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Serious JBW works for literally everyone on this forum. Just lol @ Ethni"Cels"

Fuck off, race coping prick. Your foids despise you, thats why youre posting here.
Race coping prick? I thought I could get an ugly SEA Noodlewhore? Aren't I not incel? You are moving the goalpost hard man. If an ugly white guy like me can ascend in SEA, why can't you take your own logic and go to pygmy africa?
2 more fakecels. Yawn. 2/10 incels can get pygmy gf in Africa very easily. For curries, yes so much.
View attachment 277017
Average height: 4'9.

Go to pygmy Africa and slay already.
Yawn I'm nearly 30, incel in the US but take action and go to SEA. YOURE the fakecel who takes no action to try and ascend. I've also had surgeries even though I'm poor. Also, I'd literally rather be in the shithole west as incel than go to africa for subhumans. Asia is civilized and has gl women, africa is the complete opposite
Race coping prick? I thought I could get an ugly SEA Noodlewhore? Aren't I not incel? You are moving the goalpost hard man. If an ugly white guy like me can ascend in SEA, why can't you take your own logic and go to pygmy africa?

Because you equate a white guy fkin an SEA foid to a curry fkin a pygmie. You think youre so far above curries that you can pick and choose which race to fuck. Youre a fkin incel, akin to a beggar begging for scraps.
Because you equate a white guy fkin an SEA foid to a curry fkin a pygmie. You think youre so far above curries that you can pick and choose which race to fuck. Youre a fkin incel, akin to a beggar begging for scraps.
The point of the thread

your head
Youre a fkin incel, akin to a beggar begging for scraps.
And you're not? Why am I the beggar and you aren't? YOU think you can pick and choose which race to fuck? The shit you say can literally just be turned 180 and applied to you. Awareness of a walnut lmao.
So? They can get educated on it. Point being ethnicels can ascend with pygmies like White people can ascend with SEA foids. Literally exact same logic but you don't like it because it takes your "truecel card" into question. lol @ u

Keep saying whites can ascend in SEA while you won't even take your own advice and go to Cameroon to fuck pygmies for me u utter dog
Go look at the girls in Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul, Manila, Bangkok that the 3PSL JBW ascend with, then rate them objectively, hell just use PSL. They are going to be 5-7 mostly.

Then show me a pygmy who is 5-7PSL, guess what you can't. I'm a 7 PSL ethnic, why the hell would I go for a 2 PSL pygmy? Oh that's right, because I can't get a 7 PSL in SEA because I'm not JBW.

So then rather than a 2/10 pygmy why won't I just go for 5-6 PSL Becky's??

And yes this is all theoretical because my mental condition means I can't talk to foids, but same holds for all the guys you mentioned there
And you're not? Why am I the beggar and you aren't? YOU think you can pick and choose which race to fuck? The shit you say can literally just be turned 180 and applied to you. Awareness of a walnut lmao.

Most here (regardless of race) would prolly fuck a decent SEA foid iff they could. Noone here would fuck pygmies. What are you going to say next? Curries should start fkin dogs?
Making money is much easier and straightforward than looksmaxxing and ascending. Youre in the west and making money for you should be orders of magnitude easier than for someone here to do so. You need to leverage your first world privilege.
i disagree, the west isn't some "super easy money" place
Most here (regardless of race) would prolly fuck a decent SEA foid iff they could. Noone here would fuck pygmies. What are you going to say next? Curries should start fkin dogs?
Neither should be fucking neither. However curries and asians who say whites can't be incel and can just fuck a noodlewhore are akin to me saying curries and Asians can just fuck pygmies so they aren't incel either.
:feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously: @Dregster666 @Grothendieck @Speedloader @Personalityinkwell @Ropemaxx @BITG thoughts on this tera cope?
he's a giga coper

even 4/10 whites are incel as fuck
:feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously: @Dregster666 @Grothendieck @Speedloader @Personalityinkwell @Ropemaxx @BITG thoughts on this tera cope?
I'm coping? Denying the racepill is coping. @Blackpill Rage
Neither should be fucking neither. However curries and asians who say whites can't be incel and can just fuck a noodlewhore are akin to me saying curries and Asians can just fuck pygmies so they aren't incel either.

