It's not placebo seriously have you even tried NoFap
Its a placebo, and only weak minded people are susceptible to its effects, you expected it to have a certain effect so your mind made it so. I've done no fap multiple times with no change in energy levels or confidence because
1. I was already Low inhib to begin with and I'm a sociopath, so I learn to socialize by observing people and I end up mimicking them involuntarily, after a certain amount of time I can do it without trying and it "seems genuine", I don't like talking to people, but when I have to I can just slap on a face and actually have conversations with them and they actually like talking to me, some even consider me friends (and I hate them lol)
2. I'm already an energetic person, and not what anyone would call lazy, in fact all my co-workers say I'm hard working and actually put in too much effort, and prefer to have me on their work shifts (work gets done faster, less time wasted talking)
Its a placebo, the only thing no fap has ever done for me, is leave me sexually frustrated and angry at work, making me irritable and harder to "keep the mask on". No Fap is for guys with no self control that fap 5 times a day (which is stupid because the preceding orgasms aren't as strong or enjoyable). I do it once a day, I could do more but I only wait until the urge is strong and apparent, I avoid stimulating visuals for the entire day until "fap time". There's no reason to stop doing this, I'm high T and as the years go by my libido is actually going up so life is just getting more annoying being an incel. I need this daily release so I can keep up appearances and maintain my sanity.
Anybody can just talk to people if you force yourself too, practice smiling in the mirror until you have a "genuine" one, learn the faces normies make in various situations and practice them, over time it will come like a reflex to you, and you'll do it without having to think, they won't be able to tell the difference. I came into my work place as the quiet guy that talks to no one and now I'm the guy everyone wants to work with whose cracking jokes, etc. You didn't need to stop stroking your dick to get yourself to talk to people lol, you just needed to
ACTUALLY TRY, seriously how weak willed are some of you saps here, that you can't even just learn to talk to people, force yourself to do something uncomfortable.
On another note I think the whole "low inhib" and "high inhib" thing is a cope, I never started off low inhib, I wasn't born like this, I was always the quiet and shy type, I just got tired of never getting anything I wanted to it made me more "outgoing". Saying you're "high inhib" is a cope