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Discussion It's better to be born as a mayocel whose parents earn $50k a year than as an ethnic whose parents earn $500k.

Money and currency talk to all races.

So do your patents earn half a million $ a year approx £400k?
Serious retarded JBW shit that I've ever seen...

Wonder why those rappers have all those women fawning over them if not for the money or status.

Again, this isn't "JBW", I agree that it's definitely possible to be white and incel. It's just that there are intrinsic benefits to whiteness.

And as I've already said, parents having money =/ you having money.
I have the impression PPecel is one of the biggest volcels in this entire forum.This guy pays for 400 pound dinners,doesn't fuck cheap escorts(200 pounds at least every hour),goes to random richman bars,and probably splurges his money on a bunch of other shit.With all that he spends on one weekend alone, i could probably travel to some random shithole country and fuck 50 prostitutes.Jfl at richcels thinking they can be compared to poor white trash.PPecel will probably get some nice comfy job and will easily betabuxx some random girl from some random poor country,and since he isn't christian he can without pain in his consciousness kick her out for another random girl once she stops being sweet to him.I miss the days when the slavpill was spammed.

What is the slavpill?
Again, this isn't "JBW", I agree that it's definitely possible to be white and incel. It's just that there are intrinsic benefits to whiteness.

And as I've already said, parents having money =/ you having money.

So do your parents earn that money?

Money has a privilege of its own in all races.

Whiteness privilege is ONLY based on so called past glories as well as in the western hemisphere for "white peeps" aka natives. If it was brown privilege in brown countries where brown people were succeeding than that would be brown privilege as opposed to white privilege.

Sorry op. I'm not buying this.
So do your parents earn that money?

Money has a privilege of its own in all races.

Whiteness privilege is ONLY based on so called past glories as well as in the western hemisphere for "white peeps" aka natives. If it was brown privilege in brown countries where brown people were succeeding than that would be brown privilege as opposed to white privilege.

Sorry op. I'm not buying this.
My parents don't tell me how much they earn.

I don't disagree that money has a privilege of its own, but so does whiteness.

There are successful non-white parts of East Asia and whites are worshipped in those countries even though the natives are reasonably successful. There isn't a single country on Earth where being white is a disadvantage, except maybe North Korea, but if you're stupid enough to visit NK you deserve to be held as a diplomatic bargaining chip.
My parents don't tell me how much they earn.

I don't disagree that money has a privilege of its own, but so does whiteness.

There are successful non-white parts of East Asia and whites are worshipped in those countries even though the natives are reasonably successful. There isn't a single country on Earth where being white is a disadvantage, except maybe North Korea, but if you're stupid enough to visit NK you deserve to be held as a diplomatic bargaining chip.

You mentioning parents earning is very telling along with saying you work for or with Chatham house, eat out of £400/ pop restaurants & all of the other extravaganza.

1. Associated with colonialism (not in vogue now albeit nobody mentions that for Arabian colonists)
2. You didn't have to work the field aka money. So again comes back to money.

Otherwise instead of the 5,2ft balding Indian janitor... We'll have the 5,5ft semi balding white rubbish collections or street cleaner example.

The mods are going to have to start clamping down on dressed up elaborate JBW garbage.

OP I expected better. Didn't expect this crap from you.

Let's not forget about the fact that for Chinacels in particular...I mean, have these guys not heard of the one-child policy? Do they not realize that as a result of sex-selective abortions, there are 30 million more men than there are women in China?

There are 30 million -- roughly the population of Texas -- men in China who are guaranteed to be incels. That's before you factor in hypergamy and white Chads.

Do they really think that a ricecel who can't speak rice language fluently will somehow ascend in riceland, given those circumstances?

Then again, the type of retards who tell ethnics to just "go back to be with your people" are probably historically illiterate.

It's pretty fucking stupid.

I knew two white Stacies who were born in Russia and adopted by an American couple when they were around six months or a year old. No one expects them to speak any Russian, and they don't. No one tells them to fuck off back to Moscow.

But normies and the mouth breathers on this forum expect ricecels who were born and/or grew up in the West to be able to speak rice language fluently, or use chopsticks better than they do. Do they seriously think that a currycel who grows up in a boring American suburb would shit on the street? No, he poos in loo just like everyone else in the U.S.

