Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Soy IT's new wonderboy strikes again



St. Hamudi Did Nothing Wrong
Sep 14, 2020

absolute state of cucks.co, users like this, larping foids, IT infiltrators and many more making me think there's no place on the internet for us
View attachment 373331
absolute state of cucks.co, users like this, larping foids, IT infiltrators and many more making me think there's no place on the internet for us

If the Mods were actually competent, unlike following the Elder-Gods examples
We would NEARLY have a semi-safe place, if you can call it that
The last bit was cucked but his first statement is pretty valid. Let's say you hate working if you're smart enough and finish uni with a good degree and get a good job you can partake in a quick gambit and work for a good 2 years. With the funds you could buy a decent house in a secluded area in a shitty third world country (doesn't have to be some degenerate ethnic shit. eastern Europe is a good example) and live off the funds for a good while. When they get depleted you just go back and do it again (If you're frugal enough you can NEET off of your earnings for literally near decades and still be fine, depending on what job it is)
View attachment 373331
absolute state of cucks.co, users like this, larping foids, IT infiltrators and many more making me think there's no place on the internet for us
Its funny how you have no refutable logical arguments to any of my claims and then you make another thread to propagate your negative defeatist crabs in a bucket mindset

If the Mods were actually competent, unlike following the Elder-Gods examples
We would NEARLY have a semi-safe place, if you can call it that
Misery loves company
Its funny how you have no refutable logical arguments to any of my claims and then you make another thread to propagate your negative defeatist crabs in a bucket mindset

Misery loves company

Been a while since I;ve heard that quote, where did it come from?
Its funny how you have no refutable logical arguments to any of my claims and then you make another thread to propagate your negative defeatist crabs in a bucket mindset

Misery loves company
it's funny because you're the ass of the joke. keep repeating "crabs in the bucket" maybe after you can go and worship your mistress's feets you stupid cuck. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Bishop to C5 please.
Bishop's from IT?
Its funny how you have no refutable logical arguments to any of my claims and then you make another thread to propagate your negative defeatist crabs in a bucket mindset
Illogical arguments such as yours don't deserve thought out arguments. You redpillers always attack us for not "making sense" while in reality you've never used logic in an argument. Just because our mentality is "negative" and yours is "positive", doesn't mean ours doesn't make sense. It does, it's just negative. Just like yours doesn't.
it's funny because you're the ass of the joke. keep repeating "crabs in the bucket" maybe after you can go and worship your mistress's feets you stupid cuck. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Obvious he's an IT cuck, but mods won't do anything. @Sincere is a foid yet is still not banned
I wonder where this is going
Tenor 5
Illogical arguments such as yours don't deserve thought out arguments.
it's funny because you're the ass of the joke. keep repeating "crabs in the bucket" maybe after you can go and worship your mistress's feets you stupid cuck. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

No valid refutable points were made then. I rest my case

Just because our mentality is "negative" and yours is "positive", doesn't mean ours doesn't make sense. It does, it's just negative
It is truly sad that you see nothing wrong with having a negative mindset
No valid refutable points were made then. I rest my case

It is truly sad that you see nothing wrong with having a negative mindset
just don't hate people who hate you like a good little cuck theory
No valid refutable points were made then. I rest my case

It is truly sad that you see nothing wrong with having a negative mindset
It's not wrong, it's just sad. But fucking realistic nonetheless.
I mean seriously how can mods be so stupid and not realise these are cunts larping?

JFL look at all the shady greycels popping out of nowhere, users with 10k+ posts who barely spent time in the forum and we know shit about, all the feminine manners and the dumb excuses "im shy I don't want to be doxxed, my english is bad teehee" fuck off
just don't hate people who hate you like a good little cuck theory

Okay and what is that going to lead to?

You can hate foids or chads all you want, that's not gonna change a thing. NOONE cares if we hate someone or not

Channel that hate into pursuits that will actual lead to tangible changes in your life
Okay and what is that going to lead to?

You can hate foids or chads all you want, that's not gonna change a thing. NOONE cares if we hate someone or not

Channel that hate into pursuits that will actual lead to tangible changes in your life

Let the hate flow through you?
Honestly the members here that still care about this forum should band together and make a pact. We will then harass the infiltrators out of the forum since the mods don’t do anything
Okay and what is that going to lead to?

