This is so fucked up.
I had to be in the top 40 places out of 7000 applicants to enter med school, then I spent 8 and a half years instead of 6 because of my mental health. I would have roped like her if I did not pass, or couldn't finish it - which almost happened in the worst of my depression. This girl is the cutest thing, I would do anything to marry a teen virgin as beautiful as her, but foids rather die than wife up an incel. I can somewhat understand her situation, but, being female, she had a way out, by marrying. I don't have this way out. If I fail, I will kill myself. Now I have to do residency, and it will be another checkpoint to see if I die. After residency, boards. After boards, some other bullshit, probably getting a well paying job. And I have to keep passing and passing and passing those check-points, no alternatives. And for what? So I can pay prostitutes or hope I can someday convince a virgin teen to marry me and give me kids so I can have friends. She had a way out. FFS, she had a way out, I don't. I don't. I don't, at all. If I fail, I die.
My second to last appointment in med-school was family medicine rotation in small, somewhat rural town. Even piss poor girls would look at me with disgust, and rather fuck ugly good for nothing imbeciles or cowboys instead of me. These girls were fucking at 12, 13, and they all think I'm an ancient old man at 25. I thought I could find a virgin teen, but they are losing their virginity with their classmates before the age of consent.
They said women would want me for being white. They lied. For being tall, they lied. For being smart. They lied. For being a fucking doctor. THEY LIED. Foids would rather die than marry us. This is the blackest pill. They'd rather die.
After I start getting money from residency, I will try to find a virgin wife in remote villages. First in the Amazon. Maybe I will try India later, depending on how suicidal I am, I would even go to Afghanistan. If this fails, maybe prostitutes will keep me from killing myself.
Edit: of course there is probably an element of untreated depression in her case, but the first step in cognitive-behavioral therapy is to find irrational thought patterns, and being unable to see that, by being a woman, she has an obvious way out of academic failure in the for of marriage is, albeit most psychologists are too deep in their modern indoctrination to point this out.