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ITT: share how ur oneitis brutally rejected you



Jan 22, 2018
my oneitis was this five foot nothing asian girl who is maybe a psl 4.5/10. she had crooked teeth and was a tad too skinny.
whenever we met she would lead me on and flirt with me
i finally mustered up the courage to ask her out
her response *im too busy right now, mb in a couple of years*
When I asked her why she rejected me, she didn't want to say. I had to get it out of her, in other words, I had to ask her a couple of times before she finally caved in. She said "Looks don't matter, but they do matter a little." BRUTAL, KEK. Needless to say, I wasn't surprised. I already knew I wasn't good looking, but that I was that ugly? It was my first proper blackpill.
I've never asked out my onitis. i was never delusional. I've only every asked chubby girls, or girls with big ass noses
I sent her a message and she didn't even respond to me lol. It was so cringey and pathetic.

When I asked her why she rejected me, she didn't want to say. I had to get it out of her, in other words, I had to ask her a couple of times before she finally caved in. She said "Looks don't matter, but they do matter a little." BRUTAL, KEK. Needless to say, I wasn't surprised. I already knew I wasn't good looking, but that I was that ugly? It was my first proper blackpill.
She sounds retarded like most women. That didn't even make sense.
TheVman said:
I've never asked out my onitis. i was never delusional. I've only every asked chubby girls, or girls with big ass noses

you only live once
i can go to the grave knowing that retarded as it may be at least i tried to get with my oneitis
"According to my scale you are 2/10"
"You look like a frankenstein"
"You look like a gollum"
Stanx22 said:
I sent her a message and she didn't even respond to me lol. It was so cringey and pathetic.

She sounds retarded like most women. That didn't even make sense.

It means I was too ugly for her, she would have otherwise considered being with me if I wasn't so ugly. I'm a 2/10 subhuman currycel after all.
lol @ having or even using the term "oneitis"
It means I was too ugly for her, she would have otherwise considered being with me if I wasn't so ugly. I'm a 2/10 subhuman currycel after all.

I'm 3/10 short and balding, so i know how you feel bro.
Stanx22 said:
I'm 3/10 short and balding, so i know how you feel bro.

I'm honestly better off dead. I'm sorry you're going through what I'm going through. You can always PM me if you need to talk.
existentialhack said:
lol @ having or even using the term "oneitis"

u cannot claim to be a truecel if u havent experienced a humiliating rejection by ur oneitis
I was orbiting her for months even I know she will never consider me as a "human".
I've never had a "oneitis", I've had some highschool crushes but they were just that... crushes... truthfully every girl I've ever liked has either had a bf already or like moved away or someshit, and everytime I always realize Just how little I actually knew her
I'm honestly better off dead. I'm sorry you're going through what I'm going through. You can always PM me if you need to talk.

I want to be dead too, but die naturally. And i'll PM you if i need someone to talk to. You can do the same if you also need anyone to talk to who understand how you feel.

ropetomorrow said:
u cannot claim to be a truecel if u havent experienced a humiliating rejection by ur oneitis

I experienced humiliating rejection when i was a little kid, does that count ?
8th grade dance
>asked her if she would like to go somewhere with me this weekend
>laughed at my face
>white 6 ft tall chad friend asked her out
>she says yes
>next day white six foot tall chad makes football team
>I don't make team

Cried so much that week man. That week turned me into an aspie with dormant rage.
Stanx22 said:
I want to be dead too, but die naturally. And i'll PM you if i need someone to talk to. You can do the same if you also need anyone to talk to who understand how you feel.

I experienced humiliating rejection when i was a little kid, does that count ?

yes it does

IronMike said:
8th grade dance
>asked her if she would like to go somewhere with me this weekend
>laughed at my face
>white 6 ft tall chad friend asked her out
>she says yes
>next day white six foot tall chad makes football team
>I don't make team

Cried so much that week man.  That week turned me into an aspie with dormant rage.
its ok boyo shes probably fat now
ropetomorrow said:
yes it does

its ok boyo shes probably fat now

she's not she's a model in california LMAO
ropetomorrow said:
u cannot claim to be a truecel if u havent experienced a humiliating rejection by ur oneitis

lol yes you can. I've never even spoken to a femoid. How would I get rejected by one?
It's so orge that I can't get over her.
Stanx22 said:
I want to be dead too, but die naturally. And i'll PM you if i need someone to talk to. You can do the same if you also need anyone to talk to who understand how you feel.

I experienced humiliating rejection when i was a little kid, does that count ?

Thank you brother. And I agree, I too want to die naturally. Killing yourself is a major sin, so I can't do that. Dying in your sleep is the best way to go.
ropetomorrow said:
u cannot claim to be a truecel if u havent experienced a humiliating rejection by ur oneitis

Thank you brother. And I agree, I too want to die naturally. Killing yourself is a major sin, so I can't do that. Dying in your sleep is the best way to go.

Amen my brother.
ropetomorrow said:
yes it does

its ok boyo shes probably fat now

stop coping with bitch tier statements like "shes probably fat now", embrace and take in the pain and hatred
thsts fauxflirting op. beware of the fauxflirt.
When I had a thing for an FHO in my office who was like a young Marisa Tomei. I overheard her discussing her long-term BF. I facepalmed hard and was just business from then on.

The last time I thought I escaped, this other FHO casually dropped that she was a lesbian. FML.
Average thin blond girl. Went to party with her and I thought we connected. She doesn't even respond to my text anymore. She thinks I'm creepy and tells our mutual friend about it. Told him I liked her said I had a chance and asked again.through text and he said probably not happening. It's been months, not over it. If I was better looking she'd sucking me off right now. OvER for me.
Of course i was an autistic fat ugly virgin loner in high school
This happened in junior year:
I discover i have a massive insurmountable fetish for redheads, and this one girl who never talked or interacted with anyone had it. She never wore makeup or gave a shit about her appearance or anything so i thought i had a chance somehow. It takes me until the last 2 months of the year to even talk to her. And i basically did it in the most creepy way; waiting for her to walk past one of my classes and then go up and talk to her in person. Sputter out some random words and try to get her number and shit. Failed miserably of course and she tells me she's a lesbian (true actually) and gives me a fake number eventually, then her real one after i basically cry at her about it. Texted her about how i loved her so much and all that shit. true oneitis. Of course it ended terribly and she blocked me and never responded to me again. I also used to stalk her twitter and see she'd be making fun of me on it to her friends lmao
She kept saying no to my advances, but I got the last laugh.
Asked girl out and she told me she was lesbian, later caught her making out with some Hispanic dude in the hallway
I've posted this story before but I'll post a shortened down version

>Be 15
>Go to Chad friends house for a "Party" (More like a small gathering since there was 6 of us and like 2-3 bottles of vodka)
>We all drink
>My and my oneitis start talking
>I tell her I like her and that we should hang out sometime
>She says "sure"
>Go upstairs to pee because I drank a lot
>Come back downstairs
>See her making out with Chad friend.
>This keeps going for like an hour
>Then she talks to him for a bit and they fall asleep together.

The blackpill affected me before I even knew about it's existence.
She told me my face looks like a diseased rectum and that she doesnt want a bf right now, 2 weeks later shes fucking her chad childhood friend, just dump acid on all these cumdumpsters
she cyberbullyed me and laughed at me with her whore friends she is pure evil. shes now a successful analyst

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