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Based It is not volcel not to fuck ugly undesirable femorloids

Napoleon de Geso

Napoleon de Geso

mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Apr 9, 2019
No sex if no erection. And no erection if femorloid is ugly
And if erection could be achieved in some alternative ways, not because of being aroused seeing femoid who could be fucked, so why to fuck that creature at all, and why so pathetic fucking of unwanted femorloid should count as something, why should be considered duty to be done for not being called volcel? If prostitution doesnt count, because no atraction from boths sides, then fucking ugly femorloid also shouldnt count, as no atraction too. Prostitution should count even more, man has atraction in that case, and that is more important
For those who scream "hipocrisy": men (atleast men of culture, not fuckers who fuck every hole) have taste, femoids mostly are primitive creatures with animalistic desire, and those things are not equal
No sex if no erection.
This is the key point. I wouldn't be able to fuck an obese girl, for example, because I wouldn't be able to get an erection for her. I wouldn't want to fuck her in the first place, but I physically wouldn't be able to do so. That wouldn't make me a volcel.
You should have standards. Otherwise you end up as a betabuxx with a 40 year old roastie with 3 illegitimate children all just not to be "volcel". If you don't have standards, you are no better than cucks.
You are making 999999 threads and posts about your sky high standards, don't you think you are going a bit over the top?
You are making 999999 threads and posts about your sky high standards, don't you think you are going a bit over the top?
It is my cope to hate ugly femorloids and you want to take it away
Standards are not so very high, just cute adorable loli becky of culture. If world cannot even give me waifu by those standards, then how about we blow it up
It is my cope to hate ugly femorloids and you want to take it away
Standards are not so very high, just cute adorable loli becky of culture. If world cannot even give me waifu by those standards, then how about we blow it up
I am not, just do it on another forum. This absolutely shouldn't be the place to brag about your high standards and especially to despise ugliness, since many can't event get a landwhale because of their ugly looks. The internet is immense and certainly there is a more fitting place to cultivate your cope.
In the words of 'Goodnight Alt Right', "If you preach hate, then expect hate."
Why do you hate people because of their looks?
You volcel lol. Beggars cannot be choosers. Its like giving a beggar instant noodles and beggar throws a fit because he's not getting steak lol
You should have standards. Otherwise you end up as a betabuxx with a 40 year old roastie with 3 illegitimate children all just not to be "volcel". If you don't have standards, you are no better than cucks.
Yep, and if you try to go well below your league, you're contributing to the hypergamy epidemic, making things even worse.
this is the most moronic post i've ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire life and dilutes inceldom into "I WANT MUH HAWT JB AND NOTHING LESS!!!". in other words, exactly what inceltears and etc. claims our problem to be. "they just don't want ugly females". this post also validates these so-called "femcels" who claim that they're incel simply because they haven't been able to find a man who fits their standards, rather than nobody at all like what inceldom is actually about.

if you've received sexual attention from a female, ANY FEMALE, and you've chosen to reject it, you are per definition NOT incel and most likely never will be. don't trivialise the problem that is inceldom.
Just hate all of them, instead of placing some on pedestals and some below you, even though all of them would reject you because of immutable factors. I have no problem with you detesting females in general, but your worship of attractive young ones is disgusting; you love or hate females for the wrong reasons.
Just hate all of them, instead of placing some on pedestals and some below you, even though all of them would reject you because of immutable factors. I have no problem with you detesting females in general, but your worship of attractive young ones is disgusting; you love or hate females for the wrong reasons.
Hate all of them for different reasons. And hate pretty ones even more, but because not have one, and it's not cope, they have power to make me feel trash. And uglies - they reject me too, they want chad, but why to care much, they just indicators of evil femoid nature, but of absolute unimportance themselves
This is the key point. I wouldn't be able to fuck an obese girl, for example, because I wouldn't be able to get an erection for her. I wouldn't want to fuck her in the first place, but I physically wouldn't be able to do so. That wouldn't make me a volcel.
I suppose it's only not volcel if you literally can't get hard.
I agree. Most people here are male feminists with no dignity that would fuck anything. Ugly females are completely useless in my opinion, I deserve the good looking ones
I've to agree with you on that tbh. Personally i've never seen the point in having sex with a foid to whom i feel no attractIon for. Afterall i want to have sex because it's fun and because it feels good, not in order to loose some stupid stigma i've created for myself.
this is the most moronic post i've ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire life and dilutes inceldom into "I WANT MUH HAWT JB AND NOTHING LESS!!!". in other words, exactly what inceltears and etc. claims our problem to be. "they just don't want ugly females". this post also validates these so-called "femcels" who claim that they're incel simply because they haven't been able to find a man who fits their standards, rather than nobody at all like what inceldom is actually about.

if you've received sexual attention from a female, ANY FEMALE, and you've chosen to reject it, you are per definition NOT incel and most likely never will be. don't trivialise the problem that is inceldom.
I agree with the first part of this post but not much with the second one.

Every 4/10 male is able to get obese woman. Im sure even you at 5' 2" can do it because of your face. But you chose not to because you have minimun standards, right??

Yes, this OP is probably a volcel-standardcel, but every incel has the right to have minimun standards. We are not required to find landwhales attractive and they are landwhales because they want to.
I agree with the first part of this post but not much with the second one.

Every 4/10 male is able to get obese woman. Im sure even you at 5' 2" can do it because of your face. But you chose not to because you have minimun standards, right??

Yes, this OP is probably a volcel-standardcel, but every incel has the right to have minimun standards. We are not required to find landwhales attractive and they are landwhales because they want to.
that's a horribly inaccurate assumption. i certainly can't and nor can any other proper incel who won't be leaving this place after creating a brag thread saying "i ascended bros xD" 2 months into their membership. "BBW" fetishists are rampant, and ALL females can do better than an incel tier person, you know. it's true that i wouldn't have sex with one but then again, i wouldn't have sex with anyone at all, be they 2/10 or 8/10. i'd stop calling myself incel after i had an opportunity to have sex with any female at all, though, and that is my point.

i'm not saying you have to find them attractive or have to have sex with them, what i'm saying is that if you have an opportunity to fuck a female, any female no matter how ugly it may be, and you choose not to, you're by definition voluntarily celibate from then on, not involuntarily celibate. there's no "it doesn't count" when it comes to this. i'm not using volcel as an insult here, it's just how things are.
No sex if no erection. And no erection if femorloid is ugly
And if erection could be achieved in some alternative ways, not because of being aroused seeing femoid who could be fucked, so why to fuck that creature at all, and why so pathetic fucking of unwanted femorloid should count as something, why should be considered duty to be done for not being called volcel? If prostitution doesnt count, because no atraction from boths sides, then fucking ugly femorloid also shouldnt count, as no atraction too. Prostitution should count even more, man has atraction in that case, and that is more important
For those who scream "hipocrisy": men (atleast men of culture, not fuckers who fuck every hole) have taste, femoids mostly are primitive creatures with animalistic desire, and those things are not equal

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