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Discussion Juggernaut law applies to job also



Waiting for info.
Oct 14, 2023
Everyone thinks that fast food chains or barista jobs are low skilled therefore easy to get akin to how many people believe that fat/ugly women are somehow easier to get. The problem is that everyone has the same idea so ugly/fat women get approached the most and low level entry jobs get applied for the most. Chads and Stacys looking for a cheap and easy job apply for them with lots of qualifications, referrals, connections to help them get the job etc. making it impossible for incels to get them. As a result you are competing with the biggest moggers in society to flip burgers.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtnYpauq6qw&ab_channel=OurStories

If you're interested you can watch this or skip through it. Basically large amounts of people apply for 1 position due to the company having all the leverage given they have so many people working for them. The only way this would be fixed is if the job market was larger and employees had more leverage. Its similar to why women will not get into relationships until the gender ratio evens out, its because they don't have to. They only get married once the gender ratio in their age group has evened out and men have any sort of leverage.

The blackpill is human nature and applies to economics and relationships in essentially the same way. When fast food chains have lots of people applying they can choose to hire Chads and Stacys to flip burgers. Its only if they wouldn't have enough people applying would they have to hire normal/regular people
I have applied to literally every large company in the UK and none of them have hired me :feelsjuice:
I have applied to literally every large company in the UK and none of them have hired me :feelsjuice:
People will say "make a better CV" but its equivalent of saying "write a better tinder bio"
As a currycel I know my only hope is to stemcel
Everyone thinks that fast food chains or barista jobs are low skilled therefore easy to get akin to how many people believe that fat/ugly women are somehow easier to get. The problem is that everyone has the same idea so ugly/fat women get approached the most and low level entry jobs get applied for the most. Chads and Stacys looking for a cheap and easy job apply for them with lots of qualifications, referrals, connections to help them get the job etc. making it impossible for incels to get them. As a result you are competing with the biggest moggers in society to flip burgers.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtnYpauq6qw&ab_channel=OurStories

If you're interested you can watch this or skip through it. Basically large amounts of people apply for 1 position due to the company having all the leverage given they have so many people working for them. The only way this would be fixed is if the job market was larger and employees had more leverage. Its similar to why women will not get into relationships until the gender ratio evens out, its because they don't have to. They only get married once the gender ratio in their age group has evened out and men have any sort of leverage.

TL;DR The blackpill is human nature and applies to economics and relationships in essentially the same way. When fast food chains have lots of people applying they can choose to hire Chads and Stacys to flip burgers. Its only if they wouldn't have enough people applying would they have to hire normal/regular people

good thread my kin, goood gooood

Serious though, yes.
What you did there is a good example of taking yourself out of the equation, which is something most people dont do.

1. Often times people mistake a global trend for personal choice. They get swept up in a larger shift in the system but they somehow think they are an individual making choices. Many people cant answer why they believe in things or when they started doing so. This applies to both sides of the political spectrum. Just ask people, when did you become right wing and why? What was the first thing that got you into it? Did you read a study or something?
Mostly it will turn out that they got swept up in a movement and just went along with it.

2. As everything in this world is upside down, this is also true: When you think you are an individual (worldview), you will mentally ignore all evidence to the contrary. Paradoxically, believing you are an individual makes you more of a sheep, because you willfully ignore how external things shape your life and thoughts.

And vice versa, admitting that you are subject to external forces, that your beliefs can be influenced and that you are part of a system, makes you MORE of an individual. Because now you will actively detect and look for things that influence you. Everything is upside down.

I think this is why the elite is pushing extreme individualism on people. It makes people blind to how they are being controlled, because the entire concept of "I am being controlled" is not even a possibility in their worldview.

3. Your McDonalds example is a good case study. Everyone thinks they are smart for applying for these jobs. If they thought on a systems level, they would recognize that theres probably millions doing the same.

Another example everyone knows from riding backseat with their parents: "I know a shortcut" -> ends up in traffic jam with 1000s of people that thought the same.

I see this a lot at supermarkets too. When people queue up, they always look to be smart about which queue they pick.
But everyone thinks that, so they all move to the same checkouts. I just stay put in one spot while people move to other checkouts, thinking they are beating the game, and I end up getting out sooner.

4. Dating. Dating would not work if men thought on a systems level. It would immediately be obvious that you are not the only man out there and that your competition is fierce. It also means that you are never a womans first or last choice. Last in the sense that there could always be a better option for her.

Whatever you are doing, think: Why do I believe this? Am I really believing this or did I receive this belief from somewhere else?
Many things we think we can justify, we simply cant. We don't know why we think a certain way.
That's devastating.

