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Blackpill It's not simply that other races are objectively that uglier, it's worse . . .

While, I do think non-white races are objectively uglier, I don't think it's that simple. I think it's more accurate to say that females look at these ethnic males, and say to themselves subconsciously 'these ethnic males have no place in my life.' They are too different, and I am NOT curious about their backward culture, that I'm sure is disrespectful to women. They don't want to introspect about it, or seem racist. There is just a general sentiment that ethnic men should not be an active part in the female periphery. It's like the beginning of White Lotus S1. Your individuality is an unwanted burden to them. Just shut up, be supportive, and work. Ethnic men are mostly a slave race that does things for society. They might even virtue signal and express appreciation for the labor they contribute (at best), but at the end of the day, you just don't exist-- they don't care about you, they will never be curious about your inner lives, you just shouldn't exist. It hurts them to even think about it.

Average ethnic men are as out of place in a female inner mind as a token black on the set of Friends. They simply don't belong. They don't even think of ethnics in terms of being ugly or pretty. For most females, there is little difference between a normie ethnic, and an ugly one. They just don't register in their fucking brains. Women don't sleep at night and think of some beaner scaffolding, or some Vietnamese doing their taxes, ethnic men don't even show up in their dreams, in the same way I'm sure trannies or gays simply don't show up on your dreams.

To elaborate on my point

View attachment 690974
A blackpilled man could look at this photo and clearly rank the SMV among these men and think one of these guys obviously has more options than he other. The truth is, a female really doesn't care, like they are all 0s to her, doesn't matter if they are balding or one is two inches taller than the other, or if one has a better face or makes more money, they would never date any of these men in this photo seriously EVER-- they are just one brown blob that unfortunately exists.

Applying this to a pack of skinheads,

View attachment 691160

If you are ethnic, you might think to yourself, 'oh it's a pack of indistinguishable skinheads.' But to a foid, even though they all have shaven heads and wear pretty much the same thing, because they are white, women automatically notice the details of their faces and heights more, so that it's clear to them that Russell Crowe is the Chad, and the guy screen right is number two in SMV
True except for one exception and that is that white women love niggers
This post described exactly how i thought white foids perceived deathniks, i feel so insignificant when i'm out in my majority white town and make brief eye contact with a white foid she immediately snaps her head away and makes a face that made it seem like it was painful for her to look at me JFL.

We will never be worthy of white foids we can only betabuxx at most but she will likely cuck you for a guy of the same race regardless if they are chad or normies; tribalism is real. Rushton was right on Genetic Similarity Theory.
Dude, quit being retarded. If you are 5+ as an ethnic you will have no issues ascending, even getting a White foid is doable.
lmfao angryman411 you used to be so based now youre regressing to bluepill again; how the mighty have fallen.
lmfao angryman411 you used to be so based now youre regressing to bluepill again; how the mighty have fallen.
Please go outside and look at couples. You will see plenty of average looking ethnics and even a few slightly below average looking ethnics with girlfriends. Only the ugly can be incel.
Please go outside and look at couples. You will see plenty of average looking ethnics and even a few slightly below average looking ethnics with girlfriends. Only the ugly can be incel.
Bro i live in california, the most diverse state in this nation. I go to downtown LA often and the only ethnics who are getting any women are betabuxxers who will inevitably get cucked by chad of any income bracket. Ethnics have to do so much more to makeup for their deathnik features and yet that wont stop them from getting cucked by poorer whites. it's ogre
Bro i live in california, the most diverse state in this nation. I go to downtown LA often and the only ethnics who are getting any women are betabuxxers who will inevitably get cucked by chad of any income bracket. Ethnics have to do so much more to makeup for their deathnik features and yet that wont stop them from getting cucked by poorer whites. it's ogre
This is an assumption, not every ethnic normie will get cucked by chads or chadlites, mainly because they are rare. There's a power imbalance in most relationships where the guy is below HTN but to claim they are all betabux is wrong, many of them are students with no income.
Please go outside and look at couples. You will see plenty of average looking ethnics and even a few slightly below average looking ethnics with girlfriends. Only the ugly can be incel.
The only ethnic men I see in couples are lower class latinos and fob asians that lever in-group tactics to avoid corrupting women with brown blob filters. Most western women-- being that they have a public or private history education and some access to western social media) are middle class and are gonna be raised to have the brown blob filter no doubt
it's like there's no point at all to looksmaxx as an ethnic-- you're simply not gonna peacock your way out of that ethnicity by reasonable middle class means unless you go extreme like a kpop maxxer, with full haircolor surgery etc
I can be honest and say that looksmaxxing doesnt help at all if you are ethnic

