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Ive approached 500+ girls and not one succeeded



Nov 10, 2017
anyone here with similar numbers? i even approached a few whales
Im at around 200 something overall
Lefterio13 said:
Im at around 200 something overall

ye there's no hope i would advise you not to continue

i developed bad social anxiety from it .. gettign rejected by 3s
Why would I ever approach an FHO without IOI's? Fuck that.
BlackPill47 said:
Why would I ever approach an FHO without IOI's? Fuck that.

"She looked at me for a second."
I approached easily over 1000. I had some success but was mostly dumped.
At least some of them were rather pretty so I guess I can retire from dating at 28'
I am at 0! Why should i be the one who approaches them! I am better then them they are the women they are infiror so they should approache me and prove themselfs to me not the other way around.
Zyzz said:
I am at 0! Why should i be the one who approaches them! I am better then them they are the women they are infiror so they should approache me and prove themselfs to me not the other way around.

Fakecel detected @azavii
It's not a numbers game. It's a looks one. 50 girls is a good statistics. Women have narrow standards but if there is at least one the likes you then 50 approaches are enough to find out. Also, women's preferences tend to overlap a lot so just 50 females should be enougn to see if you are subhuman or not.
incelman said:
It's not a numbers game. It's a looks one. 50 girls is a good statistics. Women have narrow standards but if there is at least one the likes you then 50 approaches are enough to find out. Also, women's preferences tend to overlap a lot so just 50 females should be enougn to see if you are subhuman or not.

It depends little on how exactly are you aproaching. 

Are you really genuinely aproaching with a good mindset and an honest try,or are you just approaching to "get it over with" 

I would say that approaching 100 girls with real intentions is about reasonable to see where you stand.
Zero, I'm too subhuman for normal femoids.
Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
Are you really genuinely aproaching with a good mindset and an honest try,or are you just approaching to "get it over with" 

banderas x10

for real buddy boyo are you srs rn?
Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
It depends little on how exactly are you aproaching. 

Are you really genuinely aproaching with a good mindset and an honest try,or are you just approaching to "get it over with" 

I would say that approaching 100 girls with real intentions is about reasonable to see where you stand.

It doesn't matter how you approach. If you are asubhuman they just get over with you.
At least you don't have high inhibition/social anxiety. How were you approaching them? Maybe it is time to figure out what goes wrong and look for a new strategy. I just can't believe your looks are so bad that it is the only reason woman reject you 500/500 times. Maybe ask non-incel friends (if existing) for advice on what goes wrong. I don't want to sound like a normie here but I really think it is true. And if your looks really are that subhuman you might save some money and consider plastic surgery
Wow 500! That's a lot.

I couldn't give a running total, but I've approached some and it's just terrifying when I approach and then humiliating and shameful when I'm rejected. I stopped for my own mental health, I think getting rejected 500 times would drive me insane.
BlackPill47 said:
Why would I ever approach an FHO without IOI's? Fuck that.

Unpaid PinV is the only true IOI.

Zyzz said:
I am at 0! Why should i be the one who approaches them! I am better then them they are the women they are infiror so they should approache me and prove themselfs to me not the other way around.

Legit tbh. Generally, men shouldnt be going around approaching women. The only exception is if a woman gives you a super lustful stare. Google "trainer checks out bruce ellington" to see what I mean.
I stopped at 700

I've lost count after 50.
146, maybe 5-6 "cold approaches" out of that number. Still KHHV. lol end me

I'm 27.
I'm only around 30.
BlackPill47 said:
Why would I ever approach an FHO without IOI's? Fuck that.

FHO?!? Femoral Head Osteoctomy?
Zero. I've never tried to approach a chick and haven't been given real reason or incentive to do so. They show me absolutely no attraction or signs of interest, why risk being made a fool.
Just R O P E if you haven't gotten laid after those many tries.
I'm at around 0 approaches so far.
CopingGymcel said:
I'm at around 0 approaches so far.

Same, cold-approaching is not a good idea though IMO. You'd have to be Chad to have any reasonable success rate.
Zyzz said:
I am at 0! Why should i be the one who approaches them! I am better then them they are the women they are infiror so they should approache me and prove themselfs to me not the other way around.


