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Blackpill Jews are the most barbaric people on earth. Muslims the least.



Alcoholic, Porn addict
Feb 12, 2022
There is a research on Gallup on people's view on violence and it's extremely interesting because it basically proves that

  1. Muslims are the least barbaric people. The least likely to approve of the murdering of civilians.
  2. Countries ruled by Jews are the most barbaric and believe that mass murdering civilians is entirely justified


Israel and the USA have the most barbaric people on earth because they believe murder on innocents is justified, while generally Muslims do not believe the murder of civilians is justified. This is very interesting because the Jewish media constantly tells us that Muslims are evil terrorists who are violent and want to kill people, while the opposite is true.
jews hate muslims. any retard that thinks jews are working to import muslims in europe is just making shit up to feel like hes the victim of this complex issue. nah man jews are on your side
Two things can be true at once @blackpillednigga but it’s rather that there arab/Berbers rather than them being Muslim as a whole.
There is a research on Gallup on people's view on violence and it's extremely interesting because it basically proves that

  1. Muslims are the least barbaric people. The least likely to approve of the murdering of civilians.
  2. Countries ruled by Jews are the most barbaric and believe that mass murdering civilians is entirely justified

View attachment 1100951View attachment 1100952

Israel and the USA have the most barbaric people on earth because they believe murder on innocents is justified, while generally Muslims do not believe the murder of civilians is justified. This is very interesting because the Jewish media constantly tells us that Muslims are evil terrorists who are violent and want to kill people, while the opposite is true.
Based. It’s just a fact. Dumbshit Americans and kikes invade their countries and cry when the “barbaric” Muslims dare fight back. Like what did you think was going to happen retard. “I have ptsd. The Muslims killed my friends.” Maybe if you stayed in your country instead of fighting for Israel that wouldn’t have happened fucking dumbass.
depends from where the muslim is, maybe it's true for countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Indonesia but in Central Asia and Caucasus they're more violent.
jews hate muslims. any retard that thinks jews are working to import muslims in europe is just making shit up to feel like hes the victim of this complex issue. nah man jews are on your side
People will vote for Geert Wilders (who is literally married to an Israeli Jew and gets hundreds of thousands from the Israeli lobby) and then think they voted against the ZOG order. This is what the average retarded white supremacist is like.
Two things can be true at once @blackpillednigga but it’s rather that there arab/Berbers rather than them being Muslim as a whole.
Arab Berbers were imported as migrant workers and overstayed their visa and don't forget the colonization of North-Africa.
Europe brought it upon itself.
Just because sandniggers want to kill each other the least doesn't mean they're the least barbaric. They still want to cut other races heads off for not being Pisslam copers.
Just because sandniggers want to kill each other the least doesn't mean they're the least barbaric. They still want to cut other races heads off for not being Pisslam copers.
Congratulations on consooming decades of American & Israeli propaganda. Don't forget to watch the next hollywood war movie.
Congratulations on consooming decades of American & Israeli propaganda. Don't forget to watch the next hollywood war movie.
Islam itself is Jewish propaganda, so it doesn't prove me wrong.
jews hate muslims. any retard that thinks jews are working to import muslims in europe is just making shit up to feel like hes the victim of this complex issue. nah man jews are on your side
If you look up the chief proponents of immigration they're all jews. Also survey words and actions are two different things, muslims have targeted concerts where the crowd was mostly children.
I'm ex-Muslim. I know Islam is retarded, but you're even more retarded.
Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims)
If you look up the chief proponents of immigration they're all jews. Also survey words and actions are two different things, muslims have targeted concerts where the crowd was mostly children.
Many "Islamic" terrorists are literally Mossad agents that do something crazy to make Muslims look bad and change public opinion in the world of Muslims to further justify American & Israeli war crimes. Benjamin Netanyahu literally invented Islamic terrorism, he was the first one to mention that shit ever. These terrorist tactics are something the zionist movement used on the Arabs and the British to establish a Jewish state.
Terrorists exists. Muslims peaceful? Dont make me laugh :feelsPop:
Muslims are low iq, they don't have high enough positions in power to make real radical change (but have a huge population) unlike the Jews, that's why the jews are the main target for natsocCels because they've been a threat to westen society since the start of time
Pakis, Algerian and Moroccan seen to be violent
dnr+ don’t care
Pakis, Algerian and Moroccan seen to be violent
tbf gulf fucks in here are too weak to do shit,but the pakis,afghans,algerians etc. these people are brainwashed terrorist shitheads
Many "Islamic" terrorists are literally Mossad agents that do something crazy to make Muslims look bad and change public opinion in the world of Muslims to further justify American & Israeli war crimes. Benjamin Netanyahu literally invented Islamic terrorism, he was the first one to mention that shit ever. These terrorist tactics are something the zionist movement used on the Arabs and the British to establish a Jewish state.
one word: you didnt read the quran retard
one word: you didnt read the quran retard
I've read the entire Qur'an and in fact memorized a quarter of it. But it does not surprise me that most users on here are no different from Redditors who believe the mass media.
I've read the entire Qur'an and in fact memorized a quarter of it. But it does not surprise me that most users on here are no different from Redditors who believe the mass media.
you are sunni then,they would memorize it though (in ramadan mostly),and just so you know im a saudi(christcel) who live through wahabi fundamentalist rule to this fucking day,and if you think that shit is disneyland then you got another thing coming,beside i can agree that gulf fucks are weak but the ideology attract afghanis pakis and some syrians who are ready to use the contents of the quran and the sharia law's core principles to cause havoc,but you see thats within the umbrella of sunnis (which sect within it cuz ik some are chilling) specifically.