Sure, I have looksmaxxed a lot. New hairstyle. Going to the gym for 7 years with an athletic body with big arms and shoulders and small waist. Taking advantage of my light brown skincolor and having a facial care and using expensive facial products to give me a red tone on my face, wearing a nice coat. Being right above 6 feet tall. Cutting down on sugar, junk food etc. Growing beard.

I have had some girls looking at me with interest. But it is this obvious "well you look quite nice but since you are brown I will not get obsessed with you" and right after they just forget you and go on. If they see you again they will not notice you because they have already seen you and are "tired" of you. If I would have been white I am 100 percent sure that I would slay every girl. I am not even shy. I am not scared of talking to girls.... This shit just makes me lose motivation so I end up quitting looksmaxxing and quitting taking care of my self. And then I am back on step 1.

While an average white guy can just setup a tinder and slay... fuck this shit
Giga cope. Bones or go home. There are white foids that are black men only. Most foids are white men only due to white people colonizing the planet and imposing their beauty standards onto everyone, so whites benefit from that and the status associated with being white, but there is nothing genetic about whites that make foids flock to them. Individual preferences depend on the foid and her upbringing, but all of them universally want men with large bones.
No. There are no white foids that are black men only. Stop watching too much bbc porn. Okay, I am going to admit that there are white girls that are black guys only. Saying otherwise would be completely illogical. But how many percent of white caucausian women are open for ethnics? I would say maybe a maximum of 5 percent if even that. I can't remember the last time I saw a DECENT GOOD looking white woman with a black or brown guy. It takes you to see 100 white-white couples in order for you to see an ethnic-white girl couple. Thats how screwed things are. And these white girls that are open for ethnics are rare as hell and often taken and already in a relationship because ethnics are like animals on white women. Good look competing on them.

Of course its about genetics. It has nothing to do with beauty standards. Its not like we admire white appearance because we only saw white people on the commercials when we were kids. The white race of the homo sapien species have mutated by being isolated with each other in the northern hemisphere in thousands of years, mixing with neanderthals and having neanderthal DNA. This natural selection is programmed in white women because their genetics tell them to bring an offspring that can make sure this mutation keeps on living. This mutation is also what makes homo sapiens more and more distant to its ape-origins. Fact is that white people should be regarded a species for themselves unlike us browntards since they have come so far in evolution that they are the only race that are eager to keep in their own race. When there were different species of the Homo-family on earth at the same time we all fucked each other not caring about the fact we were different species. So how on hell is it that white homo sapiens even reject others from the same specie because they are brown? You see? This shouldn't be happening. According to how we primates in the homo-family have fucked each other beyond the boundaries of species, we should continue doing it...
No. There are no white foids that are black men only. Stop watching too much bbc porn. Okay, I am going to admit that there are white girls that are black guys only. Saying otherwise would be completely illogical. But how many percent of white caucausian women are open for ethnics? I would say maybe a maximum of 5 percent if even that. I can't remember the last time I saw a DECENT GOOD looking white woman with a black or brown guy. It takes you to see 100 white-white couples in order for you to see an ethnic-white girl couple. Thats how screwed things are. And these white girls that are open for ethnics are rare as hell and often taken and already in a relationship because ethnics are like animals on white women. Good look competing on them.

