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JFL IT don't even examine their own arguments.



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019

so the fags on IT are now complaining about a post i made about twitter. these fucking faggots are so fucking retarded like what the god damn fuck is wrong with these retards?!

"Who is teaching toddlers anything beyond treating LGBT people with the same decency as everyone else?" - deneelthesane

toddlers don't need to accept or know about LGBTQIDESFHSCFUAIFHFDOUIHCF people. remember in elementary school when if a guy said he likes girls, all the other boys were like "eww you're gross girls are yucky"? little kids don't accept heterosexuals either. If you tell them you like girls, they'll still make fun of you. little kids don't need to accept gay people, trannies, foids, straight people or any of that. they'll outgrow that behavior and accept those people when they're in middle school or some shit. let the children be children. also, toddlers are still potty-training and learning what 1 + 1 =, how the fuck would they understand gender fluidity and shit? And drag queen culture is ADULT entertainment and these degenerates actually think drag queen story hour is good for kids. if you mentioned the idea of drag queen story hour to someone 10 years ago, even a gay person back then would've beaten you up. society is just politically correct too much. and now we have 10 year old boys becoming drag queens. this is just damaging the LGBT community.

"Pro tip; if everywhere you go is a "leftist SJW echo chamber", maybe your opinions are just far right and everyone else is normal." - MrTomDawson

is this retard serious? every damn time a political tweet goes viral on twitter IT'S ALWAYS LEFT WING. conservative tweets rarely even get 50,000 likes while leftist tweets often reach 500,000 likes. i don't even consider myself right-wing or left-wing, i'm neither.

Twitter is a leftist SJW echo chamber
Tell me more about this website, whose most famous Tweeter is Donald Trump.
" - UnconstructedEmu

That's the most retarded argument in history. So YouTube is NOT filled with right-wing people because the young turks have lots of subscribers on youtube even though most vids about feminism, BLM, etc are very right wing? Seriously, upload a pro-BLM vid on youtube and you'll be raped with dislikes. upload an anti-BLM vid and you'll get mostly likes.

also, the only reason why trump is the most famous tweeter is because he's president. Presidents always will be the most famous tweeter regardless of their political views. If he was leftwing, he'd be just as famous on twitter. also, many of his followers are leftist, they just follow him to laugh at him, and retweet and like his tweets so they can laugh at him. obama's tweets get many more likes anyways.

"People really don't care much if you want to date an.18 year old. What people have a problem with is when people won't accept that 18 year olds aren't likely to be interested." - EffectiveSalamander

Go tell people on twitter that your girlfriend is 18 and they'll all get furious. trust me.
IT is fine with exposing little kids to lgbt propaganda because they're secretly pedos
  • A 9 year old kid being chemically castrated and forced to take hormones and put on makeup = :soy: :So proggressive!. This girl is gonna grew up to be a successful queeeen....FUCK patriarzchy!
  • A 25 year old guy dating a 19 year old girl = :soy: :It can be, clear example of rape culture and toxic masculinity!!!!!!. You fuckin' mysoginist pedophile rapist....sheee's literally a child, you worst than Epstein and Rodger combined!!!!!!
  • A 9 year old kid being chemically castrated and forced to take hormones and put on makeup = :soy: :So proggressive!. This girl is gonna grew up to be a successful queeeen....FUCK patriarzchy!
  • A 25 year old guy dating a 19 year old girl = :soy: :It can be, clear example of rape culture and toxic masculinity!!!!!!. You fuckin' mysoginist pedophile rapist....sheee's literally a child, you worst than Epstein and Rodger combined!!!!!!
leftists have the worst morals. no wonder people hate america
IT are trannies who want to fuck little boys. That's why they are so interested in teaching kids about their degeneracy. A bunch of pedos.
IT are trannies who want to fuck little boys. That's why they are so interested in teaching kids about their degeneracy. A bunch of pedos.
If you told someone in 2009 you wanted to teach little kids about trannies, you would've gotten punched in the face
LEARN SOME DECENCY BIGOT! :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:

