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Serious JBW works for literally everyone on this forum. Just lol @ Ethni"Cels"



卐 卍࿕࿖࿗࿘ꖦ
Oct 12, 2018
By JBW Logic, it states that a rich white man can go to a poor 3rd world country and get laid. Did you know JBW that works for EVERYONE?
EVERY SINGLE INCEL can go to the pygmy parts of Africa, where the median height is 4 feet and 9 inches for men. They also eat dirt and LOVE outsiders!

So what this means is that every single curry and ethnic saying JBW works are actually FAKECELS themselves! They can just go to Africa like white men can "go to thailand". Ethni"cels" my ass. Just go to the pygmy parts of Africa and ascend already you fakecels. SMH. Why do we even let these people on the forum? All they need to do is travel a little bit...
Look at this currycel doing it right now. SMH.
I'm not saying anybodys not incel. I'm just making fun of people saying theres no such things as white incels and that any white person can go to SEA.
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JBW is just bluepill retarded cope.

Nobody whos actually blackpilled believes in it.
@PPEcel @Neggr @ChinaCurry @MartinLutherCoon thoughts on being fakecels? You guys can just pygmymaxx broooo
JBW only works for normies
I get rejected by pygmies on tinder :feelsbadman: :feelsbadman: :feelsbadman:
@Personalityinkwell iam pretty sure it would work for you in SEA.
White incels are less than 1%, were talking onecooldude123 tier. 2/10 whites can get an Asian gf in SEA very easily. For curries, not so much, they'll definitely have a much better shot leaving the shithole west for asia or India however.
thanks bro just send me $20k

Youre no chad bro, so youre not going to get foids lining up for you. You need to speed money to get bitches.
White incels are less than 1%, were talking onecooldude123 tier. 2/10 whites can get an Asian gf in SEA very easily. For curries, not so much, they'll definitely have a much better shot leaving the shithole west for asia or India however.

Cope. Look at how many curries and rices are incels in their native countries.
Just go to rural Africa and get lynched by the local warlord theory
Highest IQ post in the history of this website.

JBW copers on Suicide watch
yes I know

my point is I'm not loaded so I can't just seamaxx like it's nothing

Making money is much easier and straightforward than looksmaxxing and ascending. Youre in the west and making money for you should be orders of magnitude easier than for someone here to do so. You need to leverage your first world privilege.
@PPEcel @Neggr @ChinaCurry @MartinLutherCoon thoughts on being fakecels? You guys can just pygmymaxx broooo
Retarded. The 2/10 JBW are banging 8-9/10 Thai whores, HK girls, and Shanghai bitches. Wtf would u compare that to banging pygmies? I'm sure all of us u mentioned can bang 6/10 white Beckys all day long, just by running exotic and masculine game , wouldn't it be preferable to just do that?
No problem. Just telling the truth :feelsokman:.

JBW is just as dumb as JBB tbh
Man I really can't get my head round JBW deniers. Like what is it with u? Do you also believe in flat eartb? Do you deny the Holocaust?
Retarded. The 2/10 JBW are banging 8-9/10 Thai whores, HK girls, and Shanghai bitches. Wtf would u compare that to banging pygmies? I'm sure all of us u mentioned can bang 6/10 white Beckys all day long, just by running exotic and masculine game , wouldn't it be preferable to just do that?

Exactly. Ive seen the ugliest white guys get young noodles in SEA. This thread is echochambermaxxing.
Just go to pygmy Africa bro
Just catch giga aids bro
Just get killed by little niggers bro
There's gotta be other ways more ppl can do it..
I'm half curry, but as soon as I have enough secure cash and a few more years of working experience, I'm most likely going to try and SEAmaxx to see if its legit.
Retarded. The 2/10 JBW are banging 8-9/10 Thai whores, HK girls, and Shanghai bitches. Wtf would u compare that to banging pygmies? I'm sure all of us u mentioned can bang 6/10 white Beckys all day long, just by running exotic and masculine game , wouldn't it be preferable to just do that?

Man I really can't get my head round JBW deniers. Like what is it with u? Do you also believe in flat eartb? Do you deny the Holocaust?
Retarded. The 2/10 Incels are banging 8-9/10 Pygmys. Wtf would you compare that to banging noodlewhores? I know you're over 150cm or over 4'9. Stop being a fakecel and go to pygmy africa you fakecel. curry"cel"

Man I really can't get my head around pygmymaxx deniers. Like what is it with u? Do you also believe in flat eartb? Do you deny the holocaust?
t. 6’2 white”cel”
Exactly. Ive seen the ugliest white guys get young noodles in SEA. This thread is echochambermaxxing.
Exactly. Ive seen the ugliest curries and incels get young pygmies in Africa. This thread is completely right.
Exactly. Ive seen the ugliest curries and incels get young pygmies in Africa. This thread is completely right.

