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JFL JFL @ cucked Italian soyciety



Aug 9, 2018
I live in Italy and probably next week the centre-left govern coalition will approve in Parliament an extension of the law agains hate-related crimes that will include also omotransphobia and misoginy even online. I don't know if I will be able again to post here boyos :cryfeels:
Nah just get charged for it theory
Why is Italy falling for the globhomo propaganda?
Why is Italy falling for the globhomo propaganda?
Because its a de facto near eastern shithole where the second largest political faction are literal communists and the "men" are cucked moma, and in extension foid, worshippers.
Why is Italy falling for the globhomo propaganda?
Because all the Western soycieties are a fucking clown world now. Italy absorb every degeneracy arrived from USA since 1945
Because all the Western soycieties are a fucking clown world now. Italy absorb every degeneracy arrived from USA since 1945
I thought italy was better than this and still somewhat christian
I thought italy was better than this and still somewhat christian
Almost nobody is still Christian here among young people, however, since pope Francis is the head of Catholic faith, Catholicism became the most cucked religion in the world along with Wicca and similar stuff, since now it preach the sacralization of foids and even the acceptance of matriarchal pagan cults like Pachamama JFL
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Cucked gov: Misandry? You go kween! Misogyny? Straight to jail inkwell!!!
I heard there's a lot of incels in Italy, I remember coming across an all-Italian incels forum once, where they were discussing looksmaxing, etc.

Also I think there was a documentary about italian incels
I heard there's a lot of incels in Italy, I remember coming across an all-Italian incels forum once, where they were discussing looksmaxing, etc.

Also I think there was a documentary about italian incels
Yes, a couple of years ago the Italian public television made a "documentary" about Incels, but they obviously cherrypicked the most retarded or fakecel users of our community to interview. Indeed inceldom is very spreaded among young Italian males, we have a lot of facebook pages and groups about inceldom (even if a lot of them were infiltrated and corrupted by whores) and at least three forums: il forum dei brutti (full of fakecels and foids), il forum degli incel (where foids are allowed too) and brutti.red (the forum where I'm an admin and where are gathered almost all the early pioneers of the Italian blackpill/inceldom theorization; obvioulsy foids are not allowed there).
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Yes a couple of year ago the Italian public television made a "documentary" about Incels but they obviously cherrypicked the most retarded or fakecel users of our community to interview. Indeed inceldom is very spreaded among young Italian males, we have a lot of facebook pages and groups about inceldom (even if a lot of them were infiltrated and corrupted by whores) and at least three forums: il forum dei brutti (full of fakecels and foids), il forum degli incel (where foids are allowed too) and brutti.red (the forum where I'm an admin and where are gathered almost all the early pioneers of the Italian blackpill/inceldom theorization; obvioulsy foids are not allowed there).

Wow so you know a lot about this. Do you know where I can find this documentary? I've been searching for a while, all I remember from it was a guy crying and saying something like "looks are everything in life"

If you could estimate, how many actual incels are there in Italy? A few thousand or tens of thousands? I live in the UK and have met only one italian guy in my life, who is at my workplace. He is gigachad.
First up, you messed up the title.
[JFL] JFL @ cucked Italian spaghetticiety

Italy is fucked, all their best men died in WW2 and you ended up with men who happily paid a tax for being single breeding:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bachelor_tax#Italy (I plan on making a future post about this and simping)
What is left is men who would hug a chineseman, claim it's racist if you don't, while a fucking pandemic that came from china.

You're heading down the germany path.
Wow so you know a lot about this. Do you know where I can find this documentary? I've been searching for a while, all I remember from it was a guy crying and saying something like "looks are everything in life"

If you could estimate, how many actual incels are there in Italy? A few thousand or tens of thousands? I live in the UK and have met only one italian guy in my life, who is at my workplace. He is gigachad.
Here's the link but it has not English subtitles I think, plus it's quite short because it was only a report for a tv show about actuality called "Nemo":

