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Serious JBW is bullshit and only applies to the top ten percent

Whites have it better than Indian or Asian men but we have it worse than black men.
Stuff can support this:

However, more notable gender differences emerge for some of the other couple profiles. For instance, while 11% of all intermarried couples involve a white man and an Asian woman, just 4% of couples include a white woman and an Asian man. And while about 7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman, only 3% include a black woman and a white man.


Non-Hispanic Black men also reported more sexual partners during their lifetime; 30% had more than 10 sexual partners compared with 24% of non-Hispanic White men, 18% of Hispanic men, and 13% of men of other race/ethnicities.

n our sample, black males reported the youngest median age at first sex (15.0 years), and white and Hispanic males and white and black females all reported somewhat higher ages (around 16.5 years).

Of all White adolescents in the sample, 54% of boys and 54% of girls were virgins at Wave I (Table 2). Only 28% of African American boys were virgins at Wave I; 45 % of African American girls were virgins.
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Stuff can support this:

Thx for the studies. Always suspected the first one.
Thx for the studies. Always suspected the first one.
Updated it with more stuff:

Stuff can support this:


@Regenerator @Adolf Hitler @Ron.Belgrade @WorthlessSlavicShit
Okay im gonna make you realise how retarded you sound right now. "What? They say i have a easier time dating just cause im 6ft? thats bullshit, only the 6'5+ ,good looking, blue eyed guys get pussy easily not me tho, me being 6ft doesnt matter all!" Bro, no one is saying being white automatically gets you a becky we're saying its an ADVANTAGE not a GUARANTEE. Being white works as an elo effect that increases your odds of ascending substantially. Thats what we mean when we say "JBW" . Just like in my example the 6ft guy isn't guaranteed pussy obviously but his odds are higher than someone whos 5'7 for example.
Okay im gonna make you realise how retarded you sound right now. "What? They say i have a easier time dating just cause im 6ft? thats bullshit, only the 6'5+ ,good looking, blue eyed guys get pussy easily not me tho, me being 6ft doesnt matter all!" Bro, no one is saying being white automatically gets you a becky we're saying its an ADVANTAGE not a GUARANTEE. Being white works as an elo effect that increases your odds of ascending substantially. Thats what we mean when we say "JBW" . Just like in my example the 6ft guy isn't guaranteed pussy obviously but his odds are higher than someone whos 5'7 for example.
Like I said I'll be fair & say there is truth to it, but the guys I see it work for are all tall, aren't norwooding, and are NT normies.

It only works on certain demographics as well, never seen it work on Negresses.
I wish I was fully Anglo tbh

I thought you didnt' like it?

And yeah, Med/Italian halo can be real but you have to be NTmaxxed as fuck & ofc normie tier. Ideally, style/groomaxxed also.

North Italy is very prominent in the fashion industry, and Meds have always been seen as the most artistic/creative Whites/Europeans

Ones in the US & Canada yeah, due to the war on terror cultural bullshit.

Ones in Europe do ok it seems. @Made in Heaven
Objectively yes ethnics are third grade citizens and I do self hate from time to time but it's not as bad as people on this forum make it out to be tbh. People exaggerate these things. I mainly want to be italian because I relate to them more than some rich anglo WASP or something
Objectively yes ethnics are third grade citizens and I do self hate from time to time but it's not as bad as people on this forum make it out to be tbh. People exaggerate these things. I mainly want to be italian because I relate to them more than some rich anglo WASP or something
Yeah I do think a lot of ethnics here overstate how bad it can be, but to be fair I can't really speak myself.

The whole "ethnic" thing sounds just like that "BIPOC" thing tbh. I could get Curries & Rices claiming "dethnic" but not Blacks, Spics, or even Sands.

I'm not saying ethnic tax doesn't exist, but some here make it out to be as if every ethnic is instantly incel & every white is instantly a slayer.

