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Discussion Its crazy for how little normies kill themselves



Jul 7, 2024
I researched suicide forums and after looking at a lot of threads I got baffled how more privileged than me those people are, basically they are living my dream life and yet decide to kill themselves.
Most of the people who killed themselves lived in first world countries, weren't disabled (not counting mild stuff), weren't significantly below average looking, had at least one friend, a family.
If I had all those things I would be genuinely happy, not even exaggerating.
They suffered a few traumatic events in their lives that aren't even that bad and because of that they decide to kill themselves meanwhile I get traumatized every single day by being a nonNT subhuman and yet here I am.
Honestly I think we incels ( the genuine ones ) are way stronger than normies mental
Why are you on this forum if you're so stoic and hardened that nothing bothers you and you find everything awesome
great inkwelldom discussed n shiet, mang.
Why are you on this forum if you're so stoic and hardened that nothing bothers you and you find everything awesome
I never claimed my suffering dosnt bother me you low iq retard.
The point is most normies would have killed themselves long ago if they were in my shoes.
good, i hope all normies die
If I had all those things I would be genuinely happy, not even exaggerating.
that's the funny thing. literally "grass is always greener on the other side".

notice how all of us, all of us are probably living in much better conditions than the average medieval citizen in the 1400's?

human fulfillment does not work like "HAVE SOMETHING = FEEL GOOD FOREVER". The only people really suffering are those without basic needs. food, shelter, etc. Once our basic phisiological needs are met, we all basically feel the same. Give a homless person a house, he'll feel great, but then he returns to baseline. give him a bigger house? he'll go back to that regular baseline when the novelty wears away.

give anyone in this thread the "one thing" they think they need to feel happy. a lambo, a new computer, a bigger house, whatever the fuck object you can name. whatever income or job you can name. They go back to baseline of boredom, and wondering what the fuck the point of living on this rock in space is.

we all have existential dread once we have food. we just distract ourselves daily. drugs, video games, (chads nutting inside of foids), working for a shinier chandelier. all cope.

life is suffering mate. no one has happiness. they're just in a state of nonsuffering temporarily.
I researched suicide forums and after looking at a lot of threads I got baffled how more privileged than me those people are, basically they are living my dream life and yet decide to kill themselves.
Most of the people who killed themselves lived in first world countries, weren't disabled (not counting mild stuff), weren't significantly below average looking, had at least one friend, a family.
If I had all those things I would be genuinely happy, not even exaggerating.
They suffered a few traumatic events in their lives that aren't even that bad and because of that they decide to kill themselves meanwhile I get traumatized every single day by being a nonNT subhuman and yet here I am.
Honestly I think we incels ( the genuine ones ) are way stronger than normies mental
Some Chaddam back in high school killed himself. What a dumbass
that's the funny thing. literally "grass is always greener on the other side".

notice how all of us, all of us are probably living in much better conditions than the average medieval citizen in the 1400's?

human fulfillment does not work like "HAVE SOMETHING = FEEL GOOD FOREVER". The only people really suffering are those without basic needs. food, shelter, etc. Once our basic phisiological needs are met, we all basically feel the same. Give a homless person a house, he'll feel great, but then he returns to baseline. give him a bigger house? he'll go back to that regular baseline when the novelty wears away.

give anyone in this thread the "one thing" they think they need to feel happy. a lambo, a new computer, a bigger house, whatever the fuck object you can name. whatever income or job you can name. They go back to baseline of boredom, and wondering what the fuck the point of living on this rock in space is.

we all have existential dread once we have food. we just distract ourselves daily. drugs, video games, (chads nutting inside of foids), working for a shinier chandelier. all cope.

life is suffering mate. no one has happiness. they're just in a state of nonsuffering temporarily.
Human companionship alleviates that existential dread to a great degree but we severely lack that and in this day and age most people are vapid, indifferent and self serving. I'm at my wits end with this shithole of a world
Human companionship alleviates that existential dread to a great degree but we severely lack that and in this day and age most people are vapid, indifferent and self serving. I'm at my wits end with this shithole of a world
I didn't mention those things because that's not even an option for some of us. Literally doesn't exist. after all this is incels.is

The closest thing i've had to companionship as a non-neurotypical is talking to other non-neurotypicals online, even though I know them in person.

the worst feeling ever is being in a room of normies, trying to maintain a normie "friendship", trying to play their game, and feeling like a fucking exhausted alien amongst them. Actually increases my suffering instead of decreasing it.
Maybe that's the point, they experience both sides of life, while we are so much in pain and shits that we got used to it.

