Yeah it's truly an underrated aspect of being an incel. Many here are under the delusion that if they ascend as an adult KHHV it will just be a happily ever after scanario. It won't, as she will be your first, so you'll love her like crazy and be addicted, since you were starved of it all your life.
But it's just another random experience to her. Kinda akin to how when you first get your driver's license, even a normal drive with some basic ass car seems new and exciting, but after you've been driving for years, it's just another boring thing for you, and the only way you get thrill from it anymore is if you drive a high performance car that's way above average.
Even for 18 year old KHHV's, they are already fucked because even ascending at that age is already so late and women in your age range have had MANY experiences romantically and sexually by then, and you're just another random nobody to add to the mix. Meanwhile she is the only one you've ever had.
And this affect only gets worse with age. I'm almost 20 and am a KHHDV, so women view me as an alien. I gotta lie about it every time when asked just to save face