I am a curry, curries are already notorious for being creeps. I don't approach because I don't want to end up in jail. My brown butthole is extremely tight, it will tear apart miserably.
Framecel222 said:
Same, cold-approaching is not a good idea though IMO. You'd have to be Chad to have any reasonable success rate.

I wish I had the guts to approach, but instead I am waiting for a girl to approach. I've built so much muscle, so when I lean out next year and hit single digit bf, it will be a huge improvement to my overall looks, so I am hoping that will do it.
I have approached around 5 and all of them gave me cold shoulder
CopingGymcel said:
I wish I had the guts to approach, but instead I am waiting for a girl to approach. I've built so much muscle, so when I lean out next year and hit single digit bf, it will be a huge improvement to my overall looks, so I am hoping that will do it.

What weight and BF% are you at rn?
Framecel222 said:
What weight and BF% are you at rn?

It's hard to say, but I am around 100kg. Will probably weigh a lot less once I get really low bf and drop some water weight from the test. Above 20% bf at least.
CopingGymcel said:
It's hard to say, but I am around 100kg. Will probably weigh a lot less once I get really low bf and drop some water weight from the test. Above 20% bf at least.

Damn that is bloatcel territory. Cutting should help a lot, last night I was looking through some old pictures of me and my cheekbones were so much more visible before I started bulking.
Framecel222 said:
Damn that is bloatcel territory. Cutting should help a lot, last night I was looking through some old pictures of me and my cheekbones were so much more visible before I started bulking.

My face doesn't look all that bloated, though. Can still see my cheekbones, but they're not overly prominent. Arms still look vascular, but stomach has a little fat on it. My face definitely looked better before the bulk, that's for sure. But this time around I will go even lower than I ever have, so it's a temporary looksmin to looksmax. Bulking till New Year's then cutting. After this bulk, I will just do small cycles of bulks and not as high of a surplus of calories. Will never go above 12% after this.
CopingGymcel said:
My face doesn't look all that bloated, though. Can still see my cheekbones, but they're not overly prominent. Arms still look vascular, but stomach has a little fat on it. My face definitely looked better before the bulk, that's for sure. But this time around I will go even lower than I ever have, so it's a temporary looksmin to looksmax. Bulking till New Year's then cutting. After this bulk, I will just do small cycles of bulks and not as high of a surplus of calories. Will never go above 12% after this.

So out of curiosity, what exactly makes you incel? If you're tall, gymcelled, have a high-test face, and have visible cheekbones at 20% BF then I can't imagine why how you'd be below at least 5/10.
Maybe Norwooding is an even bigger death sentence than we thought.  :S
Framecel222 said:
So out of curiosity, what exactly makes you incel? If you're tall, gymcelled, have a high-test face, and have visible cheekbones at 20% BF then I can't imagine why how you'd be below at least 5/10.
Maybe Norwooding is an even bigger death sentence than we thought.  :S

High inhib, no friends, poor social skills together with not looking good enough to make up for it. What I want is to be good enough looking to make up for all of it. Perhaps after getting to a really low body fat and a hair transplant. But yes, nw is worse than death itself.

Anyway, you'd be unstoppable with a great muscular body, even thicker neck (it's pretty decent, but can get better) and low body fat, as long as you can hold on to your hair. Great AVI change btw.
CopingGymcel said:
High inhib, no friends, poor social skills together with not looking good enough to make up for it. What I want is to be good enough looking to make up for all of it. Perhaps after getting to a really low body fat  and a hair transplant. But yes, nw is worse than death itself.

Same, I bet that describes a very large percentage of guys on here. Not many people are so ugly that they couldn't get laid even after looksmaxing, being outgoing, and having a strong social circle. I'm gonna conduct a poll to see how many friends the average incel has.

And thanks. My neck training is not going well because I just can't get the form down, I think I might buy a harness to make neck curling easier.
Framecel222 said:
And thanks. My neck training is not going well because I just can't get the form down, I think I might buy a harness to make neck curling easier.

I use a harness to hit the back of my neck, then I do curls.
Sparky said:
Could I do neck training more than 2-3 times a week to get faster results?

You could do it every 48 hours. Funny how I am actually doing my neck training right now as we speak. About to do last set.
Sparky said:
What about every 24 hours or would that be overkill?

After seeing the neck morph I want dem gains fast

24 hours would probably be overkill.

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