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Jesus is not the true Messiah because he didn't fulfill the prophecy



Blackpill Philosopher
May 10, 2023
Jews rejected Jesus as the true Messiah because he did not
1) rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
2) bring world peace, no more wars, everyone is United
3) end all diseases and suffering
4) destroy all enemies of the Jews
5) return all Jews to the homeland
6) convince all people to observe the Torah
And lastly, he wasn't born from 2 parents. The true Messiah is expected to be born from a mother and father.
Jesus failed to meet these requirements, therefore he isn't the son of God, he was lying.
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There are two Mashiach's ,Messiah ben Yoseif and Messiah ben David
Messiah ben Yoseif or Joseph is the suffering servant and he is the first coming of Jesus of Nazereth when Jesus died for the sins of humanity
Jesus 1 coming or Messiah ben Yosef was born of two parents (yes his mother was a virgin) but he was born of two parents and his father was Joseph making him Messiah ben Joesph.
He did bring the Truth of Torah to all men but BTW in orthodox Judaism gentiles do not need to keep the full Torah only the 7 laws of Noah.It is consistent with Judaism for the letters of Paul to have excused gentiles from the ritual purity laws.Jesus brought the important parts of the Torah to the the whole world and mono theism in general.

The Jews are in vast numbers now since 1948 returning to the homeland.
The other tenants of Messiahship you bring up will be manifest in Mashiach ben David which is the second coming of Jesus and swords will turn to plowshares and lions will eat grass.There will be an end to disease and suffering and all those who oppose Israel will be destroyed and there will be a 1000 year rule of Jesus before the final coming of the eternal New Yerushalayim.
There are two Mashiach's ,Messiah ben Yoseif and Messiah ben David
Messiah ben Yoseif or Joseph is the suffering servant and he is the first coming of Jesus of Nazereth when Jesus died for the sins of humanity
Jesus 1 coming or Messiah ben Yosef was born of two parents (yes his mother was a virgin) but he was born of two parents and his father was Joseph making him Messiah ben Joesph.
He did bring the Truth of Torah to all men but BTW in orthodox Judaism gentiles do not need to keep the full Torah only the 7 laws of Noah.It is consistent with Judaism for the letters of Paul to have excused gentiles from the ritual purity laws.Jesus brought the important parts of the Torah to the the whole world and mono theism in general.

The Jews are in vast numbers now since 1948 returning to the homeland.
The other tenants of Messiahship you bring up will be manifest in Mashiach ben David which is the second coming of Jesus and swords will turn to plowshares and lions will eat grass.There will be an end to disease and suffering and all those who oppose Israel will be destroyed and there will be a 1000 year rule of Jesus before the final coming of the eternal New Yerushalayim.
Very intEResting
who cares what jews accepted

'oh no he can't be our messiah without enthusiastic consent!!' :soy:
2) bring world peace, no more wars, everyone is United
If it takes genocide to obtain world peace, then its worthless
the prophecies also include him being killed
Daniel 9:25-28

and that same 'pierced' messiah being seen again by his enemies - the second coming
Zechariah 12:10

It didnt say all of those events would happen all at once
The true Messiah is expected to be born from a mother and father.
Jesus failed to meet these requirements, therefore he isn't the son of God, he was lying.
Joseph of nazareth and The father
the prophecies also include him being killed
Daniel 9:25-28

and that same 'pierced' messiah being seen again by his enemies - the second coming
Zechariah 12:10