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8JLvckJcb8

However I estimate that at least a 20-30% of Italian under30 males are incels imho. Unfortunately here foid are mass-worshipped by cucks even if they're ugly and fat, so here every ugly foid thinks she's "beautiful" and "special" due to all positive feedbacks she receives not only in tinder and instagram but also in real life when men with higher L than her approach her to fuck when they can't find anything better. You can see how this penalizes men with low L who are discriminated by their female looksmatchs who go only for normies or even Chads. I was told I'm too ugly even by 3/10 foids kek
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Here's the link but it has not English subtitles I think, plus it's quite short because it was only a report for a tv show about actuality called "Nemo":

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8JLvckJcb8

However I estimate that at least a 20-30% of Italian under30 males are incels imho. Unfortunately here foid are mass-worshipped by cucks even if they're ugly and fat, so here every ugly foid thinks she's "beautiful" and "special" due to all positive feedbacks she receive not only in tinder and instagram but also in real life when men with higher L than her approach her to fuck when they can't find anything better. You can see how this penalize men with low L who are discriminated by their female looksmatchs who go only for normies or even Chads. I was told I'm too ugly even by 3/10 foids kek

Thanks for finding it for me bro :feelsLSD:

So Italy is pretty much like the UK then, all foids even fat and ugly ones get worshipped to oblivion. Fuck this bullshit. I've seen with my own eyes 3/10 foids getting 10k followers on instagram and hundreds of comments and likes under each pic. These foids are supposed to be my looksmatch but they are getting dm's from chadlites every day
Thanks for finding it for me bro :feelsLSD:

So Italy is pretty much like the UK then, all foids even fat and ugly ones get worshipped to oblivion. Fuck this bullshit. I've seen with my own eyes 3/10 foids getting 10k followers on instagram and hundreds of comments and likes under each pic. These foids are supposed to be my looksmatch but they are getting dm's from chadlites every day
You're welcome boyo :feelsokman:
However I think all Western and Westernized (i.e. South Korea or Brazil) countries are all the same now, with feminism spreading everywhere and hypergamous foids mass-worshipped by men just because they have a hole between their legs JFL
White straight men are the only group not protected by hate speech laws in Sweden. I imagine Itsly can be worse if there are matriarchs in the families. Women with power tend to be misandric and evil.
Yes, a couple of years ago the Italian public television made a "documentary" about Incels, but they obviously cherrypicked the most retarded or fakecel users of our community to interview. Indeed inceldom is very spreaded among young Italian males, we have a lot of facebook pages and groups about inceldom (even if a lot of them were infiltrated and corrupted by whores) and at least three forums: il forum dei brutti (full of fakecels and foids), il forum degli incel (where foids are allowed too) and brutti.red (the forum where I'm an admin and where are gathered almost all the early pioneers of the Italian blackpill/inceldom theorization; obvioulsy foids are not allowed there).

Aren't Italy and Greece more similar to traditionalist than feminist countries? Gynocentrism tends to make a stronger foothold in more areas in traditionalist countries because every attempt to root it out are met with man up shaming tactics and the concept of a man needing to sacrifice himself for women is held in great regard.
Because its a de facto near eastern shithole where the second largest political faction are literal communists and the "men" are cucked moma, and in extension foid, worshippers.
same situation in turkey tbh
Be a bravecel and martyrmaxx! Increase posting rate and hatefulness daily until they strike you down.
I heard there's a lot of incels in Italy, I remember coming across an all-Italian incels forum once, where they were discussing looksmaxing, etc.

Also I think there was a documentary about italian incels

Damn can you link the italian incel doc? I want to see this. Genuinely curious.