You can hate foids or chads all you want, that's not gonna change a thing. NOONE cares if we hate someone or not

Channel that hate into pursuits that will actual lead to tangible changes in your life
This forum is not to change something. It's entirely here for venting our frustration, expose hypocrisy, share evidence, etc., as a form of cope, in the form that we find suitable. You're the only one who assumed that we incels think that hate and negative outlook are going to bring about something of significance. Yes we would probably want to blackpill masses, but it wouldnt change our shitty lives in the slightest.
Honestly the members here that still care about this forum should band together and make a pact. We will then harass the infiltrators out of the forum since the mods don’t do anything

Especially since Foids exist around here
I'm not a Foid, trust me
Its funny how you have no refutable logical arguments to any of my claims and then you make another thread to propagate your negative defeatist crabs in a bucket mindset

Misery loves company

The first part I agree with, the last part makes no sense, and its obvious you yourself don't really believe in it, because your first argument was clear and specific whereas the last one was vague, very subjective

"ill will" - In what way, just disliking someone, wanting to harm or kill them?

"self mastery" - the most vague part, mastery of what?, mastery in what way?

IDK about you but hatred has always been a strong motivator for me and a source of focus, and I'm sure its like that for most men, men have always been driven by "negative emotions" and it usually makes them work harder towards a goal, so I don't know where you got that idea
The first part I agree with, the last part makes no sense, and its obvious you yourself don't really believe in it, because your first argument was clear and specific whereas the last one was vague, very subjective

"ill will" - In what way, just disliking someone, wanting to harm or kill them?

"self mastery" - the most vague part, mastery of what?, mastery in what way?

IDK about you but hatred has always been a strong motivator for me and a source of focus, and I'm sure its like that for most men, men have always been driven by "negative emotions" and it usually makes them work harder towards a goal, so I don't know where you got that idea

Big facts
How do you think Siths are alive?
EVERY new account since october this year must be banned and the registration should be closed for 3 months at least.
Honestly the members here that still care about this forum should band together and make a pact. We will then harass the infiltrators out of the forum since the mods don’t do anything
I'm in. Who do we start with and how do we do it?
That’s true harassing them on here should be our number 1 priority

It's been said that Sincere is a fucking foid, what do you think?
If "He" was a Foid, well that fucking sucks
Seemed like a nice person
But that's only 1 picture
I'm in. Who do we start with and how do we do it?

We use Dark-Energon to unban evil

Evil against Evil to create Chaos
And then Tyrannical-Order
Sound good?
I'm in. Who do we start with and how do we do it?
The obvious foid here is sillytruecel. We should all start with her. As for how we do it, we need atleast 10 people in this pact. We will all simply insult and cuss her out every time she comments. And if we get over 20 in the pact we can send dms
IDK about you but hatred has always been a strong motivator for me and a source of focus, and I'm sure its like that for most men, men have always been driven by "negative emotions" and it usually makes them work harder towards a goal, so I don't know where you got that idea
This is the problem with his use of 'positive' and 'negative', it's very vague even he himself is contradictory. I was gonna suggest using 'growth' and 'set' mindset instead because it's more self explanatory.
Bishop's from IT?
This is the problem with his use of 'positive' and 'negative', it's very vague

It really isn't, its not like someone would say "negative emotions" and you'd think "happiness"

Negative emotions obviously mean - hate, anger, depression, self loathing, etc

Positive emotions obviously mean - happiness, excitement, etc

We know by "negative" were talking about things that make you "feel bad" and by positive things that make you "feel good"
It really isn't, its not like someone would say "negative emotions" and you'd think "happiness"

Negative emotions obviously mean - hate, anger, depression, self loathing, etc

Positive emotions obviously mean - happiness, excitement, etc

We know by "negative" were talking about things that make you "feel bad" and by positive things that make you "feel good"
What I meant is he didn't specify if it was a general attribute to life or specific areas because sometimes he states hating someone will lead to negative mindset and thus destitute and poverty (general) and in other posts he suggests we channel hatred for something positive (specific). What's it gonna be? That is what I was referring to when I stated he was vague.
The first part I agree with, the last part makes no sense, and its obvious you yourself don't really believe in it, because your first argument was clear and specific whereas the last one was vague, very subjective

"ill will" - In what way, just disliking someone, wanting to harm or kill them?

"self mastery" - the most vague part, mastery of what?, mastery in what way?