They expect ethnics to hold some sort of "racial allegiance" or special "racial genes", but that isn't true for whites. Whites fit in everywhere. No one expects Russian-Americans to speak fluent Russian or Italian-Americans to speak fluent Italian, but they think that every rice-looking individual is Chinese and speaks Chinese even though there are dozens of countries in Asia. The same is also true for the UK, not just the US. The responses to this thread are a perfect example of why whiteness is awesome and why having parents who earn $500k a year probably doesn't outweigh the ethnic penalty.
Thats why I hate "Normie" Racism but I yet I spend a lot of time on "Genuinely" Racist sites.

"Genuine" Racists can tell the difference between Meds and Nords. They can tell me that Slavs are obviously not the same as Anglos. They can tell me Indians are basically 2 different races. Hell they might even be able to tell the difference in facial features between people from Mongolia and Vietnam.

Most "Normie" racism unironically just thinks there are just whites, spics, niggers and chinks or something like that. They actually would consider Jews the same as whites (This is debatable depending on whether you believe ashkenazi Jews are basically Europeans converts)

So I cannot stand "normie" racism which is just pure ignorance but I can stand "Genuine" racism that tells me I am subhuman like many other races for some reason.
You mentioning parents earning is very telling along with saying you work for or with Chatham house, eat out of £400/ pop restaurants & all of the other extravaganza.

1. Associated with colonialism (not in vogue now albeit nobody mentions that for Arabian colonists)
2. You didn't have to work the field aka money. So again comes back to money.

Otherwise instead of the 5,2ft balding Indian janitor... We'll have the 5,5ft semi balding white rubbish collections or street cleaner example.

The mods are going to have to start clamping down on dressed up elaborate JBW garbage.

OP I expected better. Didn't expect this crap from you.

I'd rather be a 5'5 semibalding mayo janitor than a 5'2 balding curry janitor.

One gets treated like a 2nd class citizen, the other is an "outsider".

We can agree to disagree.
Thats why I hate "Normie" Racism but I yet I spend a lot of time on "Genuinely" Racist sites.

"Genuine" Racists can tell the difference between Meds and Nords. They can tell me that Slavs are obviously not the same as Anglos. They can tell me Indians are basically 2 different races. Hell they might even be able to tell the difference in facial features between people from Mongolia and Vietnam.

Most "Normie" racism unironically just thinks there are just whites, spics, niggers and chinks or something like that. They actually would consider Jews the same as whites (This is debatable depending on whether you believe ashkenazi Jews are basically Europeans converts)

So I cannot stand "normie" racism which is just pure ignorance but I can stand "Genuine" racism that tells me I am subhuman like many other races for some reason.

There's still so much I haven't learnt about "genuine" racism.

You're absolutely right. Normies' actions stem from the most basic of emotional responses -- fear, panic, anger. You can't communicate with anyone devoid of reason. There's no reasoning with someone who's wrestling another person in a supermarket over the last pack of toilet paper.
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@unsettling @TheSecondComing @ThePlagueDoctor @ldar_ricecel @Dregster666 @LittleBoy @Sparrow's Song @gymletethnicel

I think a lot of people are interpreting my statement as "you earn $500k a year" instead of "parents earn $500k a year".

There's a massive difference. There's always the chance that your parents will cut you off and give you the "we started with nothing and so should you" speech. It's not a guarantee that you'll see any of their money until they're dead (when you're in your 50s), and if they think you're too much of a failure they could choose to withhold all of it from you by donating it to charity -- and a lot of rich parents have high expectations.

What I meant with "parents earn $500k a year" are simply the advantages that many richcels recieve with the first 20-25 years or so of their life. Your parents are more likely to be mentally stable individuals. You are less likely to attend a school where you get beat up every day. You are less likely to be mugged. You probably will get all kinds of test prep advice. You probably don't have to worry about student loans, nor do you have to work part-time while studying. You may get a little help with your rent when you first move out. You will not have to worry about healthcare. If you are falsely accused of a crime, you probably won't have to rely on a court-appointed lawyer who has 50 other cases to do deal with. If you create a start-up and it fails, you have a financial safety net.

It doesn't necessarily mean you can fuck a Stacy whore every week, be a sugar daddy, get plastic surgery, or become a NEET and drink champagne all day. It doesn't necessarily mean that you afford those copes, or that your parents will pay for those copes.