Curries dont have to go to Africa. Southern curry foids alrdy look African.
Retarded. The 2/10 Incels are banging 8-9/10 Pygmys. Wtf would you compare that to banging noodlewhores? I know you're over 150cm or over 4'9. Stop being a fakecel and go to pygmy africa you fakecel. curry"cel"

Man I really can't get my head around pygmymaxx deniers. Like what is it with u? Do you also believe in flat eartb? Do you deny the holocaust?

This is made up brah. No one is going to Africa to fuck pygmies while SEAmaxxing is very true.
Curries dont have to go to Africa. Southern curry foids alrdy look African.
they still mog with their height. Pygmies are on average 4'9 (150cm). Anyone can go to pygmy africa and slay.
White incels are less than 1%, were talking onecooldude123 tier. 2/10 whites can get an Asian gf in SEA very easily. For curries, not so much, they'll definitely have a much better shot leaving the shithole west for asia or India however.

Also whitecels tend to get better looking ethnic gf

Also whitecels tend to get better looking ethnic gf
White incels are less than 1%, were talking onecooldude123 tier. 2/10 whites can get an Asian gf in SEA very easily. For curries, not so much, they'll definitely have a much better shot leaving the shithole west for asia or India however.
2 more fakecels. Yawn. 2/10 incels can get pygmy gf in Africa very easily. For curries, yes so much.

Average height: 4'9.

Go to pygmy Africa and slay already.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again. You only get Shit Tier foids by JBWing. The most sophisticated piece of tech theyve seen are cheap Huawei smart phones. Your marriage life will be like taking care of a mentally handicapped child.

Likewise with Arrange marriage. You get used up roasties. All the virgins are reserved for chad.
Retarded. The 2/10 Incels are banging 8-9/10 Pygmys. Wtf would you compare that to banging noodlewhores? I know you're over 150cm or over 4'9. Stop being a fakecel and go to pygmy africa you fakecel. curry"cel"

Man I really can't get my head around pygmymaxx deniers. Like what is it with u? Do you also believe in flat eartb? Do you deny the holocaust?
Utter shit, show me an incel who banged a pygmy? Or show me an 8-9/10 pygmy??
I've said this before, and I'll say it again. You only get Shit Tier foids by JBWing. The most sophisticated piece of tech theyve seen are cheap Huawei smart phones. Your marriage life will be like taking care of a mentally handicapped child.

Likewise with Arrange marriage. You get used up roasties. All the virgins are reserved for chad.

Agree with the 2nd part, not the first. Ive seen the fattest, ugliest, bald white guys with young noodles.
Try as you may, noone wants to fuck pygmies. Id gladly take a decent looking SEA foid.
Volcel then. Just saying you can ascend with pygmies just like whites can ascend with sea foids, infact if you live in the west the plane tickets probably cheaper. SMH @ fakecels.
Utter shit, show me an incel who banged a pygmy? Or show me an 8-9/10 pygmy??
stfu fakecel. Incels do it all the time bro. Don't tell me jbw is real in thailand when u can just fuck pygmy in the congo.

Yawn. More fakecels being exposed...Why do we even let in curry"cels".
Volcel then. Just saying you can ascend with pygmies just like whites can ascend with sea foids, infact if you live in the west the plane tickets probably cheaper. SMH @ fakecels.

stfu fakecel. Incels do it all the time bro. Don't tell me jbw is real in thailand when u can just fuck pygmy in the congo.

Yawn. More fakecels being exposed...Why do we even let in curry"cels".
I know you're clearly trolling, I doubt if an ethnicel even knows what a pygmy is
I know you're clearly trolling, I doubt if an ethnicel even knows what a pygmy is
So? They can get educated on it. Point being ethnicels can ascend with pygmies like White people can ascend with SEA foids. Literally exact same logic but you don't like it because it takes your "truecel card" into question. lol @ u

Keep saying whites can ascend in SEA while you won't even take your own advice and go to Cameroon to fuck pygmies for me u utter dog
Volcel then. Just saying you can ascend with pygmies just like whites can ascend with sea foids, infact if you live in the west the plane tickets probably cheaper. SMH @ fakecels.

You're so entitled and privileged as a white guy that you feel noodles to you are what pygmies are to a currycel. You have it as bad as i do . So drop your ego and sense of privilege.
You're so entitled and privileged as a white guy that you feel noodles to you are what pygmies are to a currycel. You have it as bad as i do . So drop your ego and sense of privilege.
the point of the thread

your head

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