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They think we want a 9 year old even though I’ve never seen someone here say that.

If the 9 year old has developed enough, then she can be married. What matters is biology not arbitrary earth spins.

also, to the IT cucks who think he beat or tortured or raped her, he didn’t.

Of course he didn't, and that's WHY they hate him. They hate him because he was a good man who was trustworthy enough to marry a girl so young yet still treat her well. They hate him because it shatters their pseudo-scientific delusions of sex within marriage to young girls harms them. They would sooner be happier if he had rape-murdered her rather than be in a stable marriage.

Many marriages aren’t consummated until much later and several years after Charlie died, Eunice still had positive memories of him and loved him and missed him according to someone who visited her and in their area, people were very poor and this marriage was acceptable in their tiny area despite being disapproved of by most Americans, so you can’t really condemn Charlie, I mean Edgar Allan Poe married a 13 year old.

This couple is unironically a God send, because it shows what I've always said. That pubescent females aren't harmed when married young. That marrying a girl young makes her more loyal to you. That she will remember her husband far far more fondly since she will have spent her most vulnerable, impressionable years being raised by her husband. Of course, I'm not saying every girl should be married young, as it varies from person to person, but if she's hit puberty, and there is a good man to marry, nothing wrong with going through with it. The moral faggotry outcry from Amerimutts has no logical basis and is simply feminist hysteria.

Most of those pussies wouldn't do anything.
There are people talking about digging his corpse up and kicking it, as well as the ways they would kill him if they ever touched their daughter/sister, and we're the psychopaths.

He LEGALLY married her and lived a healthy and great life with many kids, and they're making HIM out to be the bad guy. Nevermind that the girl ACCEPTED the marriage and stayed with him till they both died. But man bad right?

JFL. This guy had the perfect loli dream 80 years ago, and these normies are still seething over it.

After a female has had her first period she's no longer a baby. I don't care what anyone says honestly.

His wife would despise the way these ITcels are talking of her husband. Even looking at the pics of them, it's beyond obvious she's in love with this chad Loli Hunter.

The funniest thing is how these fags will blather about science in sheeeit until science tells them young girls can be bred once they enter puberty.
Most of those pussies wouldn't do anything.
Exactly. These people who say “i’D kILL HiM” are so desperate to look badass
That's pretty sick though. 9 year olds are actual children...prepubescent and all. I wouldn't want anyone younger than 16. Maybe 14 at the very youngest if they were well developed.
Girls can start puberty as young as 6, depending on time, race, and enviroment, so it's plausible that a girl at 9 would be a healthily-developed pubescent. Even now, it's noted girls are starting puberty earlier, around 6-7.
If the 9 year old has developed enough, then she can be married. What matters is biology not arbitrary earth spins.

Of course he didn't, and that's WHY they hate him. They hate him because he was a good man who was trustworthy enough to marry a girl so young yet still treat her well. They hate him because it shatters their pseudo-scientific delusions of sex within marriage to young girls harms them. They would sooner be happier if he had rape-murdered her rather than be in a stable marriage.

This couple is unironically a God send, because it shows what I've always said. That pubescent females aren't harmed when married young. That marrying a girl young makes her more loyal to you. That she will remember her husband far far more fondly since she will have spent her most vulnerable, impressionable years being raised by her husband. Of course, I'm not saying every girl should be married young, as it varies from person to person, but if she's hit puberty, and there is a good man to marry, nothing wrong with going through with it. The moral faggotry outcry from Amerimutts has no logical basis and is simply feminist hysteria.

And although the pedo hysteria began in the late 1800s, age gaps between legal adults were still accepted until the 1970s. Then suddenly it’s frowned on. Now we live in a world where one night stands with various chads, drag queens reading to toddlers, etc is good but a healthy stable marriage between a 21 year old and a 16 year old is seen as bad
She was. According to a forum, someone said they visited her years after Charlie died and she had happy memories of him and still loved him. IT just assume she was “traumatized”

I think the pedo hysteria will end in a few decades with the NOMAPs around. IT will rope if they see the future

Loyal wife who isn't a whore = Traumatized
And although the pedo hysteria began in the late 1800s, age gaps between legal adults were still accepted until the 1970s. Then suddenly it’s frowned on. Now we live in a world where one night stands with various chads, drag queens reading to toddlers, etc is good but a healthy stable marriage between a 21 year old and a 16 year old is seen as bad
It's just part of the agenda to destroy society. The longer you keep women away from marriage, the higher a chance they will become whores. And the more whores you have, the worse families become. And the worse families become, the easier your community falls.

Maybe in the past a women could remain chaste for years and years, given the norms and morals, but in a hypersexual society like this, one could even argue its MORE important now then ever before to marry girls young.
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Loyal wife who isn't a whore = Traumatized
Most of the trauma is from society’s disapproval of the age difference, it has nothing to do with the age gap itself
Most of the trauma is from society’s disapproval of the age difference, it has nothing to do with the age gap itself
Women are impressionable to how society perceives them, so I can definitely see how social disapproval would make them hate age gaps even if they in reality desire a foxy grandpa.
Women are impressionable to how society perceives them, so I can definitely see how social disapproval would make them hate age gaps even if they in reality desire a foxy grandpa.
My grandma was 19 and my grandpa was 32 when they married in 1949, they lived happily ever after. That age gap was more accepted back then. Nowadays, she probably would’ve been “traumatized” and tweeted on twitter about how she was “groomed”.
My grandma was 19 and my grandpa was 32 when they married in 1949, they lived happily ever after. That age gap was more accepted back then. Nowadays, she probably would’ve been “traumatized” and tweeted on twitter about how she was “groomed”.
lol I have a cousin who is 20 and married a man in his earlier 30s. She's even taller than him
lol I have a cousin who is 20 and married a man in his earlier 30s. She's even taller than him
That marriage is more natural than homosexuality

change my mind
If even a child bride can work, let alone a teen one. Sexuality is made to be used within marriage, if you're sexually developed and already have a libido, that means you can and should marry. There's no "But they have to experiment" bullshit, experiment with the husband.

"B-b-but the brain is not fully developed" argument doesn't work either because a boy her age can also impregnate and transmit diseases to her, it makes no difference how old the penis is. No one says "the brain isn't fully developed" when teaching basic math to a kid, because we know even a kid can comprehend certain stuff. A teen certainly can comprehend what sex is.
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If even a child bride can work, let alone a teen one. Sexuality is made to be used within marriage, if you're sexual developed and already have a libido, that means you can and should marry. There's no "But they have to experiment" bullshit, experiment with the husband.

"B-b-but the brain is not fully developed" argument doesn't work either because a boy her age can also impregnate and transmit diseases to her, it makes no difference how old the penis is. No one says "the brain isn't fully developed" when teaching basic math to a kid, because we know even a kid can comprehend certain stuff. A teen certainly can comprehend what sex is.
Teenage brain is a myth anyway. Look up the case against adolescence

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