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Foids sided with the enemy and they don't care if we are arrested, beaten and killed because they have a daddy government who takes care of them.

I told you foids became the new soycialist/communist proletariate and it's time to understand this guys.
You can talk truths about women and it is NOT misogyny.
Hating women is a seperate thing completely but normies will put them together
Reddit normies don't even recognize something like an objective truth at first place. Or they'd tell you their truth is more true than yours and then call their daddy ZOG government to jail you.
It's wild how people just quietly tolerate this
Foids sided with the enemy and they don't care if we are arrested, beaten and killed because they have a daddy government who takes care of them.

I told you foids became the new soycialist/communist proletariate and it's time to understand this guys.
We must cease the means of reproduction, whatevER the cost :society:
We must cease the means of reproduction, whatevER the cost :society:
And assassinating politicians pushing pro-foid rights. Like, how the fuck isn't this already happening?
And assassinating politicians pushing pro-foid rights. Like, how the fuck isn't this already happening?
The faggot who tried to assassinate Trump wasted his potential on the wrong target
If they will prosecute “misogyny” but will not prosecute “misandry” to the same degree, wouldn’t this mean these "anti-extremist laws" are sexually biased against males? This doesn’t seem to follow the rule of law, even though it is supposed to follow rule of law :feelssus:

The implementation of sexually biased prohibitions of online posts will not favor the UK in the long run - It is a step closer towards fascism and authoritarianism :feelsbaton:. It’s ironic how the policies of countries in Western Europe and North America are starting to become like the same Third Reich they so often villainize for their wicked schemes in early 20th century. They say Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were prime examples of traditional fascist leaders in 20th century. I’d also say the current Prime Minister of the UK is a prime example of a fascist leader in modern society. The current politicians of the UK & USA may not share the same beliefs as the Third Reich. But they surely seem to follow the same political methods that were used by other fascist state leaders within the past century. The political methodologies are the same (e.g., silence opponents and dissidents through social / economic assassination tactics, punish people who are found to have expressed dissident views via imprisonment, economic sanctions, “re-education” programs, or institutionalization by mental health services)

Based on what history shows, fascist / authoritarian states often end up defeated by foreign armies or insurgences, or end up having a major social revolution. Fascist Italy and the Third Reich were defeated in WW2 by the Allied Powers and European-based insurgencies. Japan had fascist puppet states in China that were later abolished after the regions were conquered by Soviets in WW2. Modern fascism is like a “inverted” version of traditional fascism

The only noticeable difference between traditional fascism and modern fascism, is that the political ideologies are polar opposites:

Traditional fascism is associated with nationalism, conservativism, pro-eugenics, racism, anti-LGBT, advocacy of women’s traditional roles, patriarchy​
Modern fascism is associated with multiculturalism, pro-dysgenics, pro-miscegenationism (racemixing & multi-racial socialization), pro-LGBT, sexual liberalism (specifically in favor of women and faggots), feminism & gynocentrism​

The political ideologies are completely inverted, but the framework and methods are more or less the same. The villains of today become the fallen heroes of tomorrow; the prevailing heroes of today become the villains of tomorrow
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Over for UKcels
These laws are made by people who support burning Gaza babies to death , never forget that
The review will look at the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism in the UK, as well as wider ideological trends, including extreme misogyny or beliefs which fit into broader categories, such as violence.
Meanwhile psychotic genocidal Zionism is trying to start another world war.
Thank god im not in the cUcK
I saw a post that the cops there can arrest you for posting certain beliefs online.

Can they on incels.is or is it named social media?
They know who you are when you post on here, but like many things, maybe the image based consequences of exposing the power to do that infront of everybody prevents them from doing so
I wouldn't worry about LABOUR - Trump and Elon Musk will be getting them out of our government within 4 years.

LABOUR will be yesterdays news very quickly. They have destroyed the country in a very short span of time
and won't exist when REFORM UK win.
I wouldn't worry about LABOUR - Trump and Elon Musk will be getting them out of our government within 4 years.

LABOUR will be yesterdays news very quickly. They have destroyed the country in a very short span of time
and won't exist when REFORM UK win.
I wouldn't worry about LABOUR - Trump and Elon Musk will be getting them out of our government within 4 years.

LABOUR will be yesterdays news very quickly. They have destroyed the country in a very short span of time
and won't exist when REFORM UK win.
Just keep vooting bro

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