SEA foids and pygmies are not on the same level of fuckability. There is no end to this argument when you dont define whos fuckable and whos not. I have seem some utterly ugly (pretty sure far uglier than you) white guys with good looking young noodles in SEA. Never heard of anyone going to Africa for foids.

If i could drop my standards to the point where the foid still looks somewhat feminine, i would.
:feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously: @Dregster666 @Grothendieck @Speedloader @Personalityinkwell @Ropemaxx @BITG thoughts on this tera cope?
A god compared to an ethnic 3/10
JBW is very legit, though. You can snatch a self-hating deathnik whore just by having white skin.
JBW is very legit, though. You can snatch a self-hating deathnik whore just by having white skin.
You can snatch a Pygmy whore by being above 4’9.
Go look at the girls in Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul, Manila, Bangkok that the 3PSL JBW ascend with, then rate them objectively, hell just use PSL. They are going to be 5-7 mostly.

Then show me a pygmy who is 5-7PSL, guess what you can't. I'm a 7 PSL ethnic, why the hell would I go for a 2 PSL pygmy? Oh that's right, because I can't get a 7 PSL in SEA because I'm not JBW.

So then rather than a 2/10 pygmy why won't I just go for 5-6 PSL Becky's??

And yes this is all theoretical because my mental condition means I can't talk to foids, but same holds for all the guys you mentioned there
3/10 will never ascend in shanghai, seoul and tokyo unless you count paid sex as ascending
Can only try golddiggermaxing in sea, no sea woman would fuck 3/10 for fun, only for resources
3/10 will never ascend in shanghai, seoul and tokyo unless you count paid sex as ascending
Can only try golddiggermaxing in sea, no sea woman would fuck 3/10 for fun, only for resources
Just kek, I've lived in all 3, trust me 3/10 ascends in those places. In fact 3/10 has it harder in SEA because he has to show he has money
:feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously: @Dregster666 @Grothendieck @Speedloader @Personalityinkwell @Ropemaxx @BITG thoughts on this tera cope?
Basement Dweller IQ cope tbh

A 3/10 white incel has to have money and needs to go to some SEA slums to get laid, where he will still mogged by 5+/10 arabs/desperate curries, and other white guys who can mog a 3/10 white male.
White incels are less than 1%, were talking onecooldude123 tier. 2/10 whites can get an Asian gf in SEA very easily. For curries, not so much, they'll definitely have a much better shot leaving the shithole west for asia or India however.
If you have to go to a foreign country to ascend then you are incel as fuck. Not only is it not feasible for many it doesn't even work like how people ont this forum say.

I'm white, 2/10 and above, and I had nothing in Thailand and Vietnam on Tinder during the passport thing.

People here don't understand that guys like St. BlackOps2Cel and other incels Re perceived as more attractive over there and the sickly pale skin is only a part of it.

Most people that go to SEA to "ascend", are fat, old, and white balding boomers and some people can't grasp that it's prostitution which works for everyone. Or do you really believe "JBW" let's an ugly, fat, and old boomer have a gf that is in their 20s?
If you have to go to a foreign country to ascend then you are incel as fuck. Not only is it not feasible for many it doesn't even work like how people ont this forum say.

I'm white, 2/10 and above, and I had nothing in Thailand and Vietnam on Tinder during the passport thing.

People here don't understand that guys like St. BlackOps2Cel and other incels Re perceived as more attractive over there and the sickly pale skin is only a part of it.

Most people that go to SEA to "ascend", are fat, old, and white balding boomers and some people can't grasp that it's prostitution which works for everyone. Or do you really believe "JBW" let's an ugly, fat, and old boomer have a gf that is in their 20s?