IDK about you but hatred has always been a strong motivator for me and a source of focus, and I'm sure its like that for most men, men have always been driven by "negative emotions" and it usually makes them work harder towards a goal, so I don't know where you got that idea

Channel that hate into pursuits that will actual lead to tangible changes in your life

What I meant by 'Self mastery' is when mastering a certain field/niche/skill for the purpose of wealthmaxxing and improving your life - having negative emotions (Ill Will) like fear, anxiety, hate, anger, jealousy, sadness will - dilute your focus and take up unnecessary mental space

Obviously if you can channel those negative emotions to spur you on to make further progress - that is a great scenario, but majority of users are not channeling that 'hate' and 'Ill will' into something useful - most of them scoff at the idea of doing anything productive with it

Moreover if you can successfully manage those emotions, or even completely drive them out of your psyche - you would definitely have way more focus and energy towards mastering your craft leading to faster progress
This forum is not to change something
That's subjective, why should it not be?

Moreover the fact that you don't want to change anything suggests you are extremely content with your current situation
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This place is falling apart
What I meant is he didn't specify if it was a general attribute to life or specific areas because sometimes he states hating someone will lead to negative mindset and thus destitute and poverty (general) and in other posts he suggests we channel hatred for something positive (specific). What's it gonna be? That is what I was referring to when I stated he was vague.

I can see where I may have sounded contradictory

Just to simplify things

I started off with a lot of negative emotions as well (hate, anger, jealousy, sadness etc) and I channeled that energy into a specific pursuit - namely wealthmaxxing

The negative emotions really spurred me on and motivated me to persevere

As I made progress in my wealthmaxxing journey - a lot of the negative emotions dissipated and I discovered that having a clear focused balanced mind (without negative OR positive emotions) - allowed me to make the most progress - it allowed me to be objective and did not cloud my judgement

So as you can see - it is not black or white

If you have an abundance of negative emotions then sure, channel it into productive pursuits
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having negative emotions (Ill Will) like fear, anxiety, hate, anger, jealousy, sadness will - dilute your focus and take up unnecessary mental space

1. You know full well what you're saying is demonstrably false, if you think soldiers are having positive thoughts at war to keep them focused you are on drugs, the kind of focus you need depends on your goal. If your goal is to "ascend" and one day "be attractive to women" then a positive mindset will drive you. If your goal is to wealthmaxx and escortcel negative emotions are a stronger source of motivation, you aren't the "good guy" in the story, the "good guy" mindset is just going to fill you with feelings of self doubt and regret on the "bad guy" path and vice versa

2. You are just falsely throwing together useful negative emotions and useless negative emotions, its basically a strawman

Fear is necessary, fear is logical, anxiety isn't and anxiety implies doubt and the inability to take action

Obviously if you can channel those negative emotions to spur you on to make further progress - that is a great scenario, but majority of users are not channeling that 'hate' and 'Ill will' into something useful - most of them scoff at the idea of doing anything productive with it

It has nothing to do with negative emotions though, many religious incels on this site who talk all the positivity bullshit are also guys who do nothing with their lives and they are probably more "positive" than you

These are the kinds of guys who would operate the same regardless of mindset

For them its all excuses, they'd use a negative mindset to rationalize their lack of effort just as they'd use a positive mindset to do the same

Negative - "Its hopeless, nothing will work, there's no point"

Positive - "I'm content, I will find happiness in other things in life, I am at peace"

For them its all just an excuse, it doesn't matter the perspective they will twist it to suit their narrative of "I don't have to do anything"

Moreover if you can successfully manage those emotions, or even completely drive them out of your psyche - you would definitely have way more focus and energy towards mastering your craft leading to faster progress

I'm sorry, real life doesn't work like that, its negative emotions that have driven humanity to greatness 9 times out of 10, not positive ones. A lot of the technology and modern conveniences we enjoy today were born out of war in the military science division. From infrared to nuclear power and everything inbetween (heck if I remember correctly the cell phone too)

Humans are a species that are driven by primal and violent emotions, and that's when were at our best

This forum is not to change something. It's entirely here for venting our frustration, expose hypocrisy, share evidence, etc., as a form of cope, in the form that we find suitable

No that's what the forum is to you, you can't decide that for everyone else

I'd also add that if you aren't trying to change anything you lose the right to complain about it, because what you are just doing is "half assing" acceptance, either accept your life and stop complaining, or take action based on what your complaining indicates - YOU WANT CHANGE

