Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill It will soon be 5 years since I joined this forum.



|| Your body My choice || Gamer & platinum hunter
Jan 7, 2020
It's crazy to think about the fact that in exactly 27 days it will be my 5th anniversary on this website.
I've seen countless users come and go. Fakecels, larpers, Infiltrators, you name it. Most based OG users from my time are either gone (roped) or still coping here, in this empty husk of what once was.

The forum is not what it used to be. 2023-2024cels are scum, mostly normie larpers, teenage zoomers that think that because they couldn't fuck the hot cheerleader in highschool they're incel despite having a large friendgroup/clique and consuming normie media like instagram and tiktok and their fried, low IQ negroid brain can't come up with a post that isn't over 3 lines long or responding with anything other than tl;dr. Fuck them, ban them all.

As for the 5 years I've spent here, literally nothing in my life changed. I spend most of that time being a NEET, but decided to get a job to "socialize" more (money was never an issue, I can be a NEET for 100 years and I wouldn't be able to spend 10% of my grandparents inheritance). I gave normiemaxxing a chance, went to the gym, read books about making friends, watched content on how normies talk and socialize so I would be able to copy that if the opportunity arrived.... and yet I'm still in the same situation. Foids, no matter the age still treat me like garbage, look at me as if my mere presence is insulting to them .
It doesn't matter how much money you have, how muscular or lean you are or if you're able to hold conversations with people. In life, only one thing matters:
L - O - O - K - S.

If you don't have them, it's already over for you.

So, here's to 5 more years, bro's :feelsYall:
Nothing ever changes
Good to see fellow 2020cel, i gained false hope after losing weight in 2022 only to mostly regain and in 2023 got fully blackpilled

Really there were so many based names bummerdrummer, transcendedtruecel...all gone :feelsbadman::feelscry:

Nowdays i just draw and rot here, nothing changing for me besides gaining life skills for future wageslaving
Anybody who didn't join in 2017 is fakecel
Good to see fellow 2020cel, i gained false hope after losing weight in 2022 only to mostly regain and in 2023 got fully blackpilled

Really there were so many based names bummerdrummer, transcendedtruecel...all gone :feelsbadman::feelscry:

Nowdays i just draw and rot here, nothing changing for me besides gaining life skills for future wageslaving
I miss bummerdrummer the most. Incel News was so fucking based.
I miss bummerdrummer the most. Incel News was so fucking based.
@DarkStar filled his place mostly but bummer has a big personality and some humour to him
2021 was best for me on this forum, so many good memories...
hang in there bruv.
I know that im fairly new on this forum, but ive been blackpilled since 2019/2020 too
and have a constant bipolar mood swing/battle going on in my mind.
I´d say my general mental health (when you look at the grand scale) decreased by 30/40% in comparison to 5 years ago.
Just know you are not alone and there are other men fighting on a daily basis, and constantly questioning
themselves whether life is still worth it, or not.
hang in there bruv.
I know that im fairly new on this forum, but ive been blackpilled since 2019/2020 too
and have a constant bipolar mood swing/battle going on in my mind.
I´d say my general mental health (when you look at the grand scale) decreased by 30/40% in comparison to 5 years ago.
Just know you are not alone and there are other men fighting on a daily basis, and constantly questioning
themselves whether life is still worth it, or not.
I may have generalized 2024cels, sure, but 90-95% of them are like this, this is a behaviour I've been observing for months.
Good to know that it's not the norm though.
Congratulations and my condolences bro
I may have generalized 2024cels, sure, but 90-95% of them are like this, this is a behaviour I've been observing for months.
Good to know that it's not the norm though.
Nah man it´s alright, I think the amount of 2024cels who have been in this rabithole for a longer time than their join date,
only make up a small percentage and im one of them.
Older .is members being on guard with their walls up for newer members is fully justified, cause I know lots of fellow 2024cels
come from mainstream platforms or are trolls.
Im sorry for that, but it´s just the way it is, and you cant do anything against it cause the blackpill is sort of going ´mainstream´.
Tfw you get reminded that 2020 was 5 years ago :incel:
money was never an issue, I can be a NEET for 100 years and I wouldn't be able to spend 10% of my grandparents inheritanc
Man fuck you for being rich, that's all I fucking wanted in this shit nigger life instead I sit with poverty and retarded Muslim parents and my dad's friends are all broke jamaati guys or sitting in the actual slums of Mumbai and Gujarat. Fuck that shit.
Srs? Bragging about having all the money in the world and you take the bus with the rest of the goyim
I don't have a drivers license. No need for one, i never leave my house anyways.
Man fuck you for being rich, that's all I fucking wanted in this shit nigger life instead I sit with poverty and retarded Muslim parents and my dad's friends are all broke jamaati guys or sitting in the actual slums of Mumbai and Gujarat. Fuck that shit.
My ancestors colonized yours.
My ancestors colonized yours.
What colonised lol they're all still savages and monkeys they just have trains now. More like your ancestors used mine as slaves and robbed whatever natural resources they lived on top of
lol been here for two years made my account the same week I got my job

Nothing changed

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