so in conclusion,islam is a worthless piece of shit cult created by muhammad who got an encounter with satan (just like joseph smith) whos an ishmaelite like myself (no prophet can come from ishmael according to the torah),and the way sunnis interpret it(most of them) can be used to terrorize other nations which happened way too many times that you cant even count them so your point is fucking false,the root of the cult is demonic from the begining.
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you are sunni then,they would memorize it though (in ramadan mostly),and just so you know im a saudi(christcel) who live through wahabi fundamentalist rule to this fucking day,and if you think that shit is disneyland then you got another thing coming,beside i can agree that gulf fucks are weak but the ideology attract afghanis pakis and some syrians who are ready to use the contents of the quran and the sharia law's core principles to cause havoc,but you see thats within the umbrella of sunnis specifically.
I'm ex-Muslim.
jews hate muslims. any retard that thinks jews are working to import muslims in europe is just making shit up to feel like hes the victim of this complex issue. nah man jews are on your side
I'm ex-Muslim.
im an ex muslim born again believer (protestant and i dont like apostolic churches,catholics and orthodox retards invent practices that arent found in the scriptures) first of all,which country? cuz the fact that you cant recognize that islam can be used for terror is low iq just like christians who pretend the crusades werent that bad (btw, muslims were even worse then them at that point in time)
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This study is based on anecdote experience or actual ground reality of world :feelsclown:
first of all,which country? cuz the fact that you cant recognize that islam can be used for terror is low iq just like christians who pretend the crusades werent that bad (btw, muslims were even worse then them at that point in time)
Moroccan. Anyone who believes these terror attacks are not very often orchestrated by the Mossad is genuinely retarded. There were 3 Islamist terrorist attacks in 2023, 2 of them happened right after October 7th in Western Europe with the obvious goal of turning public opinion against Muslims so that Israel can quietly further commit genocide.
This study is based on anecdote experience or actual ground reality of world :feelsclown:
The following two survey items, asked worldwide, provide the basis of Gallup's analysis of public attitudes about deliberate attacks on civilian targets. Throughout the report, Gallup refers to the "sometimes justified" response as "public tolerance" and "public acceptance."

"Residents of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states are slightly less likely than residents of non-member states to view military attacks on civilians as sometimes justified"
The question is flawed.

Both Jews and Muslims (in general) tend to be savages.

Muslims believe all infidels (kuffar) are not innocent. Because there's conscription in Israel, in the words of palenstine, there's not civilians in Israel.

Likely they interpreted "civilians" as other Muslims, that's all.

That said, TKD. I have no issues with Muslims if they stick to their own.
depends from where the muslim is, maybe it's true for countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Indonesia but in Central Asia and Caucasus they're more violent.
I guess this depends on ethnicity. Persians were always culturally developed.
While less developed Muslim nations could act like barbarians.
The question is flawed.

Both Jews and Muslims (in general) tend to be savages.

Muslims believe all infidels (kuffar) are not innocent. Because there's conscription in Israel, in the words of palenstine, there's not civilians in Israel.

That said, TKD. I have no issues with Muslims if they stick to their own.
In what way is it flawed? It measures, specifically, the people's tolerance on killing innocent civilians.

While only 3% of Egyptians believe it is justified in certain cases, 48% of Israelis believe killing innocent civilians is sometimes justified.
Arab Berbers were imported as migrant workers and overstayed their visa and don't forget the colonization of North-Africa.
Europe brought it upon itself.
Europeans conquered North Africa because these places were hotbed of pirates.
Moroccan. Anyone who believes these terror attacks are not very often orchestrated by the Mossad is genuinely retarded. There were 3 Islamist terrorist attacks in 2023, 2 of them happened right after October 7th in Western Europe with the obvious goal of turning public opinion against Muslims so that Israel can quietly further commit genocide.
jfl,idc if israel wipe out all of gaza (they will),i dont even like palestine mbs doesnt even like them either

real history lesson: britain won the land,turk dont own it,jews dont own it,nor do the ungrateful cucked palestinians, britain gave it to jews and thats it, jews got recognized and they have nukes on their side,what you are gonna do about it?

