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Serious It should be legal to fire someone for being autistic or an incel

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
Society has already reached a collective, silent agreement that workers' rights are a necessary evil and an obstacle to be tiptoed around in the name of owner's equity rather than a principle that should be adhered to when reasonable in order to make the lives of wagecattle better. The modern wagecuck has no friends and every possible enemy in the workplace - everyone is out to scam him out of work he performs and nobody is out to benefit him if it isn't the result of corruption or it's absolutely necessary to do so. He either works increasingly long days in increasingly shitty conditions for diminishing returns or, if he works in shifts, he is sometimes given so few shifts he can't survive while being economically penalised by the government that a female-majority electorate assigned the burden of supplementing the incomes of the precariat for still having a job.

The rule sheet and the scoreboard of the current system has been laid bare for all who are willing and able to look at it to see. I think it's time we adhered to those exposed rules totally, continued to tally the score as we've been tallying it and took everything that occurs under the current order of things to its logical conclusion - allow all businesses to fire sub-5 males and autists on the basis of being those things. If the system works in a certain way and we have all for the most part accepted it, there is absolutely no reason to tiptoe around it. Currently subhuman males are treated like shit, kicked around, overworked and underpaid in hopes that they just quit so the business doesn't have to deal with firing them. If the managerial upper crust of wageslavedom decides that somebody is not NT or handsome enough for their faggot sales position they should just be able to fire them on the spot and only need to write "incel" as justification for it. HR should be able to put you in the trash instantly just like they would on Tinder instead of tormenting you for weeks on end.

After doing that, society should find even more ways to accelerate the development of the inevitable.

Businesses should not be allowed to give guaranteed weekly hours to wageslaves under any circumstances. The government should cut off income assistance to anyone who has a job, unless that person is a woman with children, a woman under 45, somebody with breast or cunt cancer or a victim of domestic violence. Upon turning 18 all males shorter than 6 feet tall should be given a $5000 dollar debt by the government with compounding interest that will go to women's charities and women's homeless shelters once paid. Staring at a woman for longer than 10 seconds without her consent should be considered sexual harassment, and all men guilty of it should be sexually castrated.

All single men should pay a bachelor tax, and all men who cannot find a woman to sign a document stating they had sex with them in that financial year will be forced to pay an incel tax to fund research into curing medication-resistant STDs. The minimum wage for men should be reduced to 60% of what it is by default to fix the sexist wage gap, and all STEM university faculties should be forced to have at least 50% women in their courses or face the imprisonment of their faculty heads. All management and human resources positions should be at least 75% female because studies have shown women have higher social intelligence and are better communicators and organisers.

Once society has done these things we will either achieve a feminist paradise in which sub 8 men lose their google social credit points, have their pay for this week cancelled and are imprisoned by Amazon unmanned law enforcement units if they refuse to take their estrogen or if the electrodes on their heads show they are experiencing sexual attraction to a woman without her affirmative consent, or men rise up and establish a Marxist-Rodgerist dictatorship of the sub-8 male proletariat that distributes holes to all men for the labour they now finally own. We need to cut to the chase and make this shit happen faster though, the bullshitting is unbearable.
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You certainly have a point .
it should be illegal for foids to work. that way there would be enough jobs for autistic and ugly guys.
It is truly over for men. Working a lot in low-levels jobs for little money, while females have it all cozy and earn more.
It definitely happens.
here in poor shithole we slave good ones are in west cleaning toilets no one normal is left here the jobs where 10 yrs back only foids whit 2 language and 2 degrees are now get average iq subhumans and payment is like 10 yrs back
wow, you just described mid 2020's
I agree, but I think the foids and their orbiters believe they're going to achieve all this under a Marxist-Feminist system of government of their own. They'll apply Cambridge Analytica facial identification research, but specifically label incel traits as indicating propensity to be Bourgeois capitalists and enemies of Marxism and this will deduct a fatal number of points off of our state-managed social score. We'll then be rounded up by a squad of robotic femdrones and sent to a labor camp to be worked to death over the course of several years. They'll justify it with flawed logic by saying that men as ugly as us could have only survived in a capitalist system by exploiting the labor of others and using our ill-gotten capital to unjustly "purchase" a woman, thus propagating our "capitalist" genes. That we are therefore a capitalist threat to society and must be removed from it.

Also, the beta orbiters who engineered and built the femdrones were the first to be put into the labor camps after turning them on.
Don't care if they fire me for autism but give me my NEETbux tbh.

I don't want to wagecuck anyways as an autist.
Nice thread and take on accelerationism.

We need to cut to the chase and make this shit happen faster though, the bullshitting is unbearable.

This is the fundamental male issue and why they flip out so often and become violent.
Because society is and always has been perfectly content to keep them in a shitty mediocre situation forever.
Until their youth is gone, until their vigorous middle age is gone, until they're literally old and decrepit, without even blinking.
I wish I could get disability checks for being incel
i just don’t get it
Imagine losing most of silicon valley and academia workers.
These intelligent incels are doing their best to keep the world going around.
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Tbh just kill autists as soon as diagnosed saves everyone a lot of pain
Tbh just kill autists as soon as diagnosed saves everyone a lot of pain
now we’ll have a hyper retarded neurotypical world with ape humans who won’t reflect on their own thoughts
Capitalism and communism are irrelevant. Just look at the boomers with defined-benefit pensions and just-cause protections going overseas to protect "muh capitalism". All that matters is the border.

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