Trying to sneak one by me by not quoting or @ing me? I got you, coward.
Someone already did an experiment with
@PrinceOfCope in London, you're making this shit up. In fact I heard exactly what you're saying about London, except about Toronto. About how it's this ultra-liberal place and that all the white girls are dating ethnics, particularly black guys, and that you can't see a single non-race mixxed couple. (People say this about New York too. Fucking lel, why ain't I getting pussy then?)
Fact of the matter is that's not true. You need to learn to accept the race pill because the race pill is ultimate
fact. Women, of all races, want white men. On average, white men will always be FAR ahead of the crowd when it comes to desirability, and the vast majority of any race mixxed couple will be between a white man and an ethnic foid. Very rarely will it be ethnic foid with another ethnic male of a different race, or a white foid with a ethnic male.
There are no exceptions to these rules I have laid out in front of you, London included. I don't care about some perception you have of black men stealing all the white women, that's just not reality, that's a porn meme and alarmist propaganda spouted by dumb alt-righters who don't know any better.
This is how PrinceofCope looks btw:
View attachment 17007
He mogs the shit out of Tellem-T and still got a low match rate in London.
facts and the verifiable anecdotes (Tinder experiments) support the race pill completely. There is no room for debate on it by now. Women do NOT want us ethnics, being an ethnic means you actively have a worse chance at dating in western society. What more do you fucking want until you just shut up and accept the race pill? Why do you fight back so stupidly against a fact of life that YOU a white man benefits off of? Just fucking accept it and use your racial hypergamy to your benefit so you can ascend.