palestine never owned a fucking country of their own and they wont (beside a small state that will fall quickly in less then a decade after the signing of two state solution cuz they are blinded by revenge so they always reject peace and end up electing losers who follow the muslim brotherhood ideology)
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Europeans conquered North Africa because these places were hotbed of pirates.
Yes bro, that's definitely the reason and also the reason why they conquered literally every other inch of Africa and the world :feelskek:
Mongoloids are more savage than Jews and Muslims when you get on their bad side, they're tame in times of peace but wouldn't mind slicing and reducing half the population to a mountain of skulls if you get in their way
Mongoloids are more savage than Jews and Muslims when you get on their bad side, they're tame in times of peace but wouldn't mind slicing and reducing half the population to a mountain of skulls if you get in their way
Probably true.
Most atheist muslim
Mongoloids are more savage than Jews and Muslims when you get on their bad side, they're tame in times of peace but wouldn't mind slicing and reducing half the population to a mountain of skulls if you get in their way
Yeah, we were the most savage. We were the mongols and the Japanese. Also, the cruelest elements of Soviet army were mongol/Siberian units.

The difference is that we can turn into a civilization mode when time calls for it; Japan's clean streets and polite culture are a example.

Negroids have evolved (if you call it that) independently from the rest of us, thus they can't turn off their savage model. Anything they run turns into Haiti and Somalia.
Both are degenerate scum that deserve to be exterminated in video game
Yeah, we were the most savage. We were the mongols and the Japanese. Also, the cruelest elements of Soviet army were mongol/Siberian units.

The difference is that we can turn into a civilization mode when time calls for it; Japan's clean streets and polite culture are a example.

Negroids have evolved (if you call it that) independently from the rest of us, thus they can't turn off their savage model. Anything they run turns into Haiti and Somalia.
Yes that's because they're efficient as a group (instinct control) and have a gene which makes them apathetic to emotional situations, this combination explains why they are extremely savage during war times but also efficient during times of peace. Mongoloids will be peaceful if their leader tells them to, they're the most efficient in terms of production (China world manufacturing hub, Japan producing the most reliable automobiles, fast and reliable work in most important sectors etc) and the same applies in times of war, they will be the most efficient as they are naturally plus they will be able to slaughter much more people in cold blood because they lack the gene for empathy.

Negroids on the other hand aren't effective as a group because of their inability to control their instincts, this makes many of them violent on an individual level but a non-existent threat as a large group. Also explains the lack of civilisation under their names.
Many "Islamic" terrorists are literally Mossad agents that do something crazy to make Muslims look bad and change public opinion in the world of Muslims to further justify American & Israeli war crimes. Benjamin Netanyahu literally invented Islamic terrorism, he was the first one to mention that shit ever. These terrorist tactics are something the zionist movement used on the Arabs and the British to establish a Jewish state.
Stfu you retard. You are not a ex muzzie. You are closed undercover muslim, that's why you are running away from the accountability of islamic terrorism from islam and blame it on Jews. Islamic terrorism are the byproducts of Islam. Islam literally teaches to destroy all cultures and faith and forcibly to be submits to Allah. You are islam supporting cuck
Stfu you retard. You are not a ex muzzie. You are closed undercover muslim, that's why you are running away from the accountability of islamic terrorism from islam and blame it on Jews. Islamic terrorism are the byproducts of Islam. Islam literally teaches to destroy all cultures and faith and forcibly to be submits to Allah. You are islam supporting cuck
Stfu you retard. You are not a ex muzzie. You are closed undercover muslim, that's why you are running away from the accountability of islamic terrorism from islam and blame it on Jews. Islamic terrorism are the byproducts of Islam. Islam literally teaches to destroy all cultures and faith and forcibly to be submits to Allah. You are islam supporting cuck
Watch this you will enjoy

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP4vNVEquQo
Because the US (and Israel through the US) has far more access to bombs and fighter jets.

Muslim and most other countries wage wars (usually civil wars - the US and it's bitch-baby Israel does wars against others) by ground where civilian damage will be less.
Stfu you retard. You are not a ex muzzie. You are closed undercover muslim, that's why you are running away from the accountability of islamic terrorism from islam and blame it on Jews. Islamic terrorism are the byproducts of Islam. Islam literally teaches to destroy all cultures and faith and forcibly to be submits to Allah. You are islam supporting cuck
I am ex-Muslim, however I am not brain-dead and this allows me to form my own thoughts and opinions. This might seem like an impossible task for you because you're an NPC.
I am ex-Muslim, however I am not brain-dead and this allows me to form my own thoughts and opinions. This might seem like an impossible task for you because you're an NPC.
I am also ex Muslim and I understand the Islam better than you. I know the Islam's barbaric hatred towards others faith, culture
I am also ex Muslim and I understand the Islam better than you. I know the Islam's barbaric hatred towards others faith, culture
So you describe barbarism as the lack of tolerance of other cultures? I don't even need to explain why you're low IQ.
dont like 20% of mudslims support ISIS according to some pew research poll

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