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Blackpill JBW-Theory or fact?



Radical Faction
Apr 23, 2018
I'll admit, I used to be skeptical of the JBW theory, as a white autistcel who didn't observe the phenomenon completely.

Today as I was walking in my city around I saw tons of couples, about 20 men and women holding hands. Out of all the couples I saw, only about 20% of them included an ethnic guy. The rest of them included white men with mostly Asian women, with the rest being white, Latina, and black women. At first I didn't think much of it, but the majority of the white guys I saw looked average. Not chads, not 8/10+, just plain looking and nerdy. There is some serious fucking shit going on.

All the "evil white men are the problem of this country" agendas paraded by feminists are just facades to hide their fetish for white guys. They know it deep down.

Is this evolution? Is this social programming? Or is this something else?
All those feminists who write articles about hating white men desire Chad. They write those articles because Chad either doesn't want them or pumped and dumped.

White men are openly hated by the media, have government biased against them and are still SLAYING.

to deny this is cope, and some bluepilled thinking. The blackpill is that the race pill is not caused by social factors, but by bones, coloring and other physical traits.
Depends where you live. Where I'm from the population is only 2% ethnic so all the stacys go mental for the once in a life time opportunity of a black BF.
Being white doesn't help if whites are the majority or if racism doesn't exist in that place.
I seriously don't understand why everyone is worshipping lower pigmentation levels. Higher pigmentation means better protection from UV radiation thus more chances of survival. Shouldn't we be evolved to like brown eyes and skin more than pale eyes/skin?
Gigacope used by ethnics who haven't swallowed the blackpill fully. Instead of blaming their looks, height, or NT, they blame their race because it is the hip thing to do. They also are self hating. Whiteness is not attractive, good facial features, height, and being a loud and obnoxious normalfag are, which are things all ethnics can have.
Whiteness is not attractive


Facial symmetry, hunter eyes. well formed lower third, etc etc, don't matter if you're not white. Plenty of Tinder experiments have shown ethnik male models fare faaaar worse than average white guys.
Whiteness is not attractive, good facial features, height, and being a loud and obnoxious normalfag are, which are things all ethnics can have.
Whites are taller, and have better facial features. Ethnic noses (hooked or wide) for example are hideous, attractive ethnics don't have ethnic noses.
Gigacope used by ethnics who haven't swallowed the blackpill fully. Instead of blaming their looks, height, or NT, they blame their race because it is the hip thing to do. They also are self hating. Whiteness is not attractive, good facial features, height, and being a loud and obnoxious normalfag are, which are things all ethnics can have.
#1 racepill denier kek, are you also the #1 flat earth theorist

Facial symmetry, hunter eyes. well formed lower third, etc etc, don't matter if you're not white. Plenty of Tinder experiments have shown ethnik male models fare faaaar worse than average white guys.
Ah yes, all those things I don't have yet talk to you as a nearly 23 year old virgin with 0 GFs. I'll try to remember that when I go t the local mall for lunch next weekend and see more BMWW matchups than anything else.

Whites are taller, and have better facial features. Ethnic noses (hooked or wide) for example are hideous, attractive ethnics don't have ethnic noses.
You are correct about the height, but the problem is that ethnic men should go for ethnic girls, but they refuse to. If racepillers are allowed to tell me to "just go to Asia bro", then I can tell them to just date an ethnic bitch. While I agree racemixing is on the rise, the main winners are black men and Asian women, not whites.
#1 racepill denier kek, are you also the #1 flat earth theorist
Nah I'm just out there to stop a harmful cope. Whitecels can't even catch a break amongst the lowest of people like us.
Ah yes, all those things I don't have yet talk to you as a nearly 23 year old virgin with 0 GFs. I'll try to remember that when I go t the local mall for lunch next weekend and see more BMWW matchups than anything else.

You are correct about the height, but the problem is that ethnic men should go for ethnic girls, but they refuse to. If racepillers are allowed to tell me to "just go to Asia bro", then I can tell them to just date an ethnic bitch. While I agree racemixing is on the rise, the main winners are black men and Asian women, not whites.