Now I don't disagree that the aforementioned advantages can be substantial. The contention here is whether those advantages are good enough to outweigh the ethnic discrimination penalty.
Even then, I'd still rather be the ethnic with rich parents. Simply because I wouldn't have to help a parent with debt and also because they would be more likely to be business owners and give me a good position in the business or hook me up with seed capital for my own.
Ok richcel mogger.
I agree with the thread, you can earn the money but you are stuck with the race forever
OP said being a poorer white incel is better than being a rich ethnic, he didn't specify which ethnicity. Hell, the ethnic could even be a 7/10 so i'll go with being rich and ethnic
I have the impression PPecel is one of the biggest volcels in this entire forum.This guy pays for 400 pound dinners,doesn't fuck cheap escorts(200 pounds at least every hour),goes to random richman bars,and probably splurges his money on a bunch of other shit.With all that he spends on one weekend alone, i could probably travel to some random shithole country and fuck 50 prostitutes.Jfl at richcels thinking they can be compared to poor white trash.PPecel will probably get some nice comfy job and will easily betabuxx some random girl from some random poor country,and since he isn't christian he can without pain in his consciousness kick her out for another random girl once she stops being sweet to him.I miss the days when the slavpill was spammed.
OP said being a poorer white incel is better than being a rich ethnic, he didn't specify which ethnicity. Hell, the ethnic could even be a 7/10 so i'll go with being rich and ethnic
No, I said "ceteris paribus" in the OP, comparing 2/10 mayo with 2/10 ethnic, and 7/10 mayo with 7/10 ethnic.

Though there are diminishing marginal returns at some extent I have to admit.
Who the fuck are "my people"? Do my genes somehow invalidate my passport?

I don't need advice from bluepilled faggots like you, congratulations on being CuckTears' favourite pet.
You know exactly what he means. He's obviously referring to your genetic kin whom you're derived from and share thousands of years of history and DNA with. Passport/citizenship (things that are malleable) don't mean shit in this context.

You can't complain about White people while choosing to live with them in their country (at least while Jews haven't mixed them out). You can easily move back to where you're from after China flu shit dies down
Parents who make $500,000 don't give it to their children anyway.

You're sent off to a good school and expected to forge your own path.

Tell me if I am wrong.
He is right

1. Saying "go be with your people" is stupid period on so many levels, just because he's asian doesn't mean he can magically speak chinese by the virtue of "asian genes magic" so there's the language barrier, he doesn't have the same value system they do, etc, he is quite literally not one of them
He can relearn Chinese just as non-white immigrants to the West can learn English/host country language. It'll be infinitely easier for @PPEcel to relearn his language of Chinese than say an Indian learning English
STFU bluepilled faggot. Noodlewhores are migrating to the west to settle with white Chads. There is no hope left for ricecels.
To further generalize it, there is no hope for ethnicels. White Chads are fucking every ethnic hole in the world.
There's over 2 Billion Mongoloid Asians in the world. Even if every noodlewhore fucked and procreated with a white guy, the White race would go extinct and there would still be 1 billion+ Asians leftover
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You know exactly what he means. He's obviously referring to your genetic kin whom you're derived from and share thousands of years of history and DNA with. Passport/citizenship (things that are malleable) don't mean shit in this context.

You can't complain about White people while choosing to live with them in their country (at least while Jews haven't mixed them out). You can easily move back to where you're from after China flu shit dies down

He can relearn Chinese just as non-white immigrants to the West can learn English/host country language. It'll be infinitely easier for @PPEcel to relearn his language of Chinese than say an Indian learning English

I didn't choose. Nor do I have thousands of years of history with my "genetic kin" considering that I haven't even spent two decades on this miserable planet.

What are you smoking? It's significantly easier to learn English (or any other alphabetic language) than it is to learn Chinese (or any other logographic language).
I didn't choose. Nor do I have thousands of years of history with my "genetic kin" considering that I haven't even spent two decades on this miserable planet.

What are you smoking? It's significantly easier to learn English (or any other alphabetic language) than it is to learn Chinese (or any other logographic language).

Whites are just so race obsessed that they think everyone feels some kind of "deep" and "special" connection with people who share their race
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Ceteris paribus, of course -- same country and height, similar face.

I wish I was white.
Yes defo better to be the JBW. Remember if you're randomly born a JBW there is a 10% chance you are born legit 7+, whereas for a sandman there is only 1% chance, for a curry 0.1% and for a riceman 0.01% chance, so it's a no brainer

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