Of course its about genetics. It has nothing to do with beauty standards. Its not like we admire white appearance because we only saw white people on the commercials when we were kids. The white race of the homo sapien species have mutated by being isolated with each other in the northern hemisphere in thousands of years, mixing with neanderthals and having neanderthal DNA. This natural selection is programmed in white women because their genetics tell them to bring an offspring that can make sure this mutation keeps on living. This mutation is also what makes homo sapiens more and more distant to its ape-origins. Fact is that white people should be regarded a species for themselves unlike us browntards since they have come so far in evolution that they are the only race that are eager to keep in their own race. When there were different species of the Homo-family on earth at the same time we all fucked each other not caring about the fact we were different species. So how on hell is it that white homo sapiens even reject others from the same specie because they are brown? You see? This shouldn't be happening. According to how we primates in the homo-family have fucked each other beyond the boundaries of species, we should continue doing it...
Just stop. Nobody likes white genetics. White men look feminine and diseased. If you want to argue that white genetics are superior, it's only white WOMEN that benefit from it. White features are soft and feminine, which compliments female attractiveness perfectly. White men don't benefit from that because women universally prefer darker colored, more masculine looking men. Dark is masculine, light is feminine. That's why light skinned blacks are made fun of in black communities for being feminine and weak compared to dark skinned ones. Which race of men is more dark and masculine, white men or high testosterone, BBC, burnt charcoal skin, gorilla looking African men? So stop with the white Aryan master race cope.

Whites have such a high SMV only due to the white status associated with white men through hundreds of years of them being heartless devils and conquering every race on the planet. White men have established themselves as the richest, most social status possessing race on the planet. From a socio-economic standpoint, they are without a doubt the most attractive race of men, that is true. For that reason, when it comes to dating, every race of foid prefers white men. But ask those same women what race they would rather have sex with, and the high testosterone BBC gorilla genetics Tyrone wins every time. That's the truth whether you find ways to cope around it or not.
Just stop. Nobody likes white genetics. White men look feminine and diseased. If you want to argue that white genetics are superior, it's only white WOMEN that benefit from it. White features are soft and feminine, which compliments female attractiveness perfectly. White men don't benefit from that because women universally prefer darker colored, more masculine looking men. Dark is masculine, light is feminine. That's why light skinned blacks are made fun of in black communities for being feminine and weak compared to dark skinned ones. Which race of men is more dark and masculine, white men or high testosterone, BBC, burnt charcoal skin, gorilla looking African men? So stop with the white Aryan master race cope.

Whites have such a high SMV only due to the white status associated with white men through hundreds of years of them being heartless devils and conquering every race on the planet. White men have established themselves as the richest, most social status possessing race on the planet. From a socio-economic standpoint, they are without a doubt the most attractive race of men, that is true. For that reason, when it comes to dating, every race of foid prefers white men. But ask those same women what race they would rather have sex with, and the high testosterone BBC gorilla genetics Tyrone wins every time. That's the truth whether you find ways to cope around it or not.
You are full of fantasies

If that would be the case that white girls rather want to have sex with the most gorilla-looking human, then it is completely illogical that women, who are free to choice whoever they want, still choose a white guy over the dark guy.
You are full of fantasies

If that would be the case that white girls rather want to have sex with the most gorilla-looking human, then it is completely illogical that women, who are free to choice whoever they want, still choose a white guy over the dark guy.
Like I said, they choose white guys for dating. White guys have the most socio-economic attractiveness and that's the most important thing women look for when dating. Dating and reproducing are two different things. Women aren't just thinking of reproduction when they date, they're thinking of survival qualities and gaining as much social status as possible. Look at the men women cheat on their husbands and boyfriends with. They're always tall, dark triad white dudes with darker features, or black guys. You even seen a woman cheat on her husband with a blonde nerdy white dude? Nobody has, because that's not women's sexual preference. They want dark and masculine.
This post described exactly how i thought white foids perceived deathniks, i feel so insignificant when i'm out in my majority white town and make brief eye contact with a white foid she immediately snaps her head away and makes a face that made it seem like it was painful for her to look at me JFL.