I noticed long time ago that people who fight for their lives the most, don't have anything to live for.
that's the funny thing. literally "grass is always greener on the other side".

notice how all of us, all of us are probably living in much better conditions than the average medieval citizen in the 1400's?

human fulfillment does not work like "HAVE SOMETHING = FEEL GOOD FOREVER". The only people really suffering are those without basic needs. food, shelter, etc. Once our basic phisiological needs are met, we all basically feel the same. Give a homless person a house, he'll feel great, but then he returns to baseline. give him a bigger house? he'll go back to that regular baseline when the novelty wears away.

give anyone in this thread the "one thing" they think they need to feel happy. a lambo, a new computer, a bigger house, whatever the fuck object you can name. whatever income or job you can name. They go back to baseline of boredom, and wondering what the fuck the point of living on this rock in space is.

we all have existential dread once we have food. we just distract ourselves daily. drugs, video games, (chads nutting inside of foids), working for a shinier chandelier. all cope.

life is suffering mate. no one has happiness. they're just in a state of nonsuffering temporarily.
There are levels to suffering mate.
Someone who is disabled and in constant physical pain because of it will suffer way more than a normie.
"Give anyone the thing they want so bad and they will feel bored and suffer just as much as unfortunate people after some time"
So you are telling me if I was a good looking guy with friends and a great family I would be just as depressed and bored as I am now? I would have lots of ways to get dopamine by fucking girls for example, going out with my friends, going on vacations with my family. I don't have those copes right now.
What a retarded logic.
There are levels to suffering mate.
Someone who is disabled and in constant physical pain because of it will suffer way more than a normie.
"Give anyone the thing they want so bad and they will feel bored and suffer just as much as unfortunate people after some time"
So you are telling me if I was a good looking guy with friends and a great family I would be just as depressed and bored as I am now? I would have lots of ways to get dopamine by fucking girls for example, going out with my friends, going on vacations with my family. I don't have those copes right now.
What a retarded logic.
you would still realize all that shit is pointless. Why do you think billionaires still make money, why do you think chad still dumps every girl he's with and continues to try and fuck others. Why do you think boomers and people that lived textbook perfect lives still have midlife crises and try to go and do some shit to find "happiness".

they're in a state of constant drug addiction. A hedonic treadmill. You would experience the exact same thing if you took heroin daily.

For them it's probably a quiet voice in their head (if they even have thoughts) saying "why don't I feel anything after post nut clarity, even though these foids are literally the most desirable on the planet". or if they're low iq it's just a feeling of discontent.

life is existential suffering for ALL of us. "i think, therefore I am" we know we are alive and will one day die, so we better stop thinking or think in circles or constantly distract ourselves from thinking with nutting inside women daily and playing games.
you would still realize all that shit is pointless. Why do you think billionaires still make money, why do you think chad still dumps every girl he's with and continues to try and fuck others. Why do you think boomers and people that lived textbook perfect lives still have midlife crises and try to go and do some shit to find "happiness".

they're in a state of constant drug addiction. A hedonic treadmill. You would experience the exact same thing if you took heroin daily.

For them it's probably a quiet voice in their head (if they even have thoughts) saying "why don't I feel anything after post nut clarity, even though these foids are literally the most desirable on the planet". or if they're low iq it's just a feeling of discontent.

