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Serious It's only sexual harassment if it's an ugly guy

Redpill Robert

Redpill Robert

Supreme Gentleman. King of Incels. Pro slut-shamer
Nov 27, 2017
I mean if you're a highly sexual known slut who's been sleeping around with tons of guys, you can't simply complain about "sexual harassment" the moment one that you don't find attractive tries to get a piece of the pie too. This is like an employer throwing a fit that a less than ideal candidate even applied for the job that you said was available. You don't have to fuck the dude, but you can't be mad that he was trying when the position was clearly open. "Sexual harassment" in this context doesn't exist. Don't like it? Then keep your legs closed.

The only exception here is if a woman is deeply religious and/or married. The woman may very well find the man attractive, but wants to preserve her relationship with "God"/her husband. This is of course a rare exception, as very few women possess any sense of morality or loyalty in the first place.

But by and large, "sexual harassment" doesn't exist.
Anything that's unacceptable for an incel to do is acceptable if Chad does it.

if theres an ugly male in her workspace, she'll think of ways to get him fired too. most HR complaints usually come from women yapping about sexual harrasment, when most of the guys did nothing wrong (well most of the guys their complaining are probs average/ugly looking).
its only okay if chad does it
only if an incel does it, if a chad does it then its a compliment
anthony cumia said it best

I will tell you this as a female: what's unacceptable for an "ugly guy" is equally unacceptable for the most attractive guy that ever existed, because if a girl doesn't ask for, AND clearly consent to sexual contact (from groping to kissing etc) it's still unwanted, inappropriate, forced, and sexual harassment no matter the looks. If you think that more attractive men are sexually harrassing unpunished but when "ugly" guys do it they're punished, the scenario misust be it's because the woman was interested in and consensual with the first thus no boundaries were passed, but the second wrongly assumed, for whatever "logic" this is, that because she's a simply flirty person with him and/or others, or even extremely promiscuous, that she's open to everyone sexually, as if she's attracted to everyone with a penis amd has no type / standards. You must make sure that the girl is interested back before you physically make a move (instead of using communication, which it seems you refuse to use out of fear of rejection so you just go for it coming out with the "i didn't know" excuse, BC YOU DIDN'T ASK)- that's the sexual harassment part. This is how your job interview analogy isn't comparable- applying for a job and ASKING if you're hired is not the same as GIVING YOURSELF the job because you feel you're entitled to it and you're too good for an interview.
Also you say very few have morality or loyalty, and I would have to disagree. While not everyone does, many do, but if you're interested in morality and loyalty and commitment to one guy, why are you complaining about not being able to unconsensually grope girls who are "sluts" and thus not loyal? That's hypocritical.
Last of all, if sexual harassment doesn't exist, what would you call it if a man- YOUR "less than ideal candidate" came up from behind you and squeezed your balls out of nowwhere because he thought you were "sleeping around" and the "position was open"? Do you really wanna deny that as unconsensual, inappropriate sexual contact?

1.) Women aren't allowed here.