We will never be worthy of white foids we can only betabuxx at most but she will likely cuck you for a guy of the same race regardless if they are chad or normies; tribalism is real. Rushton was right on Genetic Similarity Theory.

You also have to remember that they majority of men approaching women are black or hispanics, due to lower inhibition or culture, or both. And WW have probably had bad experiences with these "lowly" men. So as soon as these bitches see a brown guy in their periphery they avoid eye contact at all costs. If they do slip up and look at them they panic internally and break their necks looking away.
White guys have the most socio-economic attractiveness and that's the most important thing women look for when dating.
:feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:

Yeah right-- come on, you know every fucking bitch loves a hot broke white guy even more than a rich statusmaxxed man of any other ethnicity
You also have to remember that they majority of men approaching women are black or hispanics, due to lower inhibition or culture, or both. And WW have probably had bad experiences with these "lowly" men. So as soon as these bitches see a brown guy in their periphery they avoid eye contact at all costs. If they do slip up and look at them they panic internally and break their necks looking away.
This is an important point. Ethnics are shameless when it comes to shooting their shot, to the extent that it traumatizes white women. This could be its own thread
Lol romper stomper. Used to be real into that back when I was 21. Good old skinhead music
Like I said, they choose white guys for dating. White guys have the most socio-economic attractiveness and that's the most important thing women look for when dating. Dating and reproducing are two different things. Women aren't just thinking of reproduction when they date, they're thinking of survival qualities and gaining as much social status as possible. Look at the men women cheat on their husbands and boyfriends with. They're always tall, dark triad white dudes with darker features, or black guys. You even seen a woman cheat on her husband with a blonde nerdy white dude? Nobody has, because that's not women's sexual preference. They want dark and masculine.
No you dickhead.

White women cheat with other white guys. Get out of your freaking fantasy. You never see white girls with dark guys in the city drinking at some bar...

"Socio-economic" hahaha. You dumb piece of shit. Women don't need money from men. They are economically independent.

Attraction only has with looks to do. Not some socio-economic bullshit.
As much as I realize JBW is true I think you're taking it a lil too far. I think the irony of this thread is that you're mostly thinking about what what white women want. And even some of them prefer dark meat.
No you dickhead.

White women cheat with other white guys. Get out of your freaking fantasy. You never see white girls with dark guys in the city drinking at some bar...

"Socio-economic" hahaha. You dumb piece of shit. Women don't need money from men. They are economically independent.

Attraction only has with looks to do. Not some socio-economic bullshit.
Idk smart white women try to avoid being seen with blacks. I tyrone-fished a married white woman who recently "opened" her relationship. She didn't even look the coalburning type but her ass hoped in an uber immediately to meet Tyrone on the other side of town. It was late at night too. I also feel I see JBB increase at night
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No you dickhead.

White women cheat with other white guys. Get out of your freaking fantasy. You never see white girls with dark guys in the city drinking at some bar...

"Socio-economic" hahaha. You dumb piece of shit. Women don't need money from men. They are economically independent.

Attraction only has with looks to do. Not some socio-economic bullshit.
Man, white people are supposed to have high IQs but you're proving that to be wrong.
As much as I realize JBW is true I think you're taking it a lil too far. I think the irony of this thread is that you're mostly thinking about what what white women want. And even some of them prefer dark meat.
a lot of what incel discussion is about is what women want, REALLY WANT, not what they virtue signal
Lol romper stomper. Used to be real into that back when I was 21. Good old skinhead music
I like how that movie accidentally glorified skinhead culture. It's a huge blackpill at how much white women love to hang around to be whores to violent skinheads
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That's even worse. Fighting this hard to defend white people when he's not even white. What a cuck
we aren't defending white people, we are just being honest at how fucked we are as ethnics in comparison to whites
we aren't defending white people, we are just being honest at how fucked we are as ethnics in comparison to whites
We are fucked I'm not denying that, but it's got nothing to do with genetics that's my only point. White genes are not superior in anyway and if anything they are inferior.
We are fucked I'm not denying that, but it's got nothing to do with genetics that's my only point. White genes are not superior in anyway and if anything they are inferior.
it has everything to do with genetics. Genetics are the first filter of attraction. We lose simply at the filter of belonging to a brown blob
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Man, white people are supposed to have high IQs but you're proving that to be wrong.
What is so hard for you to comprehend? White people are objectively better looking. They have mutated most of the races throughout thousands of years and have developed facial treats that are the most distant ones from the apes and our relatives, which is a receipt for having been more succesful in the evolutionary process.

