Height-Cel: Height is everything for a man. Good stature it's the only way to be respected at all. If you're even average height you'll be brushed aside for being unimpressive. You must be "tall".
Emotional-Cel: I know the other schizoids here know what I'm talking about. No drive to socialize or make connections with other people, weak or little emotional response/ unaffectionate, don't bother with "playing the game" and faking interest? ha this is deadly, and I mean DEADLY in today's world. It's amazing how quickly and vicously people will turn on you for this.
Social-Cel/Persona-Cel: Again, it's a woman's world now. It's all about looking good, you have to be surrounded by a group of cool friends at all times and always socializing and showing off how totally cool, and "with it" and extroverted you are, otherwise you're going straight into the dust-pan. LMAO, if you're even sitting by yourself for a single moment people will pester you about it. You must be always on, all the time, or normies will immediately project their deep loneliness, awkwardness and depression onto you.
Dark-Cel: White is right, that's just the reality of it. Even if you're black, people and girls always prefer lighter skin tone (given complexion is also good). Better bust out the bleach, toadies