By many metrics also, Blacks especially American Blacks(which includes Caribbeans & Latino ones) & Bantus aren't really ethnic & are labeled as just "Black"

I relate to my NW-Euro side more I feel like, just characteristically at least.
JBW is cope made by shitskins mostly paajets and arabcels like Rehab Room who live in Europe and are made that white women are chosing white men instead of brownies :feelskek::feelsjuice:
They are also extremly opssesed with white women :foidSoy::feelshaha:
No, ethnic women aren't desperately going after white normies. Go to a city with a high concentration of ethnics and make a tinder profile as a white guy. All the ethnic girls have the same selection pool as white girls so their standards will spike accordingly to what they see. I've known average guys who are white in high ethnic areas and no ethnic girls give them attention.
Cage, stop the fucking larp.

All white normies i knew had asian and latina girlfriends
JBW is bullshit and only applies to the top ten percent
Eh, interestingly enough, they might actually be the group who get hurt by this.

When you look at how non-Europeans rate Europeans, the "boost" there is mostly from Chads being rated lower and HTNs instead being rated higher. You know how people have trouble telling people of other races apart? That's all there is to it, when people who've had only limited or no contact with Europeans try to rate their looks, they can't really pick up on the subleties of what makes them attractive or unattractive apart from the stuff that is universal across cultures, such as facial averageness mixed with exaggerated sexual dimorphism in places where it matters, so their mind just defaults to "Meh, I think he's mid" and such, making everyone seem like a normie, which especially hits those on the two ends of the spectrum the most.

Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder but Ugliness Culturally Universal? Facial Preferences of Polish and Yali (Papua) People

This study asked both Poles and people from an isolated Papuan tribe to rate photos of Polish people of the opposite sex and pick the most attractive one, with the four photos being purposefully clearly different in attractiveness. They chose an isolated tribe, because the closer people are to Westerners in terms of money and development, the more they agree with them on who is attractive and who isn't, and even rural Senegales apparently already 60% agree with Americans on this.

correlation between assessments by peasants from south-western Senegal and American people was .60

So they chose the population most possibly distant from the Poles to miniminize their agreement on looks, and this was the result:


The designated incel was the least attractive according to both groups of women, but the Papuans ranked the designated Polish Chad as almost as unattractive as him and instead flocked to the normies shown to them.

Also, I'd happily bet my life savings that this general pattern would also be found in the ratings of other ethnicities, except the Chad would lose less (because, as mentioned, just about everyone agrees with Europeans on who is and isn't attractive more than this isolated tribe does.) and that this also happens to across all races, which could explain all the EE women choosing "ugly" ethnics that the swarthier part of the userbase here has extreme trouble understanding :feelshaha:.

JBW is cope made by shitskins mostly paajets and arabcels like Rehab Room who live in Europe and are made that white women are chosing white men instead of brownies :feelskek::feelsjuice:
Pretty much. Also, it's really weird since only rice really have the right to complain about this, Arabs and others have been repeatedly shown to outmarry just as much if not more than their women, yet according to the guys here, there's like a hundred brown chicks getting pounded by Aryan Chads for every brown dude that manages to hold a white woman's hand:feelshaha:.

They are also extremly opssesed with white women :foidSoy::feelshaha:
And that's putting it extremely lightly:feelshaha:.

Stuff can support this:



brooootal. Even in a post to debunk jbw, ricecels take strays
Cage, stop the fucking larp.

All white normies i knew had asian and latina girlfriends
All races in the US, except for Asians, have lower fertility the less homogenous their environment is, heavily suggesting that white, black and Latina women all substantially prefer their own men, while most people even on this forum will admit that noodlewhores prefer everyone else to their men.

Okay im gonna make you realise how retarded you sound right now. "What? They say i have a easier time dating just cause im 6ft? thats bullshit, only the 6'5+ ,good looking, blue eyed guys get pussy easily not me tho, me being 6ft doesnt matter all!" Bro, no one is saying being white automatically gets you a becky we're saying its an ADVANTAGE not a GUARANTEE. Being white works as an elo effect that increases your odds of ascending substantially. Thats what we mean when we say "JBW" . Just like in my example the 6ft guy isn't guaranteed pussy obviously but his odds are higher than someone whos 5'7 for example.
This. Fucking hate this site sometimes. It's full of lazy normies who basically complain about the fact they have it HARD. HARD - not IMPOSSIBLE. Should be called above3butbelow8.is
This. Fucking hate this site sometimes. It's full of lazy normies who basically complain about the fact they have it HARD. HARD - not IMPOSSIBLE. Should be called above3butbelow8.is
Why do we have to play oppression olympics here?