You can't deny this. We all want to be part of that evolutionary process and thus give our offspring white blood. That's why we crave for white pussy and thats why whites don't want offsprings with us.
It's all about bones and Symmetry everything else is cope.
Racism IS just another form of lookism! The only difference is between the two is which physical trait you're being judged on. But for political reasons, people want you to think of them as two separate things. A girl who'll treat a guy like shit because his nose is too big or he's too short, will treat a guy like shit because he's Indian or Black.
Like 80% of couples I see is a woman with whiter skin with a darker man

But it goes even further: foids build in their heads a database of ALL males they've ever seen and classify those according to their hypergamy programing as thus: the top <1% of males are attractive; the next 20% are barely tolerable and are the bottom 80% are disgusting.

Without TV, magazines, social media, cheap travel, and other modern forms of visual communication, foids would build their "hypergamy database" (HD) based on the males in their vicinity --- their tribe, their neighborhood, their town, etc. So, the top 1% would be a couple guys from her town, the next 20% would be some other guys from her town, and so on.

With modern communications, any foid in a small town in rural India or Bangladesh reaches puberty having already seen hundreds of germanic Chads from TikTok, Instagram, TV series, etc. therefore her "hypergamy database" is populated by them. Her standards for a top 1% guy is already filled by instagrammers from the Netherlands, advertising models from Belgium, footballers from Germany, and so on. Her "next 20%" database is also populated by Chadlites from TV, social media, tinder, etc. and every ethnic around her goes automatically into the bottom 80% category. The worse part is that this process is irreversible. Once a foid has seen a Chad she won't revert back to her previous Chad-naive state, but she will always retain the memory of a Chad and compare that memory with ALL males she ever sees from then on.

This is the primary mechanism why ethnic foids are getting so demanding and unpleasant, unwilling to pay attention to the guy next door --- she has standards based not on the reality of males around her, but based on images of Chads from TV and internet that will never acknowledge her, and probably will never even visit her country.
it is true social media and entertainment culture creates a chad as norm mentality amongst foids. The only thing I will add is that this has always existed for a long time. The idea of ideal foid or chad has always been around. The difference I see is that now foids can be as slutty and picky as they wish because dating apps allowed them a wider pool of desperate men to choose from.

Everyone in the 50s and 60s knew they could not get James Dean, even though he was a sex icon (and manlet by today's standard's 5'8"), but they had to settle for whoever was in their local vicinity.

