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I've had it with femtards. We need a new society.



Based 5'7" American Patriotcel
Dec 14, 2022
Ciao ragazzi, as it is no news to you, femtards are pieces of shit.

First, they say we're all entitled and toxic and fragile and mediocre and shitty and (part of the) problem and whatnot and that we're not "owed" sex or anything ever. Well, but they have the right to have relationships with men???!!!! I fucking disagree with that! They are the ones who should go to college and get their five PhDs in whatever bullshit liberal arts or sociology or gender studies or any other garbage "studies" and then, get some very overpaid job in academia or HR or journalism or NGOs or think tanks or some other garbage white collar cubicle job, then after each day, just come home and be happy alone with their cats and boxes of boxed wine, while commenting on some Cuckdit post about how all men are the worst in the world. Or go have giant lezzy orgies, whatever, just stay out of men's lives!

I've said it long ago: WE NEED TO WRITE AND PASS A LAW THAT MAKES IT ILLEGAL FOR FEMINISTS TO EVER HAVE A PARTNER OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. I mean, weren't they all yasskweeening about how they don't need a man for anything? I mean, perfect, go love your best life then without men! But you want a man? Yeah, I want a lot of things, but have I gotten them, huh? If I want a Porsche or a Ferrari, do I have a right to just find one, smash the window in and drive away with it and then keep it as my own? Plus, then they don't get to say that "you don't need any gun at all" like it's the reality here in Calizuela and I can't fucking wait to get out of this miserable hellhole of a state. Plus, I'm 5'7", that two inches below the average US male height, I can't defend myself without a gun, but due to having to live in such a fucked up shithole, I'm denied a basic constitutional right. So now need is a requirement, huh, but not when the need would inconvenince them, huh? And fuck the "grEatEr gOOd" bullshit, America was built on individualism by straight white men without college degrees, the ones the most hated by femtards. Like a femtard said "straight white men without college degrees cannot be poor, because how do they still have money for guns and cars? And even if they were, who cares? I didn't ask them not to go to college or to vote Republican." Just see the scheme how the world works according to the intersectionalists' twisted logic:

Plus, the femtards yowl how "yOu're nOt eNtitLed tO " blah blah blah. Well then,
FEMINISTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PRACTICE HETEROSEXUALITY. I mean fine, sexuality is not a choice, but I don't want those shits to be allowed to be with any man ever. I mean, the South Korean femtards are happy with their 4B culture, why don't those femtards in other countries just join in and finally start living happily without men? Besides, to think about it, heterosexuality and masculinity are both part of conservative culture, and they're appropriating and ruining it. Fucking feminists have ruined heterosexuality, time for them to be kicked out of it for good. That would be a win-win.

Then men don't have to worry about getting stuck with a feminist anymore, and the feminists will now never be raped, murdered or anything, they'll no longer have to whine about any "orgasm gaps" or anything on how men are useless, they can just go fuck another woman, be happy and live with their deep-seated resentment of how men are useless. Will be leaving the men alone. Like the Pink Floyd song would be: "Hey! Feminists! Leave the men alone!"

So, here's my plan. Time for a division. The left always loves to scream about how they are the "majOritY", but the thing is, they're only concentrated in a few select areas, how they yell that "LaNd DoeSn't vOte", well, most of the people in red areas don't like their bullshit. The femtards can live in the blue areas entirely without men, whereas the red area will be taken back for us based American patriots. All the feminists, Antifa thugs, anti-capitalists a.k.a. scum, pronouns in bio, people who say "be better/do better/educate yourself", and people who say "no one needs to own these and these guns" will not be allowed to live in the red area and ruin our country. They can move to the blue area. And any man stupid enough to support the left-agenda can either undergo debrainwash, or move to another country.

But anyone who loves individual freedoms (I won't discriminate, but most of them are disproportionately straight white men without college education) will be welcome in the red area, of Based American Patriots. I mean, it would be another win-win. The leftards would no longer have to be in the oppressive miserable hellholes that they say the red areas are. And what they say that how they subsidize the reds, well fine, they can keep all of their bullshit "knOwLeDgE EcoNomY" GDP for themselves, we don't want anything from them other than they stay away from us. Then we'll have the majority of blue-collar industries, electricity, natural resources and strong military and police. And the based patriots would no longer have to put up with the left encroaching on their freedoms, or be forced to go to college in order to get a good-paying job. And the colleges will be made patriotic, with no more gender studies or sociology or other "amEriCa BaD" stuff.