Yes, some have it way more shit than others, but we all have it shit at the end of the day.
JBW is cope made by shitskins mostly paajets and arabcels like Rehab Room who live in Europe and are made that white women are chosing white men instead of brownies :feelskek::feelsjuice:
They are also extremly opssesed with white women :foidSoy::feelshaha:
JBW is browncel cope but I can understand why. Dude, we don't want to mate with negresses either!
High IQ post, white people are almost the most incel race
Truth, at high IQ you realize being alone is better than being in a miserable relationship.
It’s JBC (just be Chad)
Yeah I do think a lot of ethnics here overstate how bad it can be, but to be fair I can't really speak myself.

The whole "ethnic" thing sounds just like that "BIPOC" thing tbh. I could get Curries & Rices claiming "dethnic" but not Blacks, Spics, or even Sands.

I'm not saying ethnic tax doesn't exist, but some here make it out to be as if every ethnic is instantly incel & every white is instantly a slayer.

By many metrics also, Blacks especially American Blacks(which includes Caribbeans & Latino ones) & Bantus aren't really ethnic & are labeled as just "Black"

I relate to my NW-Euro side more I feel like, just characteristically at least.
I don't think blacks, spics and Sands are exempt from ethnic tax. They are still ethnics just failod to a lesser degree. Media halo and media representation is very important for ethnics.
It’s JBC (just be Chad)
I don't think blacks, spics and Sands are exempt from ethnic tax. They are still ethnics just failod to a lesser degree. Media halo and media representation is very important for ethnics.
Maybe Spics & Sands, especially the later in America for sure

Blacks, at least the ones in the American continent, really aren’t due to their insane media-halo

Maybe Spics & Sands, especially the later in America for sure

Blacks, at least the ones in the American continent, really aren’t due to their insane media-halo
That is exactly what it is. I never understood the attraction is natural but your preferences and what you find attractive isn't random. It can absolutely be influenced by mass media and your environment. The whitr girls that date ethnics are all foids who grew up in the ghetto or see it as an act of rebelling against someone.
You do not have the right to label anyone else a dumbass

And even then, it proves Whites can be Incel
Why are you responding to me when everyone else commented
Why do we have to play oppression olympics here?

Yes, some have it way more shit than others, but we all have it shit at the end of the day.
Because there's a tonne of redpill sites/content that guide how a 6ft2 ugly guy can get laid or for a 5ft7 pretty-face guy to get laid. It's demoralizing that I've worked so fucking hard on my personality my whole life and also my finances and I have succeeded at that, and I still can't get laid. Then some 6ft 4/10 18yo white guy comes in and moans how unfair it is that he has to get out of bed and put 50% effort in to get laid (whereas for me 100% effort doesn't work). I guarantee that if you gave my life (minus my looks) to 80% of the users on this site (7 figure net worth and a large friend circle), they would definitely have gotten a gf/wife/parner.
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The people saying JBW isn't real never asked a foid out and got told "I don't date white guys". Meanwhile incels of every other race has experienced "I don't date [your race]"
Med men can sometimes mog & do well.

But no South Italians/Sicilians don't look Paki jfl, and Fitzpatrick 5th would be literal Nigger skin-tone.