It didnt say all of those events would happen all at once

Joseph of nazareth and The father
But isn't there going to be the final Messiah who fulfills all requirements?
Jews rejected Jesus as the true Messiah because he did not
1) rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
2) bring world peace, no more wars, everyone is United
3) end all diseases and suffering
4) destroy all enemies of the Jews
5) return all Jews to the homeland
6) convince all people to observe the Torah
And lastly, he wasn't born from 2 parents. The true Messiah is expected to be born from a mother and father.
Jesus failed to meet these requirements, therefore he isn't the son of God, he was lying.
Is this why the Jews killed Jesus? Jesus is the messiah for Gentiles not for Jews. Jews didn't accept Gentles, but Jesus did. And now I'm Jew-circumcised thousand of years later and not even a jew
Jews thought Jesus was supposed to make them masters over the Goyim slaves, instead he will send them all to hell.
Jews rejected Jesus as the true Messiah because he did not
1) rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
2) bring world peace, no more wars, everyone is United
3) end all diseases and suffering
4) destroy all enemies of the Jews
5) return all Jews to the homeland
6) convince all people to observe the Torah
And lastly, he wasn't born from 2 parents. The true Messiah is expected to be born from a mother and father.
Jesus failed to meet these requirements, therefore he isn't the son of God, he was lying.
Jesus was crazy, there was something wrong with his head: Forgiving his enemies, turning the other cheek to a blow, he literally defended the whore when the crowd threw stones at her. This is not a damn normal mindset for the Middle East in the 1st century AD.
Jesus was crazy, there was something wrong with his head: Forgiving his enemies, turning the other cheek to a blow, he literally defended the whore when the crowd threw stones at her. This is not a damn normal mindset for the Middle East in the 1st century AD.
If you read the gnostic texts he also heavily simped for Mary Magdalene.
If you read the gnostic texts he also heavily simped for Mary Magdalene.
All I know is that there is a theory that he was born from his mother's affair with some Roman legionary who was sent there to serve.
But isn't there going to be the final Messiah who fulfills all requirements?
Yes that is the return of Jesus when final justice and peace comes forever.Let me explain why prophecy in Tanakh does not clearly give away the plan for salvation.So satan and wicked do noy know about it.Satan thought when Yeshua came that he was there to rule forever as is common in Jewish thought on messiah.So satan thought if he put Jesus to death then he would win and satan thought he had won when Jesus died.But when Jesus rose from the dead on the third day then satan knew God had tricked him and satan then knew he was defeated.
If OT prophecy had given away so bluntly that Jesus would die for humanity then the Priests and scribes and Sanheidrin would never have accused him.Pilate would have never signed the death warrant and Rome would never have killed him.The plan for salvation had to be a secret!
This is why most Messianic prophecy in Tanakh deals mostly with the second coming.
Is this why the Jews killed Jesus? Jesus is the messiah for Gentiles not for Jews. Jews didn't accept Gentles, but Jesus did. And now I'm Jew-circumcised thousand of years later and not even a jew
It is not fully true all Jews rejected Jesus ,actually until Pauls conversion the entire Christian church at that time was Jewish.Christians worshiped in Synagogues until the second century when Judaism and Christianity fully parted ways.Not all Jews hated Jesus and likely until maybe 65 0r 70 ce all Christians were Jewish!
Messiah (Meshech) is an Iberian tribe.

IMG 4375
IMG 5688

Hebrew daughter

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/0rGuS8hBIZU?si=L9iZ8o8XR8C0h3C6

All I know is that there is a theory that he was born from his mother's affair with some Roman legionary who was sent there to serve.
Yeah I remember reading that as well.

Joseph got cucked and believed his wife was a pregnant virgin. Pathetic.
Yes that is the return of Jesus when final justice and peace comes forever.Let me explain why prophecy in Tanakh does not clearly give away the plan for salvation.So satan and wicked do noy know about it.
Well, now they'll know since you told them.

Although tbf the Christian theology of 'salvation' is so convoluted and ridiculous that even God wouldn't understand what he was doing.
Well, now they'll know since you told them.