But although it's worth it to not have to live in a same country with feminists and gun-control freaks, the problem is that then we might have shortages of women. So for that reason, we need to cultivate closer ties with Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. Italy is so far the only western country that hasn't been ruined by feminism, think if I understood, even most women there are very anti-femtards and anti-misandry. They're not submissive though, but fuck it, anti-femtard is of much higher importance. Guess would have to avoid places like Bologna and Florence though, these are notoriously full of le femministe sinistronze. But mostly, Italy is still based and anti-feminists, but has very hot women. They don't like feminism because it scares away men and paints the picture that tutti gli uomini sono stupratori e misogini, e tutte le donne sono vittime! So yeah, Italian dudes are still based Alphas and will not put up with the femtards extreme misandry. Like a hard majority of Italian women are not feminists, but the few that are are even more extreme misandrists than in America. But hey, they can be avoided easily, just stay out of Bologna/Firenze or areas that vote PD. So, I'm still hoping for Italy. Thankfully Italy is still way more based and redpilled, Italian dudes will not date feminists. So if you're a feminist in Italy, you will never have a sex life again and even the normal women will extremely dislike you for making them look bad in the eyes of men. Le femministe non scopano. So yea, still hoping that can join military and get to Italy. *fingers crossed*.

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this will literally do nothing because femnitards are mostly already single and hate men. way to play by their cards
i did not read.
but im gonna say this. if you are a incel, women are gonna ignore you and laugh at you your entire life.
DNR but I m sure u r right
A lot of words for "We need a modern day Genghis Khan".

I didn't read, but I agree.
Ciao ragazzi, as it is no news to you, femtards are pieces of shit.

First, they say we're all entitled and toxic and fragile and mediocre and shitty and (part of the) problem and whatnot and that we're not "owed" sex or anything ever. Well, but they have the right to have relationships with men???!!!! I fucking disagree with that! They are the ones who should go to college and get their five PhDs in whatever bullshit liberal arts or sociology or gender studies or any other garbage "studies" and then, get some very overpaid job in academia or HR or journalism or NGOs or think tanks or some other garbage white collar cubicle job, then after each day, just come home and be happy alone with their cats and boxes of boxed wine, while commenting on some Cuckdit post about how all men are the worst in the world. Or go have giant lezzy orgies, whatever, just stay out of men's lives!

I've said it long ago: WE NEED TO WRITE AND PASS A LAW THAT MAKES IT ILLEGAL FOR FEMINISTS TO EVER HAVE A PARTNER OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. I mean, weren't they all yasskweeening about how they don't need a man for anything? I mean, perfect, go love your best life then without men! But you want a man? Yeah, I want a lot of things, but have I gotten them, huh? If I want a Porsche or a Ferrari, do I have a right to just find one, smash the window in and drive away with it and then keep it as my own? Plus, then they don't get to say that "you don't need any gun at all" like it's the reality here in Calizuela and I can't fucking wait to get out of this miserable hellhole of a state. Plus, I'm 5'7", that two inches below the average US male height, I can't defend myself without a gun, but due to having to live in such a fucked up shithole, I'm denied a basic constitutional right. So now need is a requirement, huh, but not when the need would inconvenince them, huh? And fuck the "grEatEr gOOd" bullshit, America was built on individualism by straight white men without college degrees, the ones the most hated by femtards. Like a femtard said "straight white men without college degrees cannot be poor, because how do they still have money for guns and cars? And even if they were, who cares? I didn't ask them not to go to college or to vote Republican." Just see the scheme how the world works according to the intersectionalists' twisted logic:

Plus, the femtards yowl how "yOu're nOt eNtitLed tO " blah blah blah. Well then,
FEMINISTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PRACTICE HETEROSEXUALITY. I mean fine, sexuality is not a choice, but I don't want those shits to be allowed to be with any man ever. I mean, the South Korean femtards are happy with their 4B culture, why don't those femtards in other countries just join in and finally start living happily without men? Besides, to think about it, heterosexuality and masculinity are both part of conservative culture, and they're appropriating and ruining it. Fucking feminists have ruined heterosexuality, time for them to be kicked out of it for good. That would be a win-win.

Then men don't have to worry about getting stuck with a feminist anymore, and the feminists will now never be raped, murdered or anything, they'll no longer have to whine about any "orgasm gaps" or anything on how men are useless, they can just go fuck another woman, be happy and live with their deep-seated resentment of how men are useless. Will be leaving the men alone. Like the Pink Floyd song would be: "Hey! Feminists! Leave the men alone!"

