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Serious It's not just about looks - Current fucked up sexual marked is due to gender equality and feminism



May 20, 2024
I don't agree with typical blackpill saying that it's all about looks. SURE, being 8+/10 makes it supear easy, you somewhat struggle at 7/10 and below that you may not even try nowadays, so the discrepency is massive, however even 2 generations ago, average and below average men could ascend easily, just for having minimally paying job.

All of this changed when gender equality became a thing and feminism started. Things have been getting worse rapidly since then. Women basically got handed everything over to them, jobs, welfare, safety. A society will NEVER work or be happy (especially men), when women are getting everything for just existing. Women nowadays get all their needs met without even trying. Everything else is a bonus for them. While men have to do more work than ever and don't get their romantic/sexual/family needs being met. It's literally hell for us. I think it's done on purpose, so that less western or rather WHITE men spread their seed so that the white race can be eradicated. I have no doubt that this is the case.

The reverse situation would be if we, men, wouldn't have to work and we got robo-pussy for free. You think we would care about some toilets? But of course it will never work like this. The World will burn first before that happens. And until we do 180 reverse on female rights (which aren't really RIGHTS, they always had basic rights, they demanded special treatment) and feminism, nothing is going to change and we are going to be in this state we are in right now or acutally it will get even worse. I just hope this world goes to fuck itself.

Also fuck "god" if there even is such thing existing out there. If there is one, it's a fucking faggot for letting all of this happen and letting us suffer.

Edit: Forgot to add another strong point I had - slutshaming. It absolutely needs to be brought back. Also no welfare, no morning-after pills and no abortions.
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In my opinion the hiroshima nagasaki blackpill is that even if you have the means and looks for a gf you can’t make it last to start a family since you’re gonna get cucked anyway like a retard
In my opinion the hiroshima nagasaki blackpill is that even if you have the means and looks for a gf you can’t make it last to start a family since you’re gonna get cucked anyway like a retard
Absolutely! This is another huge problem, however it all stems from what I saind in OP. Actually I forgot to add that lack of slutshaming is a problem too nowadays.

Edit: I will add that this is true. Even Chad is not safe in a LTR, he can get cucked by the next exciting thing that gives his whore of a wife new dopamine boost.
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I think sexual frustration is the main cause of male violence. And it's becoming near impossible for sub7 men to get women anymore in 2024.

A lot of men cope with movies, TV series and video games, but have you seen what they are like now? Literally only female protagonists. White male protagonists are not allowed anymore. And not only female protagonists, but they are made ugly and unfeminine on purpose.

This would further crease resentment in the male population. It's like they want us to fight.

Feminists want women to hate men. To be as unfeminine as possible. To not need men at all. Well, they will eventually get what they wished for.

There will be more and more attacks like the ones in Chadstralia.

That's simply what they wanted, we will give them that.

We could have lived in peace and harmony, with loving, submissive feminine tradwives wearing sundresses. We would have been happy, both us and the women.

But nope, they don't want that. They hate that, they say us wanting loving wives is evil patriarchial misogyny.

Alright, fine. You wanted a war, you will get one :feelsseriously::feelsseriously:
In my opinion the hiroshima nagasaki blackpill is that even if you have the means and looks for a gf you can’t make it last to start a family since you’re gonna get cucked anyway like a retard
The more partners they have = the more ability to pair-bond disappears
Yep, I agree with most of what you said there. Especially about the sentiment that having a loving, caring gf who has sex with us would make us more mellow, less agitated and angry but at the same time more motivated to work and make the world prosper. IDK how they think that they can make the SOYciety work without a motivated white man. Good luck with trying to maintain that with the Uruk-Hai mutt race they are trying to create.
Absolutely! This is another huge problem, however it all stems from what I saind in OP. Actually I forgot to add that lack of slutshaming is a problem too nowadays.

Edit: I will add that this is true. Even Chad is not safe in a LTR, he can get cucked by the next exciting thing that gives his whore of a wife new dopamine boost.
So what I wanted to point out was that there isn't really a way to get meaningful results out of a relationship unless you're chad +billionated LOL,safest way to ensure your kids are yours forever and to secure your financial well being in the future is through using shitty surrogates due to foids being let loose
So what I wanted to point out was that there isn't really a way to get meaningful results out of a relationship unless you're chad +billionated LOL,safest way to ensure your kids are yours forever and to secure your financial well being in the future is through using shitty surrogates due to foids being let loose
That's even more risky, you will bait gold diggers who will try to divorce rape you.
That's even more risky, you will bait gold diggers who will try to divorce rape you.
Safest route to build a family is to pay whores to shit out a kid for you JFL
Safest route to build a family is to pay whores to shit out a kid for you JFL
Safest way would be to not have kids or try that abroad.

GrAY thread
Because I see a lot (too much) of implications that make men more miserable, that they are ugly or that they are unworthy, instead of pointing out how it's the women's problem with they fucked up unrealistic expectations. It's not being talked about enough on this forum, especially by oldcels like you. The old incels seem to dwell so much on self-blame, while they would ascend easily in a normal society.
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