LEARN SOME DECENCY BIGOT! :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:

The elites want to normalize pedophilia, but only promiscuous homosexual pedophilia. Men, especially white men, having monogamous relationships with young girls is their worst nightmare.
The elites want to normalize pedophilia, but only promiscuous homosexual pedophilia. Men, especially white men, having monogamous relationships with young girls is their worst nightmare.
and if we find anyone under age 30 attractive, we're evil pedophiles
IT users have some kind of mental illness that turns them all into faggot soycucks.
and if we find anyone under age 30 attractive, we're evil pedophiles
I can see all the AoCs in the west being changed to 18 pretty soon. Maybe raised even higher in a couple of decades.

At the same time, young boys will be getting their dicks cut off to "become" girls and dangerous puberty blocking drugs will become widespread.
I can see all the AoCs in the west being changed to 18 pretty soon. Maybe raised even higher in a couple of decades.

At the same time, young boys will be getting their dicks cut off to "become" girls and dangerous puberty blocking drugs will become widespread.
the AoCs probably will be raised to 21 in the future to be honest. these days you're called a pedophile if you even find college-age girls attractive. it's crazy. people just throw the word pedophile around constantly. people are way too emotional over that topic anyways. they cannot discuss it without using appeal to emotion arguments.
the AoCs probably will be raised to 21 in the future to be honest. these days you're called a pedophile if you even find college-age girls attractive. it's crazy. people just throw the word pedophile around constantly. people are way too emotional over that topic anyways. they cannot discuss it without using appeal to emotion arguments.
One thing is certain, no law whatsoever to do things like lower the AoC, diminish minimal age for prostitution, legalize simple possession of underage pornography, etc, will be passed anywhere in the west, at least not in our lifetimes. Unless total collapse comes or something.
One thing is certain, no law whatsoever to do things like lower the AoC, diminish minimal age for prostitution, legalize simple possession of underage pornography, etc, will be passed anywhere in the west, at least not in our lifetimes. Unless total collapse comes or something.
if the NOMAP movement gets big, then the NOMAPs could stop this whole "finding young women attractive is pedophilia" bullshit in america.
if the NOMAP movement gets big, then the NOMAPs could stop this whole "finding young women attractive is pedophilia" bullshit in america.
What is NOMAP? I know that MAP is "minor attracted person".
leftists have the worst morals. no wonder people hate america

The country needs a more descentralized political fabric IMO, the whole democrat/republican dichotomy has become very toxic and detrimental for american society in the last decade, abolish their power and replace them with 5 or 6 more human, less cronyist and less corporate parties.
What is NOMAP? I know that MAP is "minor attracted person".
NOMAP means Non Offending Minor Attracted Person. i bet NOMAPs and non-offending pedophiles will become a big thing in the future. in 20 years, everyone will know who they are and non-offending pedophiles will become accepted and able to get help. it's funny because the moral panic over pedophilia didn't start to exist until the Progressive Era
The country needs a more descentralized political fabric IMO, the whole democrat/republican dichotomy has become very toxic and detrimental for american society in the last decade, abolish their power and replace them with 5 or 6 more human, less cronyist and less corporate parties.
most people leftists just agree with anything that other leftists say and most conservatives just agree with anything other conservatives say. if we weren't about political parties, most people in america would have some left-wing views and some right-wing views.
I knew about the lgb shit when i was a kid.
the AoCs probably will be raised to 21 in the future to be honest. these days you're called a pedophile if you even find college-age girls attractive. it's crazy. people just throw the word pedophile around constantly. people are way too emotional over that topic anyways. they cannot discuss it without using appeal to emotion arguments.
21? Can't see it tbh , Most people are fine with18. Anyway it doesn't matter
I knew about the lgb shit when i was a kid.