2.) The amount of baseless assumptions, contradictions, and straight up bullshit is hilarious. Not even going to dignify this laughable woman-logic with a response.
I will tell you this as a female: what's unacceptable for an "ugly guy" is equally unacceptable for the most attractive guy that ever existed, because if a girl doesn't ask for, AND clearly consent to sexual contact (from groping to kissing etc) it's still unwanted, inappropriate, forced, and sexual harassment no matter the looks. If you think that more attractive men are sexually harrassing unpunished but when "ugly" guys do it they're punished, the scenario misust be it's because the woman was interested in and consensual with the first thus no boundaries were passed, but the second wrongly assumed, for whatever "logic" this is, that because she's a simply flirty person with him and/or others, or even extremely promiscuous, that she's open to everyone sexually, as if she's attracted to everyone with a penis amd has no type / standards. You must make sure that the girl is interested back before you physically make a move (instead of using communication, which it seems you refuse to use out of fear of rejection so you just go for it coming out with the "i didn't know" excuse, BC YOU DIDN'T ASK)- that's the sexual harassment part. This is how your job interview analogy isn't comparable- applying for a job and ASKING if you're hired is not the same as GIVING YOURSELF the job because you feel you're entitled to it and you're too good for an interview.
Also you say very few have morality or loyalty, and I would have to disagree. While not everyone does, many do, but if you're interested in morality and loyalty and commitment to one guy, why are you complaining about not being able to unconsensually grope girls who are "sluts" and thus not loyal? That's hypocritical.
Last of all, if sexual harassment doesn't exist, what would you call it if a man- YOUR "less than ideal candidate" came up from behind you and squeezed your balls out of nowwhere because he thought you were "sleeping around" and the "position was open"? Do you really wanna deny that as unconsensual, inappropriate sexual contact?
Why dont you die? We know you fuckers dont like ugly men, and they only consent to it because the fuckers are good looking. Nice strawman, ho.
I will tell you this as a female: what's unacceptable for an "ugly guy" is equally unacceptable for the most attractive guy that ever existed, because if a girl doesn't ask for, AND clearly consent to sexual contact (from groping to kissing etc) it's still unwanted, inappropriate, forced, and sexual harassment no matter the looks. If you think that more attractive men are sexually harrassing unpunished but when "ugly" guys do it they're punished, the scenario misust be it's because the woman was interested in and consensual with the first thus no boundaries were passed, but the second wrongly assumed, for whatever "logic" this is, that because she's a simply flirty person with him and/or others, or even extremely promiscuous, that she's open to everyone sexually, as if she's attracted to everyone with a penis amd has no type / standards. You must make sure that the girl is interested back before you physically make a move (instead of using communication, which it seems you refuse to use out of fear of rejection so you just go for it coming out with the "i didn't know" excuse, BC YOU DIDN'T ASK)- that's the sexual harassment part. This is how your job interview analogy isn't comparable- applying for a job and ASKING if you're hired is not the same as GIVING YOURSELF the job because you feel you're entitled to it and you're too good for an interview.
Also you say very few have morality or loyalty, and I would have to disagree. While not everyone does, many do, but if you're interested in morality and loyalty and commitment to one guy, why are you complaining about not being able to unconsensually grope girls who are "sluts" and thus not loyal? That's hypocritical.
Last of all, if sexual harassment doesn't exist, what would you call it if a man- YOUR "less than ideal candidate" came up from behind you and squeezed your balls out of nowwhere because he thought you were "sleeping around" and the "position was open"? Do you really wanna deny that as unconsensual, inappropriate sexual contact?
You can stop rape now by giving us your pussy

if theres an ugly male in her workspace, she'll think of ways to get him fired too. most HR complaints usually come from women yapping about sexual harrasment, when most of the guys did nothing wrong (well most of the guys their complaining are probs average/ugly looking).
Don´t feel like typing a novel so I´ll give you guys the short version.

I worked together with an ugly manlet and two females who were new at work.

The ugly manlet was a social butterfly and had a heart of gold, legit everyone liked him and he had been working there for over 10+ years.

Long story short he got fired one month after the girls started working there because the two girls were physically repulsed by him so they made up stories about how he would inappropriately touch them, etc...

After that I could hear them having a good laugh in private joking how the ugly guy is now gone.

Legit true story, no trolling.
I will tell you this as a female: what's unacceptable for an "ugly guy" is equally unacceptable for the most attractive guy that ever existed, because if a girl doesn't ask for, AND clearly consent to sexual contact (from groping to kissing etc) it's still unwanted, inappropriate, forced, and sexual harassment no matter the looks.
No. I've seen ugly males get almost lynched for a SIMPLE joke and always hated by default by girls. Meanwhile saw Chad lietarlly spank girls asses by surprise while only get "oh you idiot" as responses.

If you think that more attractive men are sexually harrassing unpunished but when "ugly" guys do it they're punished, the scenario misust be it's because the woman was interested in and consensual with the first thus no boundaries were passed, but the second wrongly assumed, for whatever "logic" this is, that because she's a simply flirty person with him and/or others, or even extremely promiscuous, that she's open to everyone sexually, as if she's attracted to everyone with a penis amd has no type / standards.
Which actually confirms that LOOKS determine DIFFERENT OUTCOMES for the SAME BEHAVIORS

You must make sure that the girl is interested back before you physically make a move (instead of using communication, which it seems you refuse to use out of fear of rejection so you just go for it coming out with the "i didn't know" excuse, BC YOU DIDN'T ASK)- that's the sexual harassment part. This is how your job interview analogy isn't comparable- applying for a job and ASKING if you're hired is not the same as GIVING YOURSELF the job because you feel you're entitled to it and you're too good for an interview.
The "entitled" argument is just victim blaming. In fact Guys who have been attractive all their lives are waay more actually entitled than unattractive guys, due to all their lives being given everything with no effort

Also you say very few have morality or loyalty, and I would have to disagree. While not everyone does, many do, but if you're interested in morality and loyalty and commitment to one guy, why are you complaining about not being able to unconsensually grope girls who are "sluts" and thus not loyal? That's hypocritical.
I knew girls who were truly good, of course, but for the majority? Cheating left and right, lookism galore.I've had a girl flirt with me while her fucking HUSBAND was 6 feet away, and im only a 6/10 extreme framecel. Some 5/10 guy friend of mine cucked (unknowingly) another guy just because the other guy was a 4/10. Imagine how much morality and loyalty will go out of the window when Chad appears in scene.

