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Venting It's dawned on me why I find older women so unattractive. It's not that they're physically unattractive.

  • Thread starter FrothySolutions
  • Start date


Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
I'm not turned off physically by older women. But it's the fact that most of them have kids. And if they don't have kids, well that makes them weird.

Am I saying I'm not weird? No, I'm weird too. And that's probably what this all stems from, I see myself in these ladies. "Older women" is code for "women my age." Women it's appropriate for me to be with. And what sinks my heart every time is "These women my age probably have kids. The time for them to be parents is now. The time for them to be responsible is now. The time for them to be reckless hedonists is not now. They can try, but at some point they have to go back home to their kids, and that is so goddamned un-hedonist I could cry real tears over it."

Put simply, I don't wanna settle down into old man life. I never got to live young man life. A normal young man life. But all the women my age are living old woman life. And if they'e not? If they don't have kids? Now you have to ask why they don't have kids. Like I said before, that makes them weird. Like me.I don't have kids. So she's gotta be some kind of fucked up in some way, like I am. Whether I'm with a woman with kids, or a woman who for some mysterious secret has no kids, I'd be living atypically at best, if not like an old man.

You might think "Just fuck young women." That's not likely for old men. And even if by some failure of conscience I manage to trick or fool a woman into picking me when her SMV rightly warrants her much better, I'm still not living "young man life." She's picked me because I'm old. Whatever reason she picked me, I wouldn't be able to fit in with the young crowd and the young community and the young culture. At best I'm that old guy who happens to be cool enough to hang with the young kids. That's not what I want. I want to actually fit in and be amongst that crowd.

I'm not like most girls incels in that I haven't given up on feeling better someday. Some might consider that bluepilled. But @SergeantIncel says it's whitepilled so I can't get banned for pursuing support. Problem is, there's not a lot of it here. It's not that people don't care, it's just we don't know what to do about this. That's why we get angry and jaded and rightfully turn our backs on a world that's failed us. But if there's some way that people who've squandered their lives can feel better, I wanna know it. One patient put it nicely. "It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know. But lately, I'm gettin' the feelin' that I came in at the end.The best is over." That guy went to therapy for 8 years/6 seasons. And he never got better. If anything, he got worse. But I'd like to at least know how this "midlife crisis" feeling is usually treated. Is that what this is? A midlife crisis?
I think OP needs a Corvette
I want to actually fit in and be amongst that crowd.
It's kinda impossible for most people, and even worse for social outcasts such as us.

However the midlife crisis is something most dudes live in their lives, so you might fit in the crowd in a sense. However, most of these midlife crisis dudes are already in couple living in comfortable situations. They can afford their "crisis". Or might I say a larp. A "crisis" that is the kind of fake crisis only teenagers and foids from the West can really afford in the end.

You gotta find a betabuXx op lol
I'll gladly take one of those weird old women. The problem is 99% of them weigh like 500 lbs.
Big Yikes let's unpack this sweety your a sick pervet if you don't find old wrinkly skinned crusty waaamynz with 3 nigger Jamaal kids more attractive than a 17 year old young tight in her prime blonde foid. Us older waaamynz are so mature with our brown crusty roast beef flaps and you're being really TOXIC right now sweet summer child :soy:
No, man, they are ugly, old, unattractive.
its that girls are in their prime at 14-18
Worrying about what kind of woman you want as a incel is like a starving African Pygmy worrying about whether he wants steak or lobster.
It's instinct. Old women no longer able to breed and we men naturally programmed to find fertile women attractive.
It's kinda impossible for most people, and even worse for social outcasts such as us.

However the midlife crisis is something most dudes live in their lives, so you might fit in the crowd in a sense. However, most of these midlife crisis dudes are already in couple living in comfortable situations. They can afford their "crisis". Or might I say a larp. A "crisis" that is the kind of fake crisis only teenagers and foids from the West can really afford in the end.

You gotta find a betabuXx op lol

Not that crowd, I wanna fit into the young people crowd. I want it to not be Over yet for me. It's just, it's gotta be Over. I don't wanna youthshame the whippersnappers, but it's never Over like Agepill Over. As an oldcel, this is about as Over as it gets. When it's simply too late to do a thing. Being ugly is never as bad as it being "too late."

Worrying about what kind of woman you want as a incel is like a starving African Pygmy worrying about whether he wants steak or lobster.

I know I'm a choosy beggar. But I just can't do it. My heart just sinks.

It's instinct. Old women no longer able to breed and we men naturally programmed to find fertile women attractive.

I don't care about breeding. And I'm against sex with minors. This is about my youth, not her youth.
Not that crowd, I wanna fit into the young people crowd. I want it to not be Over yet for me. It's just, it's gotta be Over. I don't wanna youthshame the whippersnappers, but it's never Over like Agepill Over. As an oldcel, this is about as Over as it gets. When it's simply too late to do a thing. Being ugly is never as bad as it being "too late."
I see.

Well, youngcels or oldcels, we're all in the same boat here. We watch good things happen to normies, but it's a timeless show for our kind. The only difference is that we "youngcels" bought our sits one or two decades after "oldcels". But in the end, we are all condemned to see the full monty.

Age is just another data to add in the file, but being ugly is the real thing that matters now, and that always ever mattered.
Man, I'm 29 and almost all women my age, or even few years older have kids or are broken mentally. I'm talking just about single ones. Pretty much 90% of them above 25 years old are non attractive not because they are ugly, but like you said, because something is wrong with them. I believe it is possible to find female that is 25-27 and is not totally broken, but after that age chance is so slim, it's almost impossible....

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