[SuicideFuel] mogged by cockroaches
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jerrycan dan
JoinedJul 22, 2018Messages3,532
Nov 3, 2018
Do you ever realise that most animals who survive and don't get eaten are having sex while you're not? I walked out into my kitchen and saw a cockroach on the bench scurrying to get away from me, I am too apathetic to kill the disgusting little thing.
Think about its beady little eyes, its grubby little mandibles, its six spiny legs crawling across your floor, its glossy wings which it buzzes about if you try to grab it and the smooth-ish segmented shell that covers its whole body. Now think about the fact that this cockroach is sexier than you. There are cockroaches out there who want to get mad bug action with the cockroach you just imagined, giving it dozens of little cockroach babies that go out into the world and get cockroach sex as well. Generations of sexy little cockroaches go by in the space of a year, while you rot in loneliness and are considered disgusting to look at because of your height or the arrangement of bones in your face.Try imagining being sexually attracted to a cockroach. I look at a cockroach and can barely imagine what it would be like to get horny after looking at one of those things, but it happens every day and these cockroaches get way more action than you can ever get.
You are mogged by the dirtiest, creepiest looking creatures it is possible to see on a daily basis. Having a shower and avoiding creepy direct eye contact with women in public won't save you from getting mogged by a roach when you turn on the lights