21? Can't see it tbh , Most people are fine with18. Anyway it doesn't matter
yes but it wasn't shoved down your throat. also, a lot of people on places like twitter whine if you think an 18 year old is hot. it seems like they whine less when it's a 21 year old. i've heard some people say we should raise the AOC to 21
NOMAP means Non Offending Minor Attracted Person. i bet NOMAPs and non-offending pedophiles will become a big thing in the future. in 20 years, everyone will know who they are and non-offending pedophiles will become accepted and able to get help. it's funny because the moral panic over pedophilia didn't start to exist until the Progressive Era
Interesting. I am one of those tbh.
Non-offensive MAP. Basically cowards in my book.
What exactly does "non-offensive" mean in that context? If it's not committing crimes, it's understandable. It sucks that the laws are cucked but it's not worth it to go to jail over thought crimes or crimes according to feminism and other bullshit.
What exactly does "non-offensive" mean in that context? If it's not committing crimes, it's understandable.

I meant to write non-offending, meaning they don't or will not take part in having sex with minors, though they are attracted to them.

It's cucked because they are agreeing that sex with a minor is an "offense," when it really shouldn't be (AoC should really be somewhere around 13 or 14 but whatever) so they are basically contradicting their own natural desires.
When they can't defend their arguments they start lying tbh.
It's cucked because they are agreeing that sex with a minor is an "offense," when it really shouldn't be (AoC should really be somewhere around 13 or 14 but whatever) so they are basically contradicting their own natural desires.
Being a pedo or even a hebephile nowadays and trying to get what you want is like being Germany in early 1944. It's you against the world. Society is against you, laws are against you, culture is against you, even the girls themselves are against you because of all the brainwashing that goes on (if you're ugly, also because of it).

I have to specify that I'm not for sex with prepubescents though.
Are you hebephile or ephebophile?

I think if the laws were ever to be re-written (lol), the most logical way to do it would be simply based on if the girl has had her first period or not. Girl has had her first period (and this should be a medically documented moment) she has reached the age of consent. If she hasn't not consentable.

Let actual objective biology determine "consent", not some arbitrary age number that means jack shit when dealing with things like maturity and independence of thought.
Being a pedo or even a hebephile nowadays and trying to get what you want is like being Germany in early 1944. It's you against the world. Society is against you, laws are against you, culture is against you, even the girls themselves are against you because of all the brainwashing that goes on (if you're ugly, also because of it).

I have to specify that I'm not for sex with prepubescents though.
MAPs weren’t this hated until the progressive era
NOMAP means Non Offending Minor Attracted Person. i bet NOMAPs and non-offending pedophiles will become a big thing in the future. in 20 years, everyone will know who they are and non-offending pedophiles will become accepted and able to get help. it's funny because the moral panic over pedophilia didn't start to exist until the Progressive Era

most people leftists just agree with anything that other leftists say and most conservatives just agree with anything other conservatives say. if we weren't about political parties, most people in america would have some left-wing views and some right-wing views.

Probably only Chad will be able to identify as a NOMAP, sub-8 males will still be categorized as mysoginist pedophiles.

Totally agreed, dems and cons create with antagonism where americans turn highly fanatical and sectarian about the party they're going to vote for, it also creates these cults of personality where people start perceiving politicians such as Obama or Trump as heroes, wherein other countries having a healthy distrust and antagonism towards politicians is seen as common sense.

I'd have impeached both parties (rulers of the political landscape) instead of Trump.
MAPs weren’t this hated until the progressive era
I wish people adopted the traditional morals again. Adultery is wrong, period. Sex with prepubescents is adultery by definition because they aren't fertile yet. But sex with your sexually developed monogamous partner is not wrong at all.

This is all the law concerning that that we need tbh.
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I wish people adopted the traditional morals again. Adultery is wrong, period. Sex with prepubescents is adultery by definition because they aren't fertile yet. But sex with your sexually developed monogamous partner is not wrong at all.