Last of all, if sexual harassment doesn't exist, what would you call it if a man- YOUR "less than ideal candidate" came up from behind you and squeezed your balls out of nowwhere because he thought you were "sleeping around" and the "position was open"? Do you really wanna deny that as unconsensual, inappropriate sexual contact?
Sexual harassment doesn't exist because its based on LOOKS and not the behavior itself. It would be true if only BEHAVIOR mattered no matter the looks, and if same behavior would lead always to the same outcome. Not this shit about unattractive guy almost getting fired for making female staff "unconfortable" (asked some girl out for dinner), while other handsome male worker of the same office slapped girls asses or made sexual jokes and nothing happened to him (real story).

As a male, everything you do is viewed and filtered trough your looks.
Don´t feel like typing a novel so I´ll give you guys the short version.

I worked together with an ugly manlet and two females who were new at work.

The ugly manlet was a social butterfly and had a heart of gold, legit everyone liked him and he had been working there for over 10+ years.

Long story short he got fired one month after the girls started working there because the two girls were physically repulsed by him so they made up stories about how he would inappropriately touch them, etc...

After that I could hear them having a good laugh in private joking how the ugly guy is now gone.

Legit true story, no trolling.
Yeah. That's why I generally don't like women being in male workspaces.

Some dude maybe ugly, but he is very talented at his jobs... While most of these cunts, would always call-in sick for work and take holidays, even some of those would get pregnant, and they'd ask their bosses, "teeheehee can you wait for 9 months after I deliver this baby?" they should gtfo with that sort of shit.

Also a month or two ago, there was a New Zealand President (or PM) that had a baby. Female presidents are meant to look after their country not get pregnant in the midst of a crisis, and of their foolish desire to have children. A lot of woman get pregnant to get out of the army too. Man, they should just fuck off from the workforce, if their aren't that serious.
Yeah. That's why I generally don't like women being in male workspaces.

Some dude maybe ugly, but he is very talented at his jobs... While most of these cunts, would always call-in sick for work and take holidays, even some of those would get pregnant, and they'd ask their bosses, "teeheehee can you wait for 9 months after I deliver this baby?" they should gtfo with that sort of shit.

Also a month or two ago, there was a New Zealand President (or PM) that had a baby. Female presidents are meant to look after their country not get pregnant in the midst of a crisis, and of their foolish desire to have children. A lot of woman get pregnant to get out of the army too. Man, they should just fuck off from the workforce, if their aren't that serious.

Women are just a nuisance in the workplace really. Most of them are worthless and incompetent, don't want to actually work, expect "equal pay" for unequal work (oh boohoo, a female kindergarten teacher i.e. an over glorified babysitter gets paid less than a plumber who busts his ass every day) and the bullshit/drama they bring to the workplace on top of it all just makes it all even more of an issue. They really shouldn't be in the workplace. Muslims have the right idea. We could create 50% more jobs and increase wages and productivity all across the board practically overnight if we simply booted women out of the workplace and put them back in the kitchens where they belong.
I will tell you this as a female: what's unacceptable for an "ugly guy" is equally unacceptable for the most attractive guy that ever existed, because if a girl doesn't ask for, AND clearly consent to sexual contact (from groping to kissing etc) it's still unwanted, inappropriate, forced, and sexual harassment no matter the looks. If you think that more attractive men are sexually harrassing unpunished but when "ugly" guys do it they're punished, the scenario misust be it's because the woman was interested in and consensual with the first thus no boundaries were passed, but the second wrongly assumed, for whatever "logic" this is, that because she's a simply flirty person with him and/or others, or even extremely promiscuous, that she's open to everyone sexually, as if she's attracted to everyone with a penis amd has no type / standards. You must make sure that the girl is interested back before you physically make a move (instead of using communication, which it seems you refuse to use out of fear of rejection so you just go for it coming out with the "i didn't know" excuse, BC YOU DIDN'T ASK)- that's the sexual harassment part. This is how your job interview analogy isn't comparable- applying for a job and ASKING if you're hired is not the same as GIVING YOURSELF the job because you feel you're entitled to it and you're too good for an interview.
Also you say very few have morality or loyalty, and I would have to disagree. While not everyone does, many do, but if you're interested in morality and loyalty and commitment to one guy, why are you complaining about not being able to unconsensually grope girls who are "sluts" and thus not loyal? That's hypocritical.
Last of all, if sexual harassment doesn't exist, what would you call it if a man- YOUR "less than ideal candidate" came up from behind you and squeezed your balls out of nowwhere because he thought you were "sleeping around" and the "position was open"? Do you really wanna deny that as unconsensual, inappropriate sexual contact?

