigaautists do. Also you can tell by the way people write if they are giga-autists or not. Being NT is very important, and I agree with you, if you are average looking but NTmaxxed you can ascend that is how most normies ascend true. Being NonNT makes it difficiult.



Is law.

You just can't fail if you are good looking. You are good looking enough that women approach you and yet you cant ascend? Jfl. Literally get fucking drunk and hit the nightclub and your pussy problems would be solved. You have a million of options. You can thirdworldmaxx. You can drugmaxx to mask your NT. You can do so many things. But I guarantee you haven't tried.

Tell me honestly, have you ever made a dating app profile? Have you ever met someone while under an influence of confidence boosting drugs? Have you ever went to a nightclub, got drunk?

Because I have done all of those, and every time I was met with rejections because of the way I look. But I guarantee you if I was good looking and autistic I would ascend those nights. Because unlike most niggers on this forum I got actual experience with women. I met women before, I tried ascending with women. I approached women. In nightclubs, school, work. I approached them. Every time I got rejected, sometimes brutally so. I know that what I said wasnt the issue, its the way I look that was the main show-stopper.

In some places like in Italy/Spain there are places where people literally go to fuck, it doesnt fucking matter what you say everyone is drunk and just looking for a hook up.

You just didn't do anything to actually ascend because you are probably too autistic to try but then blame everything on your autism when your autism probably isnt as bad as you think and if you would just get on some confidence drugs which there are many of you would do just fine ascending.

Look up confidence drugs.

You literally fucking say women approach you :feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously: :chad::chad::chad::chad::chad:
and yeah, I don't get approached anymore like I said. It was years ago.
and yeah, I don't get approached anymore like I said. It was years ago.
Whatever I feel like you are not being serious.

If you really that desperate you can go to Asia like Im planning to do. But I dont have much other choice.
Whatever I feel like you are not being serious.

If you really that desperate you can go to Asia like Im planning to do. But I dont have much other choice.
That might be something I do in my 30s. For now i'm a poorfag college student. I'd be as much of a loser in Asia as I am here though. You wouldn't believe how much hate normies and foids have towards me simply because i'm somewhat different.
IT won't touch this. He has a great personality, isn't that right?
Where's the Chad? also internet comments are meaningless.
Hahaha. Another prove that the 3/10 bf from your oneitis is better looking than you are claiming all the time.

Also, this fuckin video has 1.8 m likes
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Hahaha. Another prove that the 3/10 bf from your oneitis is better looking than you are claiming all the time.
He isn't. You're a fucking retard if you think some random prettyboy twink is a Chad. I'll assume you're joking because if not, you are actually blind
Also, this fuckin video has 1.8 m likes

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