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It’s time to settle this, is JBW true or cope?

  • Thread starter TheScarletPrince
  • Start date

Is JBW cope, or is it true?

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I Love Chainsaw Man
May 22, 2024
Hello guys, I still have no power here in Texas, so I’m still using a trashy iPhone 8 with hotspot on because my data doesn’t work. Do please forgive me if there are any mistakes in the post.

I’ve come to notice that the #1 issue that divides incels is the topic of JBW. If somehow you don’t know what that is, it’s the abbreviation of ‘Just Be White.’ The main idea is that foids desire white guys the most, and by being white, you are highly advantaged in your SMV.

Others think that this is cope, and that blacks and immigrants in general are more desired (certain immigrants, not Indians). Particularly black guys.

I actually don’t have a stance on this because I’m a sand nigger. And the only other Arabic dude in this forum is obsessed with making posts about Arabic men for whatever reason. I was curious what you guys think.

I would like you to please explain why you believe it is either true or cope in the replies if you have the time. I’m hoping this thread will help evoke some discussion amongst us. Just to spice up the forum right now.
Depends if you geomaxx maybe(still remember seeing some jap chink foid saying all men bellow 5'8 shoudnt have rights JFL)

and if you are in all white country and still yap about JBW then you are braindead lol do i even need to explain this
Copium and an excuse for ethics to attack white sub5s
idk ill go see and tell you
Depends if you geomaxx maybe(still remember seeing some jap chink foid saying all men bellow 5'8 shoudnt have rights JFL)

and if you are in all white country and still yap about JBW then you are braindead lol do i even need to explain this
I feel like geomaxxing has less to do with race and more to do with resources, there's reason it doesn't work nearly as well in places like japan and korea
It depends on what region and country you're in
If you are in Asia or Africa then it is true. However in a lot of European countries, JBB reigns
If you were a White man, you would never trade places with an ethnic man, all else being equal, or even with the ethnic man having significantly superior ability. JBW isn't absolute and won't save every WM but it's an insane lift. There's a reason we all say that ethnic women are better Nazis than Hitler himself.
I feel like geomaxxing has less to do with race and more to do with resources, there's reason it doesn't work nearly as well in places like japan and korea
I tend to agree with this. It’s not necessarily about race, it’s just because of what noodles think foreigners have in general. Like SupremeAutist said, it doesn’t work as well on nips and gooks.

Not that you’d want it to anyway honestly, they’re so disloyal and will stab you in the back whenever they can.
Hello guys, I still have no power here in Texas, so I’m still using a trashy iPhone 8 with hotspot on because my data doesn’t work. Do please forgive me if there are any mistakes in the post.

I’ve come to notice that the #1 issue that divides incels is the topic of JBW. If somehow you don’t know what that is, it’s the abbreviation of ‘Just Be White.’ The main idea is that foids desire white guys the most, and by being white, you are highly advantaged in your SMV.

Others think that this is cope, and that blacks and immigrants in general are more desired (certain immigrants, not Indians). Particularly black guys.

I actually don’t have a stance on this because I’m a sand nigger. And the only other Arabic dude in this forum is obsessed with making posts about Arabic men for whatever reason. I was curious what you guys think.

I would like you to please explain why you believe it is either true or cope in the replies if you have the time. I’m hoping this thread will help evoke some discussion amongst us. Just to spice up the forum right now.
Attractive whites have an edge over other attractive people of other races. Besides that, its cope
Hello guys, I still have no power here in Texas, so I’m still using a trashy iPhone 8 with hotspot on because my data doesn’t work. Do please forgive me if there are any mistakes in the post.

I’ve come to notice that the #1 issue that divides incels is the topic of JBW. If somehow you don’t know what that is, it’s the abbreviation of ‘Just Be White.’ The main idea is that foids desire white guys the most, and by being white, you are highly advantaged in your SMV.

Others think that this is cope, and that blacks and immigrants in general are more desired (certain immigrants, not Indians). Particularly black guys.

I actually don’t have a stance on this because I’m a sand nigger. And the only other Arabic dude in this forum is obsessed with making posts about Arabic men for whatever reason. I was curious what you guys think.

