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RageFuel IT conflates body language and personality



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019


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In other words they think incels do something to deserve disgusted looks from women.
In other words they think incels do something to deserve disgusted looks from women.
exactly, even if we don't talk to women, we have a bad personality

bad personality = ugly face

They really don't get it. Looks are everything and the original thing we are judged on.

Ugly man makes foid uncomfortable by existing.

Must be his personality. :feelstastyman:
@ordinaryotaku experienced this but it was a woman who literally he never met in his life.

first of all, not all of us claim to have foids do this to us, but when we do it's usually women we don't even know. so Shredtheblackpill can stfu. you can't detect someone's personality when they're a random person walking by who you never met. and no we don't stare at them because ordinaryotaku wasn't staring and she was right behind him staring at him

many foids can laugh at you because of your looks.
LMAO these fucking idiots think reading a disgusted facial expression is the same as detecting someone posts on an incel forum

They're iq is so fucking low. It's like honestly the lowest on the internet
They might have the lowest average IQ for any forum on the internet. There are forums for black niggers that easily IQ mog them.
They're all w*ite tho, which proves w*ites are low iq dumb creatures
LMAO these fucking idiots think reading a disgusted facial expression is the same as detecting someone posts on an incel forum

They're iq is so fucking low. It's like honestly the lowest on the internet

They're all w*ite tho, which proves w*ites are low iq dumb creatures
depressed people, date rapists, domestic abusers can hide it but not us, makes perfect sense
depressed people, date rapists, domestic abusers can hide it but not us, makes perfect sense
the interesting thing is, we actually are probably better at "hiding" this stuff than bluepilled incels, being blackpilled gives you the heads up that you need to be a "chameleon"
the interesting thing is, we actually are probably better at "hiding" this stuff than bluepilled incels, being blackpilled gives you the heads up that you need to be a "chameleon"
IT just can’t accept that ugliness can play a role
They really don't get it. Looks are everything and the original thing we are judged on.

Ugly man makes foid uncomfortable by existing.

Must be his personality. :feelstastyman:
How is it so hard for those idiots to comprehend something so basic?

The only objective trait observable is your looks. There is no subjective trait noticeable before it.
I think most of them are niggers that wish they were white, like braziliansigma, a nigger from brazil that wishes he was a white american liberal
Cope. Reddit is 90% w*ite and IT is like 99% w*ite. w*ites are naturally very stupid and effeminate cowards. This is why they're dying out
Cope. Reddit is 90% w*ite and IT is like 99% w*ite. w*ites are naturally very stupid and effeminate cowards. This is why they're dying out
why were white people dominating for so long then? this is confusing
why were white people dominating for so long then? this is confusing
Cuz they're savages with guns. W*ites are literally projected to be extinct within a century to 2. If they were really smart or dominant they wouldn't be dying out. Rip
Cuz they're savages with guns. W*ites are literally projected to be extinct within a century to 2. If they were really smart or dominant they wouldn't be dying out. Rip
i see

i'm white, but i honestly couldn't care less about my race.
Reddit is 90% blacks that want to be white liberals, and 9% jews pretending to be whites, and 1% white cucks that you model your personality after.
W*ites be like :lul:
its propaganda from da joos
Yes because women giving us dirty looks from saying or doing absolutely nothing means that we're literally Hitler and that women can read us like a book -- just for existing. Compelling argument.
Only IT could take two things which are proven and make perfect sense together in the world but somehow act as if they are mutually exclusive. I think the highest IQ on that subreddit is 55
Once again IT misses the point.
Oh my goodness gracious, this is the dumbest post I've seen from them yet. They look at us funny because we're UGLY, not because their mystical femoid senses detected our bad personalities.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hpktf6/which_one_is_it_incels/

IT says if we see a woman make a look at us, as if they're disgusted, then it's "personality"


Lmao this is too much.
Body language isn't even the main thing here often but let's say it's that.
Do people really think you have full control over your BL when you are nervous?
Having a girl look at me would make me nervous. When it used to happen before puberty brought me down a few notches I would literally panic instead of chading out, it's just who I am. But this somehow makes me a villain. Ableist fucks.
I have a terrible personality
You do realize all that proves it that Iq isn't real, right? :lul: :lul:
That’s not how science works. It absolutely is real. You deny it’s real simply because the results don’t match your low iq expectations
How can a person be dumb enough to post this?
Not only are the two choices not mutually exclusive, but it makes the opposite argument to what I'm guessing its creator was trying to say.
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That’s not how science works. It absolutely is real. You deny it’s real simply because the results don’t match your low iq expectations
>posts chart showing IQ is easily taught and learnable and not based on inherit intelligence

>That's now how science works. You deny it's real simply because the results don’t match your low iq expectations

LMAO white people losing their minds :lul:

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