life is existential suffering for ALL of us. "i think, therefore I am" we know we are alive and will one day die, so we better stop thinking or think in circles or constantly distract ourselves from thinking with nutting inside women daily and playing games.
My problem with your logic is that ur basically saying a person who is objectively far worse off than a normie will suffer just as much as him which just isn't true.
Yes maybe a normie will get bored and has problems in his life, I don't deny this but comparing him to let's say a very ugly person with autism that gets rejected all his life while seeing other people enjoy their lives is just wrong.
I strongly believe there are levels to suffering.
African kids mining cobalt could say the same thing about us. We shouldn't decide how we should solve our problems by comparing our problems with others
My problem with your logic is that ur basically saying a person who is objectively far worse off than a normie will suffer just as much as him which just isn't true.
Yes maybe a normie will get bored and has problems in his life, I don't deny this but comparing him to let's say a very ugly person with autism that gets rejected all his life while seeing other people enjoy their lives is just wrong.
I strongly believe there are levels to suffering.
yeah there's levels but if you traded your life with chad the only real "happiness" would be the brief novelty of becoming chad. The attainment. like buying a new car, the new Prescence of endorphins in your system from feeling sexual attraction from a woman, after that you're just in that same state of existential suffering, (but with drugs! nut inside daily for endorphins, dopamine, and oxycotin yippee!) which is really the problem we all face.

the ugly person with autism could take acid and heroin and have the craziest chemical rush of his life, and end up with the same fucking problem the chad has. Love is just chemicals it will not solve existential suffering a woman is not God and will not save you and does not have this mythical "happiness" you are imagining they give you. That's literally foid worship that's how we ended up giving these holes our entire society and the right to vote. Most of them are fucking stupid and annoying lmao.

The people who suffer the most are those without food or water, because they're too distracted by the lack of physiological needs to face the problem we all face. There's also those hyper aware of the futility of life without good copes like art or music or drugs or endorphins from fucking women. Dwelling on the way everything is cope would probably lead you to suicide. That's why the philosopher michelstaedter shot himself directly after writing about this exact phenomenon.

"The more distinctly a man knows, the more intelligent he is, the more pain he has; the man who is gifted with genius suffers most of all." - arthur schopenhauer.

in summary, it's all drugs, keep coping. Even if you don't get endorphins or feel genuine desire from a woman, you're not missing out on anything that will cure nihilism lmfao.
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Even Chads sui. Of course they are more successful in their attempts, because they are Chads. Even incel suicide attempts are jokes.

Incels survive, get rushed to the hospital where they are treated by a virtue signaling roasty who will have sex later with her husband, while the incel gets treated, even though he will be disabled for the rest of his life. I digress, I’m just joking.

I’m not depressed and even I think about sui from time to time. Suicide is a very rational choice, life on the other hand is irrational. No amount of joy or happiness or fun can outweigh the struggles, the stress, the frustration, the disappointment, the risk, the pain, the trauma, the humiliation or simply just boredom of life.

Life is fucking stupid. It almost always leads to a net loss for the life form. In this aspect, living life is like playing the lottery. You could make good experiences, but it’s more likely that you lose.

I discussed this observation in a thread of mine called “life is for stupid people” or something like that.

Respect to everyone who has the balls to end this fucking nightmare. I’m a fucking cuck and don’t do it, because I don’t want to make my parents sad, even though if I was dead, I wouldn’t even mind my parents at all.
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Even Chads sui. Of course they are more successful in their attempts, because they are Chads. Even incel suicide attempts are jokes.

Incels survive, get rushed to the hospital where they are treated by a virtue signaling roasty who will have sex later with her husband, while the incel gets treated, even though he will be disabled for the rest of his life. I digress, I’m just joking.

I’m not depressed and even I think about sui from time to time. Suicide is a very rational choice, life on the other hand is irrational. No amount of joy or happiness or fun can outweigh the struggles, the stress, the frustration, the disappointment, the risk, the pain, the trauma, the humiliation or simply just boredom of life.

Life is fucking stupid. It almost always leads to a net loss for the life form. In this aspect, living life is like playing the lottery. You could make good experiences, but it’s more likely that you lose.

I discussed this observation in a thread of mine called “life is for stupid people” or something like that.

Respect to everyone who has the balls to end this fucking nightmare. I’m a fucking cuck and don’t do it, because I don’t want to make my parents sad, even though if I was dead, I wouldn’t even mind my parents at all.
this, if you spend enough time thinking about it like any true philosopher you'll realize that this whole life thing is just a thing that happens. Like for animals, the only problem is we have this consciousness and awareness of our suffering. We want to live forever and our conscious wants to be "permanently happy" and all these other things which are impossible - which therefore makes us suffer. so we just distract ourselves and try to feel good for as long as possible.

this unsolvable problem is why I choose not to have kids. I don't hate existing, I'm already here so there's no easy way out, I just do whatever to stave off suffering boredom and the thought of my death. But if i were nonexistent I'd choose not to start existing. I don't think its right to force someone into this. And in all honesty I think we should all just end this curse of human life.