I would like you to please explain why you believe it is either true or cope in the replies if you have the time. I’m hoping this thread will help evoke some discussion amongst us. Just to spice up the forum right now.
JBW is LAW, but the thing is
Any other race needs to check multiple boxes to be successful, meanwhile as a white man, you only need to NOT be fat and even if you're fat, don't be poor, and even if you're poor don't be a manlet, and even if you are, don't be severely mentally ill and there's a solution for you.
But as a brown guy? you need to check multiple boxes to even have a slim chance to get a girl, a fat brown guy will never get a girl, same as a fat chink, be a brown/yellow manlet and it's over, and having money is not even a choice you NEED money if you're planning to even say "hello" mental health isn't even in the fucking table for a brown guy it doesn't exist.
As a white guy, if you're mentally ill and only if you're mentally ill you'll remain a bullied incel for life, if you aren't congratulations you have multiple solutions, for browns and chinks (and even chinks can geomaxx to Latin America where chicks are obsessed with Asians) you can't geomaxx, you can't betabuxx, you can't cheat with lifts, you can't gymmaxx, you can't looksmaxx, you need to have good bone structure + light skin + height + voice + money + being already fit or jacked, to even START to think about doing something like geomaxxing which is the last and final solution for whites.
But if you are a manlet/ugly/fat/poor/mentally ill brown/yellow guy, it isn't even over because it never began and there's no solution, no geomaxx, no looksmaxx, not even jestermaxx, nothing, you don't have any of the choices that whites and blacks at some degree have.
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neither (wont explain)
Jbw is real. I hate noodles
Giga cope unless it's around SEA or Africa. But you still need to betabucks to keep them around so what's the point?
Everything in Western nations has been twisted to benefit blacks and sands.
You cannot fail in Europe as a Nigger or Sand.
You can rock up illegally on a boat and within a few days you will be given free accomodation and money to looksmax and gymmax and never have to work and traitorous white holes will flock to you at clubs and bars.
A myth created by shitskins with an inferiority complex towards White people or shitskins with a White male/ ethnic female cuck fetish.
its true to some degree, most below average white guys can geomax and get a noodlecunt wife however JBW by ethnicels is very greatly exaggerated, it's taken too literally as if any single male with 00000000.1 percent of european DNA is a fakecel slayer.
Who would've thought, a majority white forum would think it's cope
A truth that broke the mind of an entire generation of deathnics.
I feel like geomaxxing has less to do with race and more to do with resources, there's reason it doesn't work nearly as well in places like japan and korea
you have a point but I think it can also be explained by them already being pale-skinned and being pretty racist countries
All else being equal and if the woman isn't racist, I think jbw still works there
Who would've thought, a majority white forum would think it's cope
Of course, people like to play victims or bring brain dead arguments like "I'm white and I'm still incel" and then they live in some place that's like 99.99% white.
I feel like geomaxxing has less to do with race and more to do with resources, there's reason it doesn't work nearly as well in places like japan and korea
The average white guy is a lot taller than men there and white men also more often than not have features that are deemed as attractive. Asians suffer from neoteny.
its legit cause geomaxxing, going SEA as white man = swim in pussy, problem is some here dont feel its worth going for it or would rather fap than race mix . i have to explain very long like this cause in my experience if i said jbw is legit all white can ascend some ppl will get very angry and thats not my goal in posting
being white does not automatically make you a sexhaver but you have increased chances.
If you were a White man, you would never trade places with an ethnic man, all else being equal, or even with the ethnic man having significantly superior ability. JBW isn't absolute and won't save every WM but it's an insane lift. There's a reason we all say that ethnic women are better Nazis than Hitler himself.
This, people need to understand JBW doesn'y LITERALLY mean "just be white". It just means that there is a MASSIVE gap between white caucasions, and non-white caucasions.

The other day, I saw some super pale, blue eyed, blonde white guy, he was probably 5'6. He's a subhuman, but he'd probably still get brown pussy if he really wanted. Plus, it's not just about pussy per say. That guy will still generally be treated well by other whites and ethnics, whereas if he was brown, he'd be more readily mocked or ignored.

No, even a 4/10 white guy can get himself a girlfriend in south america or asia or even some east euro shithole.
Many passport bros are black and getting laid overseas so it's cope
its real but its not as effective as it used to be

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