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News [JFL]More than half of incels support pedophilia, "study" says.



I.N.C.E.L. High Command, Psychological Operations
Oct 11, 2019

More than half of those posting on the world’s biggest ‘incel’ forum support sexualisation of children aged under 18, according to a new report.

The world’s largest incel forum changed its rules in March to explicitly permit the sexualisation of pubescent minors, i.e. girls aged 13 to 16.

The findings by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) support previous investigations by Byline Times which found numerous posts on **********, a popular incel meeting place, referring to ‘jailbait’ and expressing a desire to abuse girls aged 13 and above.

Incels are a misogynistic online sub-culture that believes men are superior to women, that they are entitled to sex and to women’s bodies, and which often hold white supremacist beliefs alongside their male supremacist ideology. They refer to women as ‘foids’ or ‘femoids’ and ‘roasts’, and often use explicitly racist, misogynistic and violent language.

The sexualisation of girls often stems from an expressed desire to have girlfriends or wives who have not been ‘ruined’ by ‘Chads’ – high status alpha males who have sex with multiple women.

In incel culture, men fantasise about recreating a ‘golden age’ whereby women are not permitted to have autonomy, including the right to divorce, to choose who to have sex with, to vote, or to abortion. Instead, women should “perform their gender specific duties”, as one incel put it.

While the majority of incels are from America (43.8% of users on the incel forum examined by the CCDH), increasing numbers of boys and men from the UK have joined. According to data from the CCDH, 7.5% of the forum’s 17,000 users are from the UK, with 4.2% from Poland.

This again tallies with independent investigations by Byline Times which have found frequent references to Poland. During the 2019 Women’s Strike protests that followed the decision to extend the country’s ban on abortion, men posted in praise of the Government, calling it ‘based’ (slang for ‘good’) for banning abortion and praising heavy-handed security tactics in suppressing the protests.

“They deserve to be chained like the animals they are,” wrote one ********** member, responding to videos of the Polish protests. “The army should start raping them on the streets,” wrote another, and “every country should copy and paste [Poland’s] laws.”

“Incels are not lone wolves or socially isolated,” Imran Ahmad, CEO of the CCDH, said. “They are in fact enmeshed in highly active communities with a coherent, evolving ideology that has radicalised further in the past 18 months. They are egging each other on to commit mass violence, normalising sexual violence against women and even codified their approval of sexualising children.”

Violent Fantasies

Since 2013, 59 people have been killed as a result of incel-linked violence, including six people in Plymouth, UK, last August.

The incel forum is packed with fantasies of violence, with the CCDH finding that, in an 18-month period, the word ‘rape’ appeared every 29 minutes. In total, the researchers found that the words appeared more than 18,000 times and was used by 39% of users.

Forums included ‘women are designed to be raped’ and ‘rape is f*cking awesome’. Discussions of rape showed that 89% of forum users were supportive of sexual violence.

Research by Byline Times found that fantasies of violence extended beyond rape. One particularly distressing post described putting a grenade inside a woman’s anus and cutting off her breasts “with a machete”. Another poster wrote how vaginas should be kept on “leashes”. One of the less extreme posts fantasised about how “women have to suffer, and if they don’t want to suffer, we make them suffer”.

Along with fantasies about rape and other forms of violence against women, incel forums are increasingly accepting of paedophilia. The CCDH’s research found that more than a quarter of incels have posted on the forum using paedophilia keywords.

Byline Times’ investigations found users fantasising about “jailbait”, a term used to denote teenage girls. The CCDH found that “jailbait” or “JB” featured in 1,716 posts over 18 months; while the term “loli”, short for “Lolita”, was mentioned 3,117 times. It would appear “loli” has become more popular, perhaps as it is more coded than “jailbait” which is a commonly-understood term.

Paedophilia is presented as normal, with one forum poster writing: “Any straight normal human will lust over minifoids, all the normies will deny it though.”

The CCDH found one thread created by a regular contributor which contained an image of a then 12-year-old child, along with the comment: “Who in their right mind would prefer a 22 year old roasty to this?”

“Big Tech companies, like YouTube, Twitter and Cloudflare, have enabled this community,” Ahmed added. “They know about the problem but have failed to act. They are voluntarily providing a platform and monetising content that encourages atrocities against women and girls.

“We need new legislation to force Big Tech to do the right thing and protect women, girls and the young men who are being drawn into this evil ideology.”

Looks like those pedo fags, reddit larps, and glowies infiltrating our forums have influenced the stats. JFL
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you mean the very glowniggers which are deployed by the very people who make these articles?
The irony in that statement, when actual 11-12 years old are now fucking, while i as a 27 year old celibate man get to rot in my basement without ever knowing what intimacy or holding hands is.
Let’s find out who did this study & who paid them.
16 is best age for a foid fuck everyone who opposes
Great. Now do an official survey on the LGBT community.