Cope constantly, stop thinking about it, think happy thoughts, ignore your upcoming death. Or embrace it.
this, if you spend enough time thinking about it like any true philosopher you'll realize that this whole life thing is just a thing that happens. Like for animals, the only problem is we have this consciousness and awareness of our suffering. We want to live forever and our conscious wants to be "permanently happy" and all these other things which are impossible - which therefore makes us suffer. so we just distract ourselves and try to feel good for as long as possible.

this unsolvable problem is why I choose not to have kids. I don't hate existing, I'm already here so there's no easy way out, I just do whatever to stave off suffering boredom and the thought of my death. But if i were nonexistent I'd choose not to start existing. I don't think its right to force someone into this. And in all honesty I think we should all just end this curse of human life.

Cope constantly, stop thinking about it, think happy thoughts, ignore your upcoming death. Or embrace it.
Schopenhauer said existence was bad. According to him, it would be better to not exist.

I’m with you on not having children. As if my incel ass would knock up anyone :feelskek:

But even if I could, I feel I’d just provide an evil clown world with another wage slave.

Nature itself is cruel and we’re just its puppets. It gave us our desires, which are just there to get us to spread our genes. Every man wants to spread his seed, so they throw themselves at femoids, who are hypergamous in order to filter out the most useful seed. Useful for what, exactly? Mainly just survival, so more suffering.

If god made all this, he made a genetic experiment. Now I wonder, why would an omnipotent god create such an abominable experiment instead of simply creating the result? Is he evil, bored or insane?
kurt cobain killed himself despite being a millionaire, good looking , famous and considered a living legend. Mental illness isnt bound by logic
that's the funny thing. literally "grass is always greener on the other side".

notice how all of us, all of us are probably living in much better conditions than the average medieval citizen in the 1400's?

human fulfillment does not work like "HAVE SOMETHING = FEEL GOOD FOREVER". The only people really suffering are those without basic needs. food, shelter, etc. Once our basic phisiological needs are met, we all basically feel the same. Give a homless person a house, he'll feel great, but then he returns to baseline. give him a bigger house? he'll go back to that regular baseline when the novelty wears away.

give anyone in this thread the "one thing" they think they need to feel happy. a lambo, a new computer, a bigger house, whatever the fuck object you can name. whatever income or job you can name. They go back to baseline of boredom, and wondering what the fuck the point of living on this rock in space is.

we all have existential dread once we have food. we just distract ourselves daily. drugs, video games, (chads nutting inside of foids), working for a shinier chandelier. all cope.

life is suffering mate. no one has happiness. they're just in a state of nonsuffering temporarily.
Cope. Without our emotional and sexual needs met, we are not living a good life. Food, water and shelter allow you to survive. They alone won’t give you any real happiness. Most men will not be happy without a girlfriend because live and belonging are human needs. Love and belonging is literally a basic human need.
Cope. Without our emotional and sexual needs met, we are not living a good life. Food, water and shelter allow you to survive. They alone won’t give you any real happiness. Most men will not be happy without a girlfriend because live and belonging are human needs. Love and belonging is literally a basic human need.
i literally said all of this except that "happiness" is not REAL, there is no one on this planet that is permanently happy forever we all more or less know life is suffering and futile, a woman will not fix that the same way food or water or a mansion won't fix it, that's foid worship
I don't think normies could handle real lonliness.
i literally said all of this except that "happiness" is not REAL, there is no one on this planet that is permanently happy forever we all more or less know life is suffering and futile, a woman will not fix that, that's foid worship
I never said happiness is permanent. If fucking course it’s not. However, all of us incels would be significantly happier is we had a loving gf. Normies literally hate their lives single and can’t stand being single more than a few weeks. Just goes to show you how bad we have it since we are indefinitely deprived of that
Don't worry, it'll pick up after the economy collapses... It usually does

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