Now they can open an app and be connected to a wider pool of men so they can afford to be stupid and get away with it
This is an assumption, not every ethnic normie will get cucked by chads or chadlites, mainly because they are rare. There's a power imbalance in most relationships where the guy is below HTN but to claim they are all betabux is wrong, many of them are students with no income.
No amount of money and gym is going to change your indian dna bro
I like how that movie accidentally glorified skinhead culture. It's a huge blackpill at how much white women love to hang around to be whores to violent skinheads
I don’t really see it like that, the main female who likes hando (the main guy) is pretty average and off the rails. The others are like the skinheads aswell. Kind of similar to how any other females of similar type to any other negative subcultures hang around guys like them. The skinheads arnt attracting the kind of mainstream females, but more troubled souls or female skinheads
stop worshipping whites
There is truth to racepill. For example height
No amount of money and gym is going to change your indian dna bro
I see most average to above average looking Indian guys with women. I have even seen 2 or 3 cases of fat or below average looking indian guys with women. It's only because my face is ugly that I can't get a girl.
This post described exactly how i thought white foids perceived deathniks, i feel so insignificant when i'm out in my majority white town and make brief eye contact with a white foid she immediately snaps her head away and makes a face that made it seem like it was painful for her to look at me JFL.
I agree with you about White foids, however why in the world can't you move to an area with more Mexicans and get a woman? I see Mexicans here who are uglier than a lot of Indians and get woman. Mexican phenotypes are far more desirable than Indian phenotypes, there's no reason a Mexican can be incel, unless deformed, in an area with a lot of Mexican chicks.
Race changing is my only hope/cope left :fuk:
We all want to be part of that evolutionary process and thus give our offspring white blood. That's why we crave for white pussy and thats why whites don't want offsprings with us.
Projection taken to another level holy shit :feelskek: . Stop worshipping white women and white men. This is cucked.
I see most average to above average looking Indian guys with women. I have even seen 2 or 3 cases of fat or below average looking indian guys with women. It's only because my face is ugly that I can't get a girl.
they are betabuxxers bro and likely look like north indians who are whiter than ur standard curry

I totally agree, if i wasn't white my chances of having sex would be 1% in western. Pakistanis are discriminated all along in western, they're like ghosts for women, they just don't exist, they're short, brown and look like the simpsons guy from the store for all the white people.

A white guy above > 5'7 can have sex easily if we wants to, but obviously he has to stop jerking off and leave the basement. He can try in western with 4-7 women or to go to any asian/african/south america country and get laid in a few days 100% with hot women.
While, I do think non-white races are objectively uglier, I don't think it's that simple. I think it's more accurate to say that females look at these ethnic males, and say to themselves subconsciously 'these ethnic males have no place in my life.' They are too different, and I am NOT curious about their backward culture, that I'm sure is disrespectful to women. They don't want to introspect about it, or seem racist. There is just a general sentiment that ethnic men should not be an active part in the female periphery. It's like the beginning of White Lotus S1. Your individuality is an unwanted burden to them. Just shut up, be supportive, and work. Ethnic men are mostly a slave race that does things for society. They might even virtue signal and express appreciation for the labor they contribute (at best), but at the end of the day, you just don't exist-- they don't care about you, they will never be curious about your inner lives, you just shouldn't exist. It hurts them to even think about it.

Average ethnic men are as out of place in a female inner mind as a token black on the set of Friends. They simply don't belong. They don't even think of ethnics in terms of being ugly or pretty. For most females, there is little difference between a normie ethnic, and an ugly one. They just don't register in their fucking brains. Women don't sleep at night and think of some beaner scaffolding, or some Vietnamese doing their taxes, ethnic men don't even show up in their dreams, in the same way I'm sure trannies or gays simply don't show up on your dreams.

To elaborate on my point

View attachment 690974
A blackpilled man could look at this photo and clearly rank the SMV among these men and think one of these guys obviously has more options than he other. The truth is, a female really doesn't care, like they are all 0s to her, doesn't matter if they are balding or one is two inches taller than the other, or if one has a better face or makes more money, they would never date any of these men in this photo seriously EVER-- they are just one brown blob that unfortunately exists.

Applying this to a pack of skinheads,

View attachment 691160

If you are ethnic, you might think to yourself, 'oh it's a pack of indistinguishable skinheads.' But to a foid, even though they all have shaven heads and wear pretty much the same thing, because they are white, women automatically notice the details of their faces and heights more, so that it's clear to them that Russell Crowe is the Chad, and the guy screen right is number two in SMV
Most high IQ post about the subject of ethniticity-induced inceldom I've ever seen
@? @Zer0/∞ brutal brown pill. No woman wants to date a diarrhea skinned man and will always go for the white or black guy.

This is why i never tan.
That would imply simple race and phenotype to be worth more to foids than attractiveness, which is quite untrue; that's the difference between a truecel and a Chadlite. :society:
Race and attraction go hand in hand.

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