So, here's my plan. Time for a division. The left always loves to scream about how they are the "majOritY", but the thing is, they're only concentrated in a few select areas, how they yell that "LaNd DoeSn't vOte", well, most of the people in red areas don't like their bullshit. The femtards can live in the blue areas entirely without men, whereas the red area will be taken back for us based American patriots. All the feminists, Antifa thugs, anti-capitalists a.k.a. scum, pronouns in bio, people who say "be better/do better/educate yourself", and people who say "no one needs to own these and these guns" will not be allowed to live in the red area and ruin our country. They can move to the blue area. And any man stupid enough to support the left-agenda can either undergo debrainwash, or move to another country.

But anyone who loves individual freedoms (I won't discriminate, but most of them are disproportionately straight white men without college education) will be welcome in the red area, of Based American Patriots. I mean, it would be another win-win. The leftards would no longer have to be in the oppressive miserable hellholes that they say the red areas are. And what they say that how they subsidize the reds, well fine, they can keep all of their bullshit "knOwLeDgE EcoNomY" GDP for themselves, we don't want anything from them other than they stay away from us. Then we'll have the majority of blue-collar industries, electricity, natural resources and strong military and police. And the based patriots would no longer have to put up with the left encroaching on their freedoms, or be forced to go to college in order to get a good-paying job. And the colleges will be made patriotic, with no more gender studies or sociology or other "amEriCa BaD" stuff.

But although it's worth it to not have to live in a same country with feminists and gun-control freaks, the problem is that then we might have shortages of women. So for that reason, we need to cultivate closer ties with Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. Italy is so far the only western country that hasn't been ruined by feminism, think if I understood, even most women there are very anti-femtards and anti-misandry. They're not submissive though, but fuck it, anti-femtard is of much higher importance. Guess would have to avoid places like Bologna and Florence though, these are notoriously full of le femministe sinistronze. But mostly, Italy is still based and anti-feminists, but has very hot women. They don't like feminism because it scares away men and paints the picture that tutti gli uomini sono stupratori e misogini, e tutte le donne sono vittime! So yeah, Italian dudes are still based Alphas and will not put up with the femtards extreme misandry. Like a hard majority of Italian women are not feminists, but the few that are are even more extreme misandrists than in America. But hey, they can be avoided easily, just stay out of Bologna/Firenze or areas that vote PD. So, I'm still hoping for Italy. Thankfully Italy is still way more based and redpilled, Italian dudes will not date feminists. So if you're a feminist in Italy, you will never have a sex life again and even the normal women will extremely dislike you for making them look bad in the eyes of men. Le femministe non scopano. So yea, still hoping that can join military and get to Italy. *fingers crossed*.

Your proposal is too complex.

We should just put all foids in cages and that's enough. Me, personally, I would prefer that foids be kept in a coma in underground breeding barns and be tended by robot nurses. Their bodies will be used solely for procreation and no man shall ever see a foid.
They hate the patriarchy and men they can enjoy their foid ruled communities in the middle of nowhere.
So for that reason, we need to cultivate closer ties with Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. Italy is so far the only western country that hasn't been ruined by feminism, think if I understood, even most women there are very anti-femtards and anti-misandry
What the fuck are you even talking about here. I am a actual italian and i just hate how ameritards imagine italy as a fucking marvel comic land. Italy is litterally the worst shit ever in terms of sexual opportunities for young men with celibacy rates and demography worse than japan. Meloni and Salvini are fully controlled opposition and have been normalized into globalism promoting gender shit and gynocentrism. Not even trying to be tradcucks they openly lean toward leftism sometimes.
Thankfully Italy is still way more based and redpilled, Italian dudes will not date feminists. So if you're a feminist in Italy, you will never have a sex life again and even the normal women will extremely dislike you for making them look bad in the eyes of men. Le femministe non scopano. So yea, still hoping that can join military and get to Italy. *fingers crossed*.
Yes just come and have a fucking bad cold shower as soon as you land here.
Women generally speaking do not want to be associated with feminism just like in the usa however they still demand to have all the rights without the responsibilities, removing the roles they do not like while keeping men forced to follow their roles. It’s the same shit everywhere if foids are liberated and working.

Lol do you even know italian guys are usually the most desperate ones embarassing themselves abroad since our shit women starve them to dearh sexually and socially? Lol
The only true solution to all of this is removing foid rights. This will eventually be done but most likely by an outside group coming in that hasn't lost it's manliness yet. In europe it's gonna be muslims, in the US not sure. Maybe it's gonna be purely niggerfied.

History has shown this to happen over and over.

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