I don't know, I suppose this article is better than average. But it treats being an incel more as being in a club than a state of being.
I'm middle-aged. I've been incel since before the term was widely used (I regularly called myself an omega-male, if I needed a term). I never talked to anyone else like myself. Yet I came to nearly all of the same conclusions the blackpill exposes on my own.
The article goes around and around, circling the problem but not offering any solutions or answers. It just states that we are a group of angry young men, 'but hey we aren't all psychos - being an incel is like being a part of a support group. '
Maybe this article bugs me because it was written by a woman, and sounds so damn condescending. We don't know how to be men, and we need to take responsibility? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!? You think we haven't tried every trick in the book????
I don't read any compassion, or understanding in this article. It just reads as "extremists of the week" garbage. The fact that it's still more accurate than usual is sad - and probably only because they actually bothered to talk to one us.
Instead of pointing out our failures, as if we don't hate ourselves enough already, how about try to talk girls into fucking us and not treating us like shit? But no, telling society/girls to change is immoral. Well then stop judging us, stop telling us what to do.
There was one line from the article I liked, "men who hurt, hurt us." No one's going to help, no one cares, the response is obvious.