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It is a secret genocide of ugly people. an open secret



proponent of the glassespill and beard theory
May 14, 2023
nobody talks about genetics. we know why. There would be a great revolution if people knew that their lives were determined from the beginning of their lives.
genetics is everything.
It is an open secret that is not revealed openly.
One is afraid that things would get out of control if people knew that their lives were already decided from the beginning.
You have no control over how you will end up.
whether you will become successful, get married, have children, have a wonderful childhood or be loved by those around you.
As soon as your fellow human beings see that you are genetic garbage, the social genocide begins.
You are denied love, recognition, security. You're going to have a shitty childhood.
At school you will be treated like an animal so that you fail school and no longer find any stability in life.
Society doesn't want to see you standing on your own two feet.
She wants your downfall and the best as quickly as possible.
If you get out of school you will have a bad grade and won't be able to start again.
You had a time at school in which you were bullied, beaten and humiliated by your classmates and the teachers did nothing to protect you because they wanted to see you fail too. Your parents also take part in the genocide and they may throw them out of the apartment.
You end up on the street and die miserably there. This is how the life of an ugly and weak person goes. If you do find a job, you will live in a shithole, alone, if necessary, into old age and die alone.
or you commit suicide while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. This is how the life of an ugly incel will be and there is no way around it.
That's why the state should reduce this suffering by offering active euthanasia.
The life of an ugly person will turn out to shit anyway and is doomed to failure. So why can't we end it sooner instead of waiting for the ugly one to die in a lot of suffering?
Society hates ugly men, it's the most obvious thing but anyways water
Destroying society is the only solution
Well it’s 3 things for success everyone must have.
Being neurotypical
Good upbringing for all 18 FUCKING YEARS ALL 18. Muh good childhood and early teen years ok so what? If you experience serious shit like I did at 16 it’s over ur fucked. Most people never suffered through serious issues before 18.

So yea u need all 3.
Well it’s 3 things for success everyone must have.
Being neurotypical
Good upbringing for all 18 FUCKING YEARS ALL 18. Muh good childhood and early teen years ok so what? If you experience serious shit like I did at 16 it’s over ur fucked. Most people never suffered through serious issues before 18.

So yea u need all 3.
if you not neurotypical your good look can help you. You could find easy a foid even if you are not neurotypical. autistic people are mostly ugly as fuck. thats why they behave like this because they know how ugly they are and they insecure as fuck
if you not neurotypical your good look can help you. You could find easy a foid even if you are not neurotypical.
I mean considering what u call good looking no u really cant
all people are unconsciously eugenicists but they refuse to admit it because they aren't self aware enough
Then again I find it numbskulling that there are those here that "pro-genocide" (usually my fakecel meter goes off). Pro-genocide is quite elitist as well.

We all want to reproduce.
It's only for ugly men, ugly women can reproduce which creates more ugly men to scapegoat. They need ugly men as a social stress ball. They use us but they aren't killing us exactly

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