I am sure there are more examples of how people deluding themselves with the individualism cope leads to predictable outcomes that align perfectly with 80/20 rule and such.
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good thread my kin, goood gooood

Serious though, yes.
What you did there is a good example of taking yourself out of the equation, which is something most people dont do.

1. Often times people mistake a global trend for personal choice. They get swept up in a larger shift in the system but they somehow think they are an individual making choices. Many people cant answer why they believe in things or when they started doing so. This applies to both sides of the political spectrum. Just ask people, when did you become right wing and why? What was the first thing that got you into it? Did you read a study or something?
Mostly it will turn out that they got swept up in a movement and just went along with it.

2. As everything in this world is upside down, this is also true: When you think you are an individual (worldview), you will mentally ignore all evidence to the contrary. Paradoxically, believing you are an individual makes you more of a sheep, because you willfully ignore how external things shape your life and thoughts.

And vice versa, admitting that you are subject to external forces, that your beliefs can be influenced and that you are part of a system, makes you MORE of an individual. Because now you will actively detect and look for things that influence you. Everything is upside down.

I think this is why the elite is pushing extreme individualism on people. It makes people blind to how they are being controlled, because the entire concept of "I am being controlled" is not even a possibility in their worldview.

3. Your McDonalds example is a good case study. Everyone thinks they are smart for applying for these jobs. If they thought on a systems level, they would recognize that theres probably millions doing the same.

Another example everyone knows from riding backseat with their parents: "I know a shortcut" -> ends up in traffic jam with 1000s of people that thought the same.

I see this a lot at supermarkets too. When people queue up, they always look to be smart about which queue they pick.
But everyone thinks that, so they all move to the same checkouts. I just stay put in one spot while people move to other checkouts, thinking they are beating the game, and I end up getting out sooner.

4. Dating. Dating would not work if men thought on a systems level. It would immediately be obvious that you are not the only man out there and that your competition is fierce. It also means that you are never a womans first or last choice. Last in the sense that there could always be a better option for her.

Whatever you are doing, think: Why do I believe this? Am I really believing this or did I receive this belief from somewhere else?
Many things we think we can justify, we simply cant. We don't know why we think a certain way.
That's devastating.

I am sure there are more examples of how people deluding themselves with the individualism cope leads to predictable outcomes that align perfectly with 80/20 rule and such.
High IQ.

Also this:

High IQ.

Also this:

Did you read the book where the main character gets dogpilled? :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I forgot which one of his it was.
He definetly is blackpilled as fuck.
Did you read the book where the main character gets dogpilled? :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I forgot which one of his it was.
He definetly is blackpilled as fuck.

dogpill destroyed me, can't remember the book
Why I never applied to service work despite there being tons of service positions locally

dogpill destroyed me, can't remember the book
It's in Serotonin.

French version I found (i assume u french cuz "oui")

Un cas particulier elle l’était en effet, la seconde vidéo en attestait davantage. Cette fois ça ne se passait pas chez moi, et pas davantage dans l’hôtel particulier de l’île Saint-Louis. Autant l’ameublement de l’île Saint-Louis était classe, minimaliste, noir et blanc, autant le nouveau spot était cossu, bourgeois, Chippendale, on songeait à l’avenue Foch, à un gynécologue riche ou peut-être à un présentateur de télévision à succès, quoi qu’il en soit Yuzu se branlait sur une ottomane avant de se laisser glisser sur le sol recouvert d’un tapis aux motifs vaguement persans, ce sur quoi un doberman d’âge moyen la pénétrait avec la vigueur que l’on reconnaît à sa race.
Ensuite la caméra changeait d’axe, et pendant que le doberman continuait à la besogner (les chiens éjaculent pourtant très vite dans l’état de nature, mais la chatte de la femme doit présenter de notables différences avec celle de la chienne, il ne retrouvait pas ses marques), Yuzu agaçait le gland d’un bull-terrier avant de le prendre dans sa bouche. Le bull-terrier, sans doute plus jeune, éjaculait en moins d’une minute avant d’être remplacé par un boxer.

Après ce mini gang-bang canin, j’interrompis mon visionnage, j’étais écœuré mais surtout pour les chiens, en même temps je ne pouvais pas me dissimuler que pour une Japonaise (d’après tout ce que j’avais pu observer de la mentalité de ce peuple), coucher avec un Occidental, c’est déjà presque copuler avec un animal. Avant de quitter la suite parentale, j’enregistrai l’ensemble des vidéos sur une clef USB. Le visage de Yuzu était très reconnaissable, et je commençai à envisager l’ébauche d’un nouveau plan de libération, qui consistait tout simplement (les bonnes idées sont toujours simples) à la jeter par la fenêtre.

I agree they like a pretty face as it'll drive up more sales especially at coffee shops but less so at fast food as long as they're quick and efficient.

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