Still better than ethnics. Ive heard stories of SEA foids refusing to sleep with curry men (even for money) JFL.
i disagree, the west isn't some "super easy money" place
The west is like the only places where inceldom is a large problem besides countries with fucked gender ratios. Lol..
The west is like the only places where inceldom is a large problem besides countries with fucked gender ratios. Lol..
do you think it's super easy to make money?
Race coping prick? I thought I could get an ugly SEA Noodlewhore? Aren't I not incel? You are moving the goalpost hard man. If an ugly white guy like me can ascend in SEA, why can't you take your own logic and go to pygmy africa?

Because Thailand has a Tourist industry and most people speak English, well accustomed to whites. You go to some remote African village tryna ascend, you will be some alien and get killed by the Tribe dumbass. Also the guy in the pic isn't a curry he's a black. Try harder Fakecel.
Still better than ethnics. Ive heard stories of SEA foids refusing to sleep with curry men (even for money) JFL.
Well, some people get rejected by hookers for a variety of reasons. But if you have money and you go to a poor country you can get sex as a general principal.

You're not going to have people immediately trying to exploit you for cash because they associate white skin with money, but if you show that you're wealthy then it will come eventually I'm pretty sure.
Well, some people get rejected by hookers for a variety of reasons. But if you have money and you go to a poor country you can get sex as a general principal.

You're not going to have people immediately trying to exploit you for cash because they associate white skin with money, but if you show that you're wealthy then it will come eventually I'm pretty sure.

A 3/10 white guy would get more foids in SEA than a looksmatch curry. Deny it all you want. I can understand calling white guys volcels for not traveling to third world shit holes is lame. But JBW is pretty much law.
Because Thailand has a Tourist industry and most people speak English, well accustomed to whites. You go to some remote African village tryna ascend, you will be some alien and get killed by the Tribe dumbass. Also the guy in the pic isn't a curry he's a black. Try harder Fakecel.
If I’m fakecel you’re fakecel too. If I can go to SEA you can go to Pygmy part of Africa.
I can understand calling white guys volcels for not traveling to third world shit holes is lame.
ANYONE CAN DO THIS. That’s what this entire thread is about. if I’m a volcel for not going to third world shitholes so are you as you won’t go to Pygmy Africa, a 3rd world shithole.

literal self awareness of a walnut
I explained why it's not the same you Fakecel faggot.

Let him cope. He feels privileged as a white guy (white foids only for him, most of whom are obese) and doesnt want to "stoop" to fkin noodles. JBW is true whether you decide to take advantage of it or not.
Fuck off, race coping prick. Your foids despise you, thats why youre posting here.

I have been saying this for ages now.

do you think it's super easy to make money?

It is, just find yourself some minimum wage job because you will find nothing else. Than work off your ass for years while still living with your parents because you need to save up all the money. After 10 years of hard work you can go somewhere to Asia.
A 3/10 white guy would get more foids in SEA than a looksmatch curry. Deny it all you want. I can understand calling white guys volcels for not traveling to third world shit holes is lame. But JBW is pretty much law.
Like I said above it's not that simple. There are white guys who people would say are uglier than others who outperform in SEA.

Guys with long midfaces and things of the sort. Even then I think it's more like a 3/10 white guy is equal to a 5/10 curry there.

There's also the fact that Asian women are most attracted to white guys discounting tribalist influences while that's not the case for curries. I have no idea how Asian women perceive curry men but the besf chances they have is with their own women which many on this forum seem to not want.

But a 3/10 white guy born and raised in the west has a worst life discounting wealth (socially + sexually) than a 5/10 curry born in India or maybe even the West.

There's a difference between being ethnic (as in looking like a typical curry) and being ugly. And I think it is a pretty big difference ngl.
I explained why it's not the same you Fakecel faggot.
Cope. You won’t get killed there. They love outsiders. Just fuck them already fakecel.
Let him cope. He feels privileged as a white guy (white foids only for him, most of whom are obese) and doesnt want to "stoop" to fkin noodles. JBW is true whether you decide to take advantage of it or not.
dude. You cannot have any less self awareness. “He doesn’t wanna stoop to fkn noodles” meanwhile you won’t “stoop” to fkn pygmies.

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