Preference is tacit racism.
but they think that preference as a form of racism doesn't have an oppression value that is monumentous enough to make them deny their preference bias. That the peope ewho get butthurt about racial preference are greedy/ insensible/ want female approval. Where it's actually more of a humanitarian expense ot acclimatize people's will to deny preference.
It's about happy on the horizon and humanitarianism for women. Whatever comes good for hteir demogrpahic or for the whole community. (BUt that's just a mask for their demographic being elevated alot of hte time)
Rmember, a certain trait is accessible for freedom, but must be barred for the sake of humanitarianal happiness.
Where denying preference among women is more harmful to humanitarianal happiness overall because it impedes freedom.
Freedom/ joy in lifestyle above equality in this case. It's about what htey underlyingly calculate will be good/ loving/ joyous for the horizon of humanity.
But incels will still have a hard time. Liberalism can only affect so many things, and cannot solve the plights in ways where resolving them would cause dismay/ difficulty with freedom/ choice for others.
Women are laidbacker in attitude. They want life to be super chilledout/ mellowedout but this is only to conceal what they really beleive. WOmen outwardly advocate waht they want the general public to believe, and what will have the public be blown off their trail. They're completely proud of being machiavellian.
Women are humanitarian/ maternal at heart. But Liberalism is veryyyy short sighted, and the far sighted people who know about the tendencies of those who need humanitarian headway... are knowing the truth about how they need it because they're dysfunctional/ lazy/ incapable. The world today has opportunities that any of our ancestors in the last 5000 years would have taken and would become well off. They're bad off today because they're lazy/ genetically incapable/ impulsively compulsive.
Fuck racism.
Besides Asia will always be racist, they do not have the cuck genes that westerners do.
I can be racist all I want with an Asian chick as long as she's not westernized.
Even South Asians are racist. Pakistani girl told me they don't wear hijabs, but hte somalians do because of their cringe frizz hair.
Pretty much 99.9% of below 40 females hold far left wing beliefs, and this includes supporting dieversity and mass immigration.
So obviously they will outright reject a guy if he shows any kind of offensive beliefs (obviously this only applies for sub8 men)
But what's interesting is these females say they are opposed to racism, even though they are more racist than any racistcel.
Ask a female if they would date an Indian and their facial expression will be disgust.
Most females have racial preferences (whether they go for chads, tyrones, change etc)
Meanwhile men will fuck anything they are attracted to. You have tons of white nationalists with yellow fever for example.
Reason is because women are maternal natured. But they're also not pragmatic, and are brightsiders in general. They don't see the bigger picture about human carnality/ ferality/ primality that is exponentialized in the nonwhite races.
Women liking to see the bright side, and expand on it in broken men (non white savages) is their undoing. Fixing broken men instinct will kill the western world.
Women are predisposed to find ugly men creepy. But a lot of information doesn't get transferred over into their perception/ future prediction/ worldview system. It's more just a reflexive informational piece. They don't see any need for transferring the information abotu how creepy/ ugly guys (most ethnics) are not their preference. But they still want to somehow have them integrated...? Their values are inconsistent. Their perception of how the world works is a mispremise.
THis is a contradiciton and elads to al ot of disassociation. Women mispremise a lot of their ideas. If they don't like nonwhites for a lot of primal factors, then they shouldnt' want them in there.
But there will always be the need for them to look fashionable/ open/ daisy dreamy, and to have a suck my ass attitude if anyone contrasts it.