Nah I'm just out there to stop a harmful cope. Whitecels can't even catch a break amongst the lowest of people like us.
nobody said whites cant be incel. There is just a severe failo that comes with being non white
I would say it's a fact in non-Western nations.
depends on location to the legitimacy of jbw, for example i dont think jbw applies in western countries with a high pop of native whites.
Absolute FACT. If you're ethnic, you better Maxx the fuck out of yourself. There's tutorial mode for women, normal mode for normies, hard mode for white incels, and "nightmare it's fucking over mode unless you Maxx every stat" for ethnics.
>You are correct about the height, but the problem is that ethnic men should go for ethnic girls, but they refuse to. If racepillers are allowed to tell me to "just go to Asia bro", then I can tell them to just date an ethnic bitch. While I agree racemixing is on the rise, the main winners are black men and Asian women, not whites.

nigga are u serious ?
>main winners are black men and Asian women
who do you think those asian women date ? kangaroos and penguins ? they date fucking white men jfl

>but the problem is that ethnic men should go for ethnic girls, but they refuse to.
actually we dont refuse, we try to go for out women but white man strikes again

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The asian women date white men because they want status in their county for having a white man, or for a way out of their shithole. Asians women don't like white men because they're white, they like them because of what they give them (status and passport).

Given the state of (((racemixing))) in the western world, there no excuse anymore. You're ugly, no two ways about it. Good looking people of all races slay. People meme about China and India and their people being subhuman, but they didn't get so big by not having sex. If you stayed ethnic but had a killer face, you could slay anyone you wanted.
Myth. Height > hair > face > race
The asian women date white men because they want status in their county for having a white man, or for a way out of their shithole. Asians women don't like white men because they're white, they like them because of what they give them (status and passport).

Given the state of (((racemixing))) in the western world, there no excuse anymore. You're ugly, no two ways about it. Good looking people of all races slay. People meme about China and India and their people being subhuman, but they didn't get so big by not having sex. If you stayed ethnic but had a killer face, you could slay anyone you wanted.
The thing is, most (((racemixing))) is whites breeding with ethnik foids. That, and BBCs. It's not Chinese and Indian males (((racemixing)) for obvious reasons.

And you truly don't understand Asian women if you say that. Many already live in Western countries/don't need passport. Many will date white bums so they're not really after status either. They are after WHITE GENES.
All those feminists who write articles about hating white men desire Chad. They write those articles because Chad either doesn't want them or pumped and dumped.

White men are openly hated by the media, have government biased against them and are still SLAYING.

to deny this is cope, and some bluepilled thinking. The blackpill is that the race pill is not caused by social factors, but by bones, coloring and other physical traits.
Chad can be handicapped ad infinitum and will still out slay a shitskin ethnic x1,000,0000,000. JBW cannot be stopped.
Gigacope used by ethnics who haven't swallowed the blackpill fully. Instead of blaming their looks, height, or NT, they blame their race because it is the hip thing to do. They also are self hating. Whiteness is not attractive, good facial features, height, and being a loud and obnoxious normalfag are, which are things all ethnics can have.
Absolute FACT. If you're ethnic, you better Maxx the fuck out of yourself. There's tutorial mode for women, normal mode for normies, hard mode for white incels, and "nightmare it's fucking over mode unless you Maxx every stat" for ethnics.
White men are the most desired race of men anyone who denies this is living in denial.
Myth. Height > hair > face > race
Just LOL explain all the tallcels here including me then? If anything height is incredibly overrated you just don't have to be midget tier.
Absolutely laughable. JBW is only relevant with asians. otherwise it's latinos and BBCs running through white girls.
It's as true and evident as gravity.
All the "evil white men are the problem of this country" agendas paraded by feminists are just facades to hide their fetish for white guys.

I'm Native American and my sisters only ever dated white guys. She won't even look at guys on the rez. It's fucking pathetic how they think they are "bettering themselves" with white guys.
JBW is evidently a retarded cope used by low IQ ethnics (SJWs in disguise) in the USA.
Gigacope used by ethnics who haven't swallowed the blackpill fully. Instead of blaming their looks, height, or NT, they blame their race because it is the hip thing to do. They also are self hating. Whiteness is not attractive, good facial features, height, and being a loud and obnoxious normalfag are, which are things all ethnics can have.

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