But you can't have it both ways, it isn't logical
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You are just falsely throwing together useful negative emotions and useless negative emotions, its basically a strawman
Fear is necessary, fear is logical, anxiety isn't and anxiety implies doubt and the inability to take action
That's a good point. There is a difference between the useful and useless negative emotions and fear has a pivotal role to play in human motivation

I am definitely referring to the useless negative emotions which don't serve any benefit

For them its all excuses, they'd use a negative mindset to rationalize their lack of effort just as they'd use a positive mindset to do the same

Negative - "Its hopeless, nothing will work, there's no point"

Positive - "I'm content, I will find happiness in other things in life, I am at peace"

For them its all just an excuse, it doesn't matter the perspective they will twist it to suit their narrative of "I don't have to do anything"
I would not consider this a Positive Mindset

'I will find happiness in other things' implies the person has already given up, lost hope and is not willing to find further solutions

I think a Positive Mindset would be more like - I can create my own reality and achieve my goals / I can start a business and hit 6 figures / I can achieve xyz etc

But yeah sure, some people can twist a 'Positive mindset' and use it as an excuse to not do anything

I'm sorry, real life doesn't work like that, its negative emotions that have driven humanity to greatness 9 times out of 10, not positive ones. A lot of the technology and modern conveniences we enjoy today were born out of war in the military science division. From infrared to nuclear power and everything inbetween (heck if I remember correctly the cell phone too)

Humans are a species that are driven by primal and violent emotions, and that's when were at our best

I do agree that most of human greatness has come from negative emotions, however we need to successfully manage these negative emotions and have full control over them - this is my point

Professional fighters for example always have to be in full control of their emotions to be as objective as possible and have clear judgement - and this applies to all fields

You need to be able to manage these negative emotions to be as objective as possible and have clear judgement - to make the most logical decisions on a day to day basis without getting clouded by these negative emotions
Honestly the members here that still care about this forum should band together and make a pact. We will then harass the infiltrators out of the forum since the mods don’t do anything
Its funny how you have no refutable logical arguments to any of my claims and then you make another thread to propagate your negative defeatist crabs in a bucket mindset

Misery loves company

If you took your logic to its conclusion your mere presence here would go against your argument.
I would not consider this a Positive Mindset

'I will find happiness in other things' implies the person has already given up, lost hope and is not willing to find further solutions

In life there isn't always a solution, sometimes all that's left is to come to terms with your situation and accept it

Would you tell an ex marathon runner who got into an accident and is now wheelchair bound that they shouldn't try to "find happiness in other things"

Its called being realistic

And before you go there, no, I'm not saying such extreme circumstances apply to incels, in fact that's my very point, it doesn't, they will apply that valid and positive mindset to their lives in a manner that excuses them even though it isn't valid in their case

I think a Positive Mindset would be more like - I can create my own reality and achieve my goals / I can start a business and hit 6 figures / I can achieve xyz etc

Positive doesn't exclusively mean optimistic

I'm a pessimist and I'm still working towards my goals

If anything I think optimism is worse and more prone to failure because when you fail with a pessimistic mindset its easy to keep on going, you didn't expect much and you planned for the possibility of failure. However if you keep failing over and over with an optimistic mindset at some point it is going to break you and you'll stop trying all together

Optimism only works for people who are lucky and/or talented, they tend to think things work because they are optimistic when its that they just happened to be optimistic, things were going to work out either way. The results become positive reinforcement for their mindset, confirming the beliefs they already had, and then they tell themselves - "see, it works"

For every successful optimist there's 1000+ more failed stories of ex optimists, but we don't hear about those stories now do we, we only hear about the success stories that get peddled ad nauseum and then these fuckers write books and do lectures and TED talks about how their "mindset" got them through everything and to be positive

Its all bullshit, after all the work I'm doing now to build wealth I know full well it can end with me getting nothing, and I already made a pact with myself, I will kill myself on my 30th birthday if I am not wealthmaxxed by then (so I have a few years). I am not expecting things to work out, I am only working towards a goal because to me it is life or death, I am taking this very seriously, I will kill myself
Honestly the members here that still care about this forum should band together and make a pact. We will then harass the infiltrators out of the forum since the mods don’t do anything

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