Why did you go immediately to inappropriate physical contact? Is that your fetish? I can sense some sexual frustration here.

The point is different things are considered sexual harassment coming from different people and it can be as little as a simple compliment.
No. I've seen ugly males get almost lynched for a SIMPLE joke and always hated by default by girls. Meanwhile saw Chad lietarlly spank girls asses by surprise while only get "oh you idiot" as responses.

Which actually confirms that LOOKS determine DIFFERENT OUTCOMES for the SAME BEHAVIORS

The "entitled" argument is just victim blaming. In fact Guys who have been attractive all their lives are waay more actually entitled than unattractive guys, due to all their lives being given everything with no effort

I knew girls who were truly good, of course, but for the majority? Cheating left and right, lookism galore.I've had a girl flirt with me while her fucking HUSBAND was 6 feet away, and im only a 6/10 extreme framecel. Some 5/10 guy friend of mine cucked (unknowingly) another guy just because the other guy was a 4/10. Imagine how much morality and loyalty will go out of the window when Chad appears in scene.

Sexual harassment doesn't exist because its based on LOOKS and not the behavior itself. It would be true if only BEHAVIOR mattered no matter the looks, and if same behavior would lead always to the same outcome. Not this shit about unattractive guy almost getting fired for making female staff "unconfortable" (asked some girl out for dinner), while other handsome male worker of the same office slapped girls asses or made sexual jokes and nothing happened to him (real story).

As a male, everything you do is viewed and filtered trough your looks.
Well done. God tier post
I went there because it's an example of sexual harrassment that fit criteria for what this complaint post was about. Why is that surprising? Was I supposed to talk about non sexual harassment things on a post about sexual harassment?

Why would inappropriate sexual contact be my fetish when I just wrote a detailed response against it? You're showing a lack of intelligence mixed with immaturity by asking that when the answer was already clearly no.

To your reply about sensing sexual frustration, I don't know where you got that from and I see that as only an immature attack to try to anger me instead of focusing on the actual content of the argument. And by the way, obviously the one posting this is the one with sexual frustration and is just ranting about insecurities and blaming their inappropriate behaviour on the fact theyre unattractive, instead of taking accountability for perverted unacceptable behavior.

Last of all, that wasn't the point of this post. Don't bullshit with me. This isnt some deep philisophical discussion to come up with a definition for sexual harassment. The point was to criticize women who report men for uncalled for, perverted sexual behavior. And to say that women use sexual harassment reports as a tool to avoid ugly men, which is incorrect because attractive men get reported too (James Franco, Danny Masterson), but also because that's objective anyways.
You need to stop bullshiting now and kill yourself immediately.

This is mandatory posting in a thread like this.
Who /avoid-the-foid/ here?
Average as well. If an average guy asserts himself sexually, it can be considered sexual harassment. An ugly guy merely has to share the same space and he can be fired.
I will tell you this as a female: what's unacceptable for an "ugly guy" is equally unacceptable for the most attractive guy that ever existed, because if a girl doesn't ask for, AND clearly consent to sexual contact (from groping to kissing etc) it's still unwanted, inappropriate, forced, and sexual harassment no matter the looks. If you think that more attractive men are sexually harrassing unpunished but when "ugly" guys do it they're punished, the scenario misust be it's because the woman was interested in and consensual with the first thus no boundaries were passed, but the second wrongly assumed, for whatever "logic" this is, that because she's a simply flirty person with him and/or others, or even extremely promiscuous, that she's open to everyone sexually, as if she's attracted to everyone with a penis amd has no type / standards. You must make sure that the girl is interested back before you physically make a move (instead of using communication, which it seems you refuse to use out of fear of rejection so you just go for it coming out with the "i didn't know" excuse, BC YOU DIDN'T ASK)- that's the sexual harassment part. This is how your job interview analogy isn't comparable- applying for a job and ASKING if you're hired is not the same as GIVING YOURSELF the job because you feel you're entitled to it and you're too good for an interview.
Also you say very few have morality or loyalty, and I would have to disagree. While not everyone does, many do, but if you're interested in morality and loyalty and commitment to one guy, why are you complaining about not being able to unconsensually grope girls who are "sluts" and thus not loyal? That's hypocritical.
Last of all, if sexual harassment doesn't exist, what would you call it if a man- YOUR "less than ideal candidate" came up from behind you and squeezed your balls out of nowwhere because he thought you were "sleeping around" and the "position was open"? Do you really wanna deny that as unconsensual, inappropriate sexual contact?

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