Didn't realize Italy was going through this. I would love to learn more.
Nobody is talking about how crazy the idea of misoginy as a hate crime is. You can go to jail for literally saying anything remotely negative to a foid.
Why is Italy falling for the globhomo propaganda?
Yeah, Italy? Isn't that country somewhat based and non-cucked(by Anglo-German-European standards).
I can’t speak as a native Italian, but from my experiences in Italy the high T south is cucked by the soy north. I went from Alps to heel on a trip with some schoolmates and the north was pretty similar to most of Western Europe, but the second we went south of Napoli the girls in my group were literally being shouted down and groped in the streets.
Aren't Italy and Greece more similar to traditionalist than feminist countries? Gynocentrism tends to make a stronger foothold in more areas in traditionalist countries because every attempt to root it out are met with man up shaming tactics and the concept of a man needing to sacrifice himself for women is held in great regard.
Indeed the problem is that when feminism and (((sexual liberation))) arrived there in a massive way, they mixed themselves with the sacralization of foids proper of Catholicism (Virgin Mary etc.) and the idea of "angelic women" that charaterizes our culture at least since Dante and Petrarca. So here foids can do wathever they want because they're "free" and "emancipated", and male cucks always defemd them because "women are sacred!1!1". Let's say also that since pope Francis become head of Catholic Church, Catholicism became even more cucked and gynocentric so even Catholics are now absolutely cucked, pro-feminism etcetera.
Damn can you link the italian incel doc? I want to see this. Genuinely curious.
I listed the documentary in a post above here
I can’t speak as a native Italian, but from my experiences in Italy the high T south is cucked by the soy north. I went from Alps to heel on a trip with some schoolmates and the north was pretty similar to most of Western Europe, but the second we went south of Napoli the girls in my group were literally being shouted down and groped in the streets.
Indeed I'm from Southern Italy and here the situation is even worse due to men who would fuck even a 1/10 foid to empty their balls.
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Damn can you link the italian incel doc? I want to see this. Genuinely curious.

Didn't realize Italy was going through this. I would love to learn more.

Post #11 and #14 in this thread has the video and the explanation behind it. There are lots of incels in italy and they have their own forums
Post #11 and #14 in this thread has the video and the explanation behind it. There are lots of incels in italy and they have their own forums

Wow. that was eye-opening to say the least. I always thought Italians had swag. The amount of high end fashion and genetic superiority they have, along with the tanner (but not darker) skin complexions make the pale American foids wet their panties as a result.
Thanks for finding it for me bro :feelsLSD:

So Italy is pretty much like the UK then, all foids even fat and ugly ones get worshipped to oblivion. Fuck this bullshit. I've seen with my own eyes 3/10 foids getting 10k followers on instagram and hundreds of comments and likes under each pic. These foids are supposed to be my looksmatch but they are getting dm's from chadlites every day
One of the reasons i deleted all of my fucking social media long ago
Wow. that was eye-opening to say the least. I always thought Italians had swag. The amount of high end fashion and genetic superiority they have, along with the tanner (but not darker) skin complexions make the pale American foids wet their panties as a result.
Well, only some Italians who are basical Western mediterranean or Atlanto-mediterranean have this "genetic superiority", because a lot of us have Dinaric or Alpinid traits that made us not so good-looking. I for example have a big ugly Dinaric nose and a round Alpinid face with no strong jaw, so I'm basically ugly as fuck :feelsbadman:
Well, only some Italians who are basical Western mediterranean or Atlanto-mediterranean have this "genetic superiority", because a lot of us have Dinaric or Alpinid traits that made us not so good-looking. I for example have a big ugly Dinaric nose and a round Alpinid face with no strong jaw, so I'm basically ugly as fuck :feelsbadman:

damn im sorry brocel.

At least you mog me though. I'm a ricecel and I know italians do anything to make us feel inferior in Italy so there's that.
damn im sorry brocel.

At least you mog me though. I'm a ricecel and I know italians do anything to make us feel inferior in Italy so there's that.

Thank you boyo, however the good thing for ricecels in Italy is that here Asian immigrants generally live in almost closed communities so ricecels can still have an Asian waifu while Italiancels can hardly date them, even if maybe this is changing among younger generations. However that's a very different situation than USA where noodlewhores go only for white Chads.
brutal shit this is happening everywhere
Thank you boyo, however the good thing for ricecels in Italy is that here Asian immigrants generally live in almost closed communities so ricecels can still have an Asian waifu while Italiancels can hardly date them, even if maybe this is changing among younger generations. However that's a very different situation than USA where noodlewhores go only for white Chads.

Ah wasn't aware of this one, though I can't imagine what would happen in these communities were opened and these noodlewhores realize what they have been missing out on. Fuck I don't want to know. Especially in places like Milan and Turin from what I have heard.

But yes USA it's a complete shitshow for us ricecels. Nothing available for us except rope to kill ourselves with.
I really hope it doesn’t happen in USA. This is one of the best copes I have in my life
the goal of the marxists is censorship/ brainwashing.

universitys are the re education camps for these commies.

never vote for radical left shit, i say radical left because the modern left doesnt even represent liberals.

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