Although tbf the Christian theology of 'salvation' is so convoluted and ridiculous that even God wouldn't understand what he was doing.
I hope you reconsider Jesus ! When all the things of this world have passed away there is only one hope for life and no one will ever see the Father accept through the Son!
I hope you reconsider Jesus ! When all the things of this world have passed away there is only one hope for life and no one will ever see the Father accept through the Son!
Even if God was real, he is evil for sending non believers to hell. If someone grew up as a Buddhist, they have never been exposed to Christianity, and when they die, they go hell for not being Christian. Why is God sending people to hell for things that are out of their control?
Even if God was real, he is evil for sending non believers to hell. If someone grew up as a Buddhist, they have never been exposed to Christianity, and when they die, they go hell for not being Christian. Why is God sending people to hell for things that are out of their control?
There are reports of people with no exposure to the Bible or the Gospel having visions of Jesus and being saved!
why do u post like a literal bot
My posts are very passionate ,yes organized because I'm an autist ,still very passionate .I don't know where you get bot from.Yes sometimes I'm overly to the point ,I'm an idiot ,what do you expect right LOL
just be schizo theory
It's true actually not a delusional theory but many people have seen these visions.I saw a video of an Iranian terrorist in prison in Iran ,this was long before this conflict.In his cell he saw a vision of Jesus speaking Farci to him and he was born again then!
Not all Jews hated Jesus and likely until maybe 65 0r 70 ce all Christians were Jewish!
They killed Jesus and didn't lose sleep over it because they didn't hate him. Just thought he was a normie. In fact his cousin John the Baptist had a following and they were probably considered equals
But isn't there going to be the final Messiah who fulfills all requirements?
Jesus was crazy, there was something wrong with his head: Forgiving his enemies, turning the other cheek to a blow, he literally defended the whore when the crowd threw stones at her. This is not a damn normal mindset for the Middle East in the 1st century AD.
Jesus also performed miracles like turning stones into bread and healing blind people, but I wonder if the Bible lied about Jesus having super powers
They killed Jesus and didn't lose sleep over it because they didn't hate him. Just thought he was a normie. In fact his cousin John the Baptist had a following and they were probably considered equals
Many Jews did hate Jesus but others followed him.
Jesus also performed miracles like turning stones into bread and healing blind people, but I wonder if the Bible lied about Jesus having super powers
The Holy spirit today still performs miracles
Jesus also performed miracles like turning stones into bread and healing blind people, but I wonder if the Bible lied about Jesus having super powers
Christianity is a fantasy that the Jews slipped to the Goyim in order to mentally enslave them.
Even if God was real, he is evil for sending non believers to hell. If someone grew up as a Buddhist, they have never been exposed to Christianity, and when they die, they go hell for not being Christian. Why is God sending people to hell for things that are out of their control?
Ironic, when Buddhism and new testament Christianity share the same beliefs when it partains, to the denial of self i.e taking up the cross.
Don't care about what Jews have to think
Did Jesus ever heal the ugly? No. Instead He healed the blind so they can find out they were with an ugly af partner
That is an interesting question and you are right the Gospels do not address physical appearance very much or at all.
I would point out if one thing can be healed why could not another.Or at least to be more attractive in the next life ,I hope to look better myself in the life to come>
Why cant God save us from inceldom?
He can but you must begin a relationship with God by being born again and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.Then you can strart praying in the name of Jesus (because the throne of the Father is to high to hear human prayers so the Messiah must hear them first) then life improvement can start.
He can but you must begin a relationship with God by being born again and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.Then you can strart praying in the name of Jesus (because the throne of the Father is to high to hear human prayers so the Messiah must hear them first) then life improvement can start.
I already did that. I was baptized by the Catholic Church. After years and years of praying, nothing happened. All religions are made up by ancient people. If someone thousands of years ago said in a book that they saw an alien ship land on earth and greeted humans, there is no real evidence to prove it happened, its all hearsay
They are two co-eternal uncreated persons of the same essence ,basically yes they are the same
then how tf can one not hear you and the other can

is god bipolar or something
I already did that. I was baptized by the Catholic Church. After years and years of praying, nothing happened. All religions are made up by ancient people. If someone thousands of years ago said in a book that they saw an alien ship land on earth and greeted humans, there is no real evidence to prove it happened, its all hearsay
Try a protestant church that baptizes in the Holy Spirit
then how tf can one not hear you and the other can

is god bipolar or something
Look at it this way ,God is both one and three but all of the same co-eternal essence .Look at it like this God's glory is above our understanding
Look at it this way ,God is both one and three but all of the same co-eternal essence .Look at it like this God's glory is above our understanding
but does he have some kind of selective hearing impairment

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