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Theory It's over for future short men



Oct 8, 2024
We already know that it's over for short men. :feelsbadman:

But it will get worse. :feelscry:

First of all, while genetics play a key role in determining height, experts say that there's more to it than that.

The first thing that proves it is the fact that the average height has increased over time.

When we compare a man who was 18 years old in 1896 to one from 1996, we see a significant difference.

In 1896, the average male height was 162.48 cm.
In 1996, it was 171.28 cm.

It’s important to note that the average height increased only in developed countries.

This means that if undeveloped countries were to become developed, their average heights would also increase significantly.

The reason for this increase is factors like health, nutrition, and living conditions. Genetics don’t change, but the way people feed themselves and live does.

Why did I say it’s over for short men in the future?

Some might argue:
“Then being short will just mean something different, and the percentage of short people won’t change.”

But that’s wrong. People who are 165 cm today will be considered even shorter in the future, and the number of short people will actually decrease.

Why will the number of short people decrease?

If populations like Indians, Asians, and Africans gain wealth and access to better nutrition, they won’t remain short. Their average height will increase significantly, and only a few unlucky short individuals will remain. For those people, life will be brutal.

Some scientists suggest there’s a biological limit to how tall humans can grow, and that the average male height has already plateaued in Europe and other developed regions. That might be true, but as poorer countries improve, their populations will still get taller, and the worldwide average male height will increase further.

The same logic applies to foids, which could make things even worse for short men. They might end up shorter than a growing number of foids.

I hope you follow the logic here, but there are many ways to look at this issue.

What about global inequality?

Some might say that as global resources decrease, only the wealthy will afford the best nutrition while others struggle, leading to a greater gap in height.

But in that case, nothing really changes. The wealthy Chads will still dominate socially, while there will just be more shortcels.

It's over, and for the future short man, it's going to be worse. Brutal. :cryfeels:

Anyway we will get older so it doesn't matter for us, we will either rope or continue to cope as a 40 yo virgin. :feelsrope:
As a short man at 5'4 it's over for me. I used to watch Disney movies as a child thinking that love is real but oh boy how wrong I was.
Jews and foids will force euthanasia on short men.
Worst part is that short men will keep appearing because foidlets keep reproducing
This means they can't even geomax bc they'll be heightmogged everywhere on the planet
Suifuel brother :feelsbadman:
this comes from a 5'6 manlet
Dont focus on getting foids thats why we feel down for being short boyos
Cope blackbois and ricebois will be short alwwys white is superior
Cope blackbois and ricebois will be short alwwys white is superior
I think maybe niggas can be taller if they can eat what Europeans eat. It's just that they are poor in Africa. But from what I see, 'basketball people' are tall. And there are also some tyrones out there. They are ugly but they have good body genes, they can be tall and muscular + have a bbc. I am sure white foids would fall for that.
I think maybe niggas can be taller if they can eat what Europeans eat. It's just that they are poor in Africa. But from what I see, 'basketball people' are tall. And there are also some tyrones out there. They are ugly but they have good body genes, they can be tall and muscular + have a bbc. I am sure white foids would fall for that.
Like the south Sudan people, I read it somewhere, and also the Maasai, they are very tall, imagine they could have food, it would be truly over for us.
Jews and foids will force euthanasia on short men.
Only after they squeeze every drop of sweat and blood out of our (not by choice) short bodies, all to oil the chadworshipping machine.

There is no win for the short man :feelscry:
Then being short will just mean something different, and the percentage of short people won’t change.”

But that’s wrong. People who are 165 cm today will be considered even shorter in the future, and the number of short people will actually decrease.

Why will the number of short people decrease?

If populations like Indians, Asians, and Africans gain wealth and access to better nutrition, they won’t remain short. Their average height will increase significantly, and only a few unlucky short individuals will remain. For those people, life will be brutal.
Cope, the standard for being considered short wiil decrease and the standard for being tall will increase
How, may I ask?
Example: if people get taller, then the standard for being tall will increase. While being e.g. 190cm is considered tall in most countries nowadays, it may be seen just as average height in a few centuries
The black pill is always lurking:cryfeels:
Good thing of being blackpilled is that suddenly all loses importance
Foids especially, embrace your fate and ultra copemaxx brocel :feelsjuice:
Cope, the standard for being considered short wiil decrease and the standard for being tall will increase
You are saying the standard for being considered short will decrease?
If the standard to being considered tall will increase, then the standard to be considered short will increase too, so people who are not seen that short today, they will be considered short too. So no, it won't decrease.
Me too, I'm 165cm ~ 5'4 , It's over
wait..is that conversion right? I thought it was 2.85 cm per inch. Did I convert my height incorrectly?
wait..is that conversion right? I thought it was 2.85 cm per inch. Did I convert my height incorrectly?
I don't know bro look on google, it says 5'4 is 162cm something like that
I don't know bro look on google, it says 5'4 is 162cm something like that
Shit... I've been saying I'm 5'4. I'm whatever 182.5 cm is in feet.
What few grams of bones have done to us...
ouch. kinda true.

but really its still set in stone forever since people date within their age range
TL DR: Next time there will be no starving saars and ching chongs for manlets to mog
I'm going to be considered a dwarf then.

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