The military is a Chad and Tyrone profession, I was really close to joining some time back but decided against it in the end. Once you realize you'll be placed in some low level peon support role for Chad and Tyrone it shuts down all aspirations for wanting to join. Don't be fooled, there is little to no advancement based off merit it's a popularity contest like everything else.
Incels have no place in the military, the same disadvantages (shit genetics) you have as a civilian will carry over into the military and hold you back just as much there. At the same time the same advantages Chad and Tyrone have as civilians will elevate them in the military.
You'll get to watch Chad and Tyrone do all the cool, fun and interesting jobs like flying jets and driving tanks and shit like that while you're off doing some menial work or prepping Chads gear/equipment for him so he can go have fun doing the real work. You'll be used and abused and chewed up then spit out like most veterans since no one gives a shit, they just pretend to.
This is all assuming you even make it in, the medical screening and other tests they put you through disqualifies most people from even serving in the first place. If you're on an incel board that means you have some subpar genetics and the military isn't very forgiving of that. I know I would probly be branded "unfit to serve" for some medical issue they uncover in the physical or some shit. Like I said Chad and Tyrone profession.
Sure you'll get some benefits like pension and college money so if that matters to you then go for it, personally I don't think I'll make it to 40 so wtf do I need a pension or college money for? A loser as a civilian will just be a loser in the military, there are hierarchies to everything if you find yourself on the bottom end of a hierarchy in one area you'll likely be at the bottom in another.
Whatever you do make sure to do it quick cause time is of the essence and there are age limits to joining the armed forces, after a certain age they won't want you so decide fast.