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SuicideFuel It's really fascinating how this roastie whore thought the number of sexual partners for the average person was much higher



KHHDV Wizard Alchemist. Wageslavecel.
Nov 21, 2023

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SexPositive/comments/1bn2eul/was_shocked_to_realize_the_average_person_has_10/

The average number for sexual partners in a lifetime is below 10, but this roastie unironically thought it was 25-50. She says that to her, 'promiscuous' means 100+ :feelshaha:

I didn't realize how few partners people have until I was in my late 30's and heard a couple of people discuss their histories and was shocked at how inexperienced they were and figured they were just deeply repressed. But then I looked up some statistics and saw the lifetime average is <10 and it is just kind of shocking to me. I thought I was pretty typical and everyone was about in the same boat as me. And that only religious extremists were in the <10 category.
It's SO EASY for foids to get sex, she unironically thought only religious repressed extremeists had less than 10 sexual partners.

Like, they are so far removed from understanding the struggles of men, it does not even blip on foids' radar that it might not be possible for men to get sex as easily.

High school parties. Prom night. College parties. Short-term dating relationships where you go out with someone on 3-4 dates and realize they're not quite for you. Is no one slamming? It seemed like people at those parties were always sneaking off together to pair up...it was completely normal... how then does it stay under 10? Were they just making out in a bedroom and that was it?
Like, she literally cannot comprehend it. She lists here all the many ways a woman can get sex. Basically any party, if the woman wants to have sex, she 100% will. I already knew this, we all knew this, but it's just so fascinating to see this woman come to this realization. A woman getting sex is like breathing. It just happens automatically, you don't think about it, you just get it and that's it.

And also, I guess, why aren't they doing it, then? Are people really not interested in sex? Is it all cultural sex-negativity and shame? Are the vast majority of people really all demisexual? Just what is going on?
She would rather think men are asexual and 'ashamed' of sex, than acknowledge the reality that sub7 men cannot get sex without paying escorts or betabuxxing.

Are people really going out on 3-4 dates with someone and NOT having sex??? Is nobody ever just having a hookup with a coworker or friend who they have sexual energy with? Apparently not!
It's like a child trying to understand the world. I am honestly just fascinated by this behavior. She's trying really hard to come up for reasons that seem logical to her given her life experience as a woman. Absolutely fascinating.

Also, the comments are really dumb, as you might expect. They really think the reason the average person has few sexual partners in a lifetime is because women are 'shamed' for it :feelshaha::feelshaha: How fucking out of touch can you fucking be, mang? In what world are women shamed for sex? In first world and second world countries they are actually encouraged by feminism to be 'sexually liberated and explorative'.


There at least 1 or 2 incels in denial there who tell her in the nicest way possible that actually, being a woman and getting easy sex is a privilege not everyone has.

And jfl at this :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelsclown: :)
Out of wedlock sexhavers, sluts and manwhores are the cause inceldom. Burn them all alive.
To me it's just so easy, and enjoyable to have a physically intimate connection with someone, even if it's completely detached from any kind of long-term, romantic love.


I've said this already, but it's just so insane how much different our lives are. How much better and easier their lives are.

It's like we aren't the same species. It's like we're from different planets.
What a degenerate WHORE. Her cunt must look DISGUSTING & blown out.

I've said this already, but it's just so insane how much different our lives are. How much better and easier their lives are.

It's like we aren't the same species. It's like we're from different planets.
I dont think its crazy to say I'd have rather been born a girl if my attractiveness stays the same
I dont think its crazy to say I'd have rather been born a girl if my attractiveness stays the same
It's not crazy to want a better life.

Life as an ugly man is pure torture. It barely qualifies as a 'life'. We're not living, we're surviving.
If you were a sex-haver, that would be a good way to test how whorey a girl is. Instead of asking her bodycount, ask her what she thinks the average is for girls.
It’s got to be worse than that, about 10x more blown out & BROWN instead of pink.
It does not matter at all, they can easily get sex for free whenever they want it. It does not matter how many dicks they've taken. It literally does not matter.

Want to hear something brutal: saying women get worn out with ugly roast beef is a GIGA MEGA COPE. You really think it's gonna affect them negatively in ANY way? It does not matter whatsover. Not in the slightest. Roasties are laughing at your face while getting plowed by Chad when you say this.

