I like how they act like the shit they do are actual accomplishments. Like, I knew this slut at college who's lived the high life - she was like 6/10 at best but made up for it (no pun intended) through fakeup and being more clever about her sluttiness - see most roasties just take Chad cock without regard, she would seek out men in very high places and open her legs for them, so she'd have six-figure nightclub management jobs or date some of the richest men in my country (basically spoiled rich Chads living off their daddies' money who'd instantly run their companies to the ground if they were given control) and fly fucking private jets with them before even turning 20. And she'd lecture me and other ugly nerds how if we want to have money we should just all get jobs. Funnily though she'd quit all these cushy jobs because she got bored of them and her looks are deteriorating already, so she just lives in a shitty apartment with a lesbian roommate and the best she can hope for now is ugly betabux, she wanted to marry one of those rich Chads but she'd hold off of that because she wanted to have fun in her early 20s.