Some I've seen/met look White/Whitish, some do have Brown skin but are genetically European still.
Look at that sicilian maffia boss

I was 2nd fitzpatrick and now after beta carotene ans lycopene with a tan im 4th and can pass easily as a shitalian

Here i see only dalits from bihar + niggers but i think normies wouldve struggled with recognizing lightskinmaxxed paki than sicilian

@DarkStar @Stupid Clown I think ideal skin tone is 4th fitzpatrick with light eyes and as dark stubble and hair as possible. These guys are slaya in truly cumskin country + EE. Thats my theory while pakis outslay EE. 5th fitzpatrick (average in pakiland) is still better than 2nd and maybe even 3. Esp if 3rd goes along with cuck light hair and even more cucked blonde facial hair
Cope, white people are inferior and can easily be destroyed by blacks if blacks hadnt been IQ nerfed
If blacks weren't iq nerfed chinks would've been extinct by now, all of their noodles would've been BWC and BBC only, leaving nothing for their pan faced chinky femboy men.
Look at that sicilian maffia boss
Most of those guys are Jewish+Gypsy

Frank Sinatra was half Sicilian also.

Some Sicilians have lighter skin tones, some are more darker.
I was 2nd fitzpatrick and now after beta carotene ans lycopene with a tan im 4th and can pass easily as a shitalian
jfl a Slav insulting Meds.

Not that I have an issue with Slavs, but still.
Here i see only dalits from bihar + niggers but i think normies wouldve struggled with recognizing lightskinmaxxed paki than sicilian
Different facial features, race is more than "muh skin tone" which normies can't grasp.
@DarkStar @Stupid Clown I think ideal skin tone is 4th fitzpatrick with light eyes and as dark stubble and hair as possible. These guys are slaya in truly cumskin country + EE. Thats my theory while pakis outslay EE. 5th fitzpatrick (average in pakiland) is still better than 2nd and maybe even 3. Esp if 3rd goes along with cuck light hair and even more cucked blonde facial hair
Yeah I do think a lot of ethnics here overstate how bad it can be, but to be fair I can't really speak myself.

The whole "ethnic" thing sounds just like that "BIPOC" thing tbh. I could get Curries & Rices claiming "dethnic" but not Blacks, Spics, or even Sands.

I'm not saying ethnic tax doesn't exist, but some here make it out to be as if every ethnic is instantly incel & every white is instantly a slayer.

By many metrics also, Blacks especially American Blacks(which includes Caribbeans & Latino ones) & Bantus aren't really ethnic & are labeled as just "Black"

I relate to my NW-Euro side more I feel like, just characteristically at least.
Bro you're just saying "its not that big of a deal" because you didnt get the short end of the stick. If you woke up tomorrow ethnic sure af you would feel like killing yourself. So dont try to gaslight people here saying "its not that big of a deal" when yes it is that big of a deal if ure ethnic you're seen as a subhuman by society you have to be perfect in every single way and even then people will still talk shit.
In other areas of life such as having better parents I agree, but not SMV wise.

Most we could get is betabuxxing a turd world whore

I'm not denying Whiteness doesn't provide a "halo"

I'm just saying, JBW in the sense of "all/most whitecels can ascend just by being white" is cope as fuck,

53% of our forum is.
But see thats a strawman created to make us look bad no one is saying "all whites can ascend" , people just prefer attacking that strawman over engaging with the real argument we're making because its easier.I wouldn't be able to say whether or not most of whites can ascend via JBW because it depends on the case , some can some can't. But what i can say is their odds are sure as fuck higher than ethnics.
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Bro you're just saying "its not that big of a deal" because you didnt get the short end of the stick. If you woke up tomorrow ethnic sure af you would feel like killing yourself. So dont try to gaslight people here saying "its not that big of a deal" when yes it is that big of a deal if ure ethnic you're seen as a subhuman by society you have to be perfect in every single way and even then people will still talk shit.
Re-read what I said, I literally just said "I can't speak" which would imply I can't really speak.

I just stated I feel that some here at times overstate how bad it is, especially when they're not even curry or rice & are black or spics who have it 100x better compared to the last groups. I live in one of the most diverse states in the US, and I see a good amount of BMWF couples & most spics I see in public have a looksmatch of their own race.

Ofc Incels still exist in those groups as they do in all groups, it's just they cannot be lumped under the same umbrella as Curries or Rices.

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