The same as the redpill giga cope ''women will hit the wall and end up alone drinking wine with their 5 cats!! :soy::soy:''. This does not exist, does not matter, does not happen. There is no wall. Women retain their infinite SMV throughout their entire lives. They can still find almost any man, at any age.

Women cannot be lonely. If they are lonely, it is by their own volition.
It does not matter at all, they can easily get sex for free whenever they want it. It does not matter how many dicks they've taken. It literally does not matter.

Want to hear something brutal: saying women get worn out with ugly roast beef is a GIGA MEGA COPE. You really think it's gonna affect them negatively in ANY way? It does not matter whatsover. Not in the slightest. Roasties are laughing at your face while getting plowed by Chad when you say this.

The same as the redpill giga cope ''women will hit the wall and end up alone drinking wine with their 5 cats!! :soy::soy:''. This does not exist, does not matter, does not happen. There is no wall. Women retain their infinite SMV throughout their entire lives. They can still find almost any man, at any age.

Women cannot be lonely. If they are lonely, it is by their own volition.
Of course it doesn’t matter, doesn’t change the fact their CUNT look disgusting.

It’s PUKEFUEL :feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke:.
Is nobody ever just having a hookup with a coworker or friend who they have sexual energy with? Apparently not!
Couldn’t help but laugh at this.
Textbook definition of a whore.
I've never had sexual tension with ANYONE lmao

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SexPositive/comments/1bn2eul/was_shocked_to_realize_the_average_person_has_10/

The average number for sexual partners in a lifetime is below 10, but this roastie unironically thought it was 25-50. She says that to her, 'promiscuous' means 100+ :feelshaha:

It's SO EASY for foids to get sex, she unironically thought only religious repressed extremeists had less than 10 sexual partners.

Like, they are so far removed from understanding the struggles of men, it does not even blip on foids' radar that it might not be possible for men to get sex as easily.

Like, she literally cannot comprehend it. She lists here all the many ways a woman can get sex. Basically any party, if the woman wants to have sex, she 100% will. I already knew this, we all knew this, but it's just so fascinating to see this woman come to this realization. A woman getting sex is like breathing. It just happens automatically, you don't think about it, you just get it and that's it.

She would rather think men are asexual and 'ashamed' of sex, than acknowledge the reality that sub7 men cannot get sex without paying escorts or betabuxxing.

It's like a child trying to understand the world. I am honestly just fascinated by this behavior. She's trying really hard to come up for reasons that seem logical to her given her life experience as a woman. Absolutely fascinating.

Also, the comments are really dumb, as you might expect. They really think the reason the average person has few sexual partners in a lifetime is because women are 'shamed' for it :feelshaha::feelshaha: How fucking out of touch can you fucking be, mang? In what world are women shamed for sex? In first world and second world countries they are actually encouraged by feminism to be 'sexually liberated and explorative'.

View attachment 1104191
There at least 1 or 2 incels in denial there who tell her in the nicest way possible that actually, being a woman and getting easy sex is a privilege not everyone has.

Women, and a lot of normies, are literally incapable of putting themselves in others’ shoes. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they literally don’t have the mental capacity to do so, it’s actually deceptively difficult to do.
Women, and a lot of normies, are literally incapable of putting themselves in others’ shoes. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they literally don’t have the mental capacity to do so, it’s actually deceptively difficult to do.
For example, if you explained the truth to this whore, this is how it would go.

Men can’t get access to sex anywhere near as easily as you can

“But I don’t get it, I can get sex so easily? Why can’t men just do the same?”

Because we are held to different standards

“But I can just ask Chad out and he’ll blow my back out, why can’t men do that?”

Because even unattractive women won’t entertain sub8 men, unlike Chads who dumpsterdive frequently.

“Have they tried just doing what I do? It worked for me!”

It won’t work for us

“But it works for me?”
Women, and a lot of normies, are literally incapable of putting themselves in others’ shoes. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they literally don’t have the mental capacity to do so, it’s actually deceptively difficult to do.
Yeah. They literally cannot fathom it. They don't even care or want to.

They only pretend to understand us so they can virtue signal.

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