While both sexes can experience loneliness the key differences here are-
-The way each sex defines it-
Women tend to have a far looser understanding of loneliness. They tend to equate temporary dryspells or minor social isolation with crippling solitude. They have a very poor understanding of emotions on a deeper level so feel every thing at very superficial level. Happy = Ecstatic, Sad = Manically Depressed, Bored = Crippling Loneliness. They take base emotions and verbalise them to the extreme because they lack the capacity to feel the emotion correctly so tend to view it as a "What kind of attention can I get from this?" so they over-inflate the depth of what they're feeling to gain attention. They are lonely but that gauge of loneliness is screwed and distorted.
-The solution-
Men and Whores both have a solution to their issue, however the roastie solution is insanely easier to achieve. It's the same as saying "In order to win the prize of £5000 the male must climb Everest and the woman must walk to the end of the road." The solution is easier for women and there's no way she can't succeed, there's a 100% chance that if she walks to the end of the road that the money will be there, the male however has a 50% (or worse chance) that the money isn't there, but in place of the money there's a note that just says "Nice work bro, just got to climb Annapurna next" then at Annapurna there's a 50% chance that the money is there or a note saying "Nice work bro, just climb K2 next" etc. You can't compare a male stance on being lonely with a roastie one because the male stance is simply a more daunting and unreliable issue to solve (if you ever can), hers is superficial and painfully easy to solve.