Literal sects exist within it that welcome MAPS.
Pedo rhetoric is so tiring.

Most of your 14 year old daughters are getting dicked down by thugs. They choose this. They want this.

Your society is broken shit, and it's your fault.
Attraction to foids 14 and above is not pedophilia
If epstein and the elites can fuck and breed minors, then we should also be able to
(((Study))) says huh
Those retards probably mean ephebophilia which isn’t the same thing as pedophilia.
The irony in that statement, when actual 11-12 years old are now fucking, while i as a 27 year old celibate man get to rot in my basement without ever knowing what intimacy or holding hands is.
They want to silence us because we know their narrative is bs

Teenagers having sex: "it's okay, they're discovering life"
Incels talking about teen sex: "you pedophile"

Retarded agefags thinking being attracted to high school foids is abnormal makes you a pedo, when the only reason they're alive today is because their adult male ancestors breeded with teen foids themselves.
We all already know who enjoyed cheese pizza.
Incel kek

I clicked on the link you uploaded. There's this image. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
View attachment 1056861
I clicked on the link you uploaded. There's this image. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
It's so fucking stupid, isn't it? They keep pushing that retarded meme that incels are White supremacists when in reality most are shitskins and sand niggers. This website is majority Indian, from what I recall. I can't remember the exact stats when Sarge collected his data.
It's so fucking stupid, isn't it? They keep pushing that retarded meme that incels are White supremacists when in reality most are shitskins sand niggers.
and also chinks.
Mods are retarded cucks for purging the based pedoposters, just to get chewed out by media jews anyway, and doxxed by the NYT due to the Sanctioned Suicide forum, rather than the glowy pedoposting. Jfl

Also, CCDH wrote this dossier (might be the the same or a part of what op posted) about the incelosphere a while back, they are worse cunts than the ADL and SPLC:

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Their own daughters support pedophilia. They take grown chad dick at the ripe age of 15 all the time.
The irony in that statement, when actual 11-12 years old are now fucking, while i as a 27 year old celibate man get to rot in my basement without ever knowing what intimacy or holding hands is.
The irony in that statement, when actual 11-12 years old are now fucking, while i as a 27 year old celibate man get to rot in my basement without ever knowing what intimacy or holding hands is.
A foid of 17 years, 11 months, 29 days and 23 hours according to normies: Le TiNnY LiTtLe cHiLdReNRiNo :soy:

This same foid, 1 hour later: I just signed up for facialAbuse dot com and 30 other extreme porn outlets. :foidSoy:

Normies: yassss queennnn :soy:
No one dare criticize m'Lady :soy:
Reading the article feels like biting through sawdust.
Nothing quite like being called a pedo by IT and other bluepillers just for sharing my memories of what was going on in my middle and high schools:feelsugh:.

View attachment 1056861
I clicked on the link you uploaded. There's this image. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Outside of .is: "Incels are all white:soy::soy:."

On .is: "Whites can't be incel:soy::soy:."

It's so fucking tiresome at this point:feelsugh::society::lasereyes:.
Nature knows best. 1st menstruation is a green light.
Sounds like a lie to me.Pedo's and cho mo's don't profile as incel at all that is just bad forensic profiling that no real FBI type criminal profiler would ever agree with.
This stupid article isn't worth the time it took to read
More than half of those posting on the world’s biggest ‘incel’ forum support sexualisation of children aged under 18, according to a new report.

The world’s largest incel forum changed its rules in March to explicitly permit the sexualisation of pubescent minors, i.e. girls aged 13 to 16.
Apparently they haven't heard about the concept of "freedom of speech" where you want to allow people to talk about things even if you think they are disgusting.
Forums included ‘women are designed to be raped’ and ‘rape is f*cking awesome’. Discussions of rape showed that 89% of forum users were supportive of sexual violence.
I bet with their "methodology" it was just counting the number of users participating in a discussion and not even referring to actual polls.
Pedo rhetoric is so tiring.

Most of your 14 year old daughters are getting dicked down They choose this. They want this.

Your society is broken shit, and it's your fault.
I don't support pedophilia. Just give me loving wife :fuk:
they call our basic god given biology “pedophillia” like I’ll understand if it’s an actual little kid like 5 but liking a 14 yo girl is literally biologically normal and the funny parts is a lot of these people who accuse people of being “pedo” would find an 14 yo attractive but when he knows her age he’ll say something like “she’s looks older” “I didn’t know she was 14” yade yada literally brainwashed you can’t just fall of a suden not be attracted when you hear a number it’s because of these 18+ yo 10 body count feminism parasites who made a law so where forced to be with them because young girls are illegal depending on the country of course Europe despite its problems with fucking immigrants everywhere takes men’s biology seriously because age of consent is 14-16 depending on country

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