This is all the law concerning that that we need tbh.
Most men do find jb attractive. Most men are afraid to admit it
Most men do find jb attractive. Most men are afraid to admit it

JB has ALWAYS been the most prime of pussy since before recorded history, then in the last 60 or so years (like .0001% of human history as we know it) AoC laws are mandated.

All of a sudden a large number of men are saying "ewww a 14 year old with a firm ass, perky B cups, and a pussy so tight it'll squeeze your dick off??? lol GROSS I'm not a fucking PEDO!!!"

There is NOTHING more full of shit than a guy who says he doesn't find prime JB hot as fuck.
JB has ALWAYS been the most prime of pussy since before recorded history, then in the last 60 or so years (like .0001% of human history as we know it) AoC laws are mandated.

All of a sudden a large number of men are saying "ewww a 14 year old with a firm ass, perky B cups, and a pussy so tight it'll squeeze your dick off??? lol GROSS I'm not a fucking PEDO!!!"

There is NOTHING more full of shit than a guy who says he doesn't find prime JB hot as fuck.
The age of consent was a lot lower long ago, then in the late 19th century they raised the AOC higher
Children aren't even interested in sex.
They don't need to be taught about a guy fucking another guy in the ass dressed like a woman
Children aren't even interested in sex.
They don't need to be taught about a guy fucking another guy in the ass dressed like a woman
HoW dArE yOu sAy tHaT yOu BiGoT. We’Re JuSt TeAcHiNg ThEm ToLeRaNcE
You shouldn't read their arguments either
That "TomDawson" IT cuck made the most retarded argument of all time. How does saying one place is a SJW echo chamber suddenly turn into "every place is"? That's typical of those subhuman cucktears swine, they can't debunk our arguments so they have to make straw men.

Also, I've seen plenty of left-wingers whine "corporate culture is so extreme right-wing wahh wahh wahh", "all those people who eat at Chick-fil-A are so extreme right-wing wahh wahh wahh", "the whole state of Texas is so extreme right-wing wahh wahh wahh," etc. PRO TIP, MR. TOM "CUCK" DAWSON. IF EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU IS SO "EXTREME RIGHT WING," MAYBE THEY'RE NOT SO EXTREME AFTER ALL AND YOU'RE THE OUT-OF-TOUCH EXTREMIST LOSER WHO NEEDS TO CHANGE HIS OPINIONS BUT THEN STILL BE SHUNNED FOR LIFE, JUST LIKE YOU WANT TO DO TO US.
That "TomDawson" IT cuck made the most retarded argument of all time. How does saying one place is a SJW echo chamber suddenly turn into "every place is"? That's typical of those subhuman cucktears swine, they can't debunk our arguments so they have to make straw men.

Also, I've seen plenty of left-wingers whine "corporate culture is so extreme right-wing wahh wahh wahh", "all those people who eat at Chick-fil-A are so extreme right-wing wahh wahh wahh", "the whole state of Texas is so extreme right-wing wahh wahh wahh," etc. PRO TIP, MR. TOM "CUCK" DAWSON. IF EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU IS SO "EXTREME RIGHT WING," MAYBE THEY'RE NOT SO EXTREME AFTER ALL AND YOU'RE THE OUT-OF-TOUCH EXTREMIST LOSER WHO NEEDS TO CHANGE HIS OPINIONS BUT THEN STILL BE SHUNNED FOR LIFE, JUST LIKE YOU WANT TO DO TO US.
It’s so obvious that Twitter is filled with leftist SJWs. Every political tweet that goes viral there is always a left wing tweet. Right wing tweets rarely even reach 50,000 likes while leftists tweets often reach 500,000 likes
Never forget about that IT had a literal faggot pedophile in their ranks (DrPizza)
Never forget about that IT had a literal faggot pedophile in their ranks (DrPizza)
An ephebophile or an actual pedophile who likes prepubescent kids?

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