The few oldcels of the 60s,70s, and 80s that are still left grew up in the very beginning of the fall, because you didn't get to witness the end in your younger prime years you have doubts having spent your lives in total retreat, surrender, or prolonged living agony, which sucks for you of course because I understand your mindset completely. I understand why you believe what you do and I understand how you've reached your thoughts or conclusions. But make no mistake, the end is coming and the fat lady will sing her lungs out where although you didn't get to witness the end in your prime young years you oldcels will witness the end in the last segments of your lifespans. It is unfortunate because those of you still alive have endured more suffering or misery than the rest of us where you were incels before the actual title was even coined, but at least you can have some solace that before your lives are over enduring so much suffering which has left you numb to everything that you get to witness the world's demise nonetheless. You call this cope, I call this reality, and while to some here, my words seem crazy maybe even ludicrous I will be proven right in due course for I don't just believe in anything on a whim without reason to believe what I do, but you guys won't just believe some words of some random anonymous poster, no, you'll have to find this out for yourselves to which if you're alive five years or less from now you will, everybody will.
Remember this post and thread at a later future date, then remember it was me who told you so.