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Serious It baffles me that there are still a small amount of incels here who do not hate women



Nov 8, 2017
How can you not hate women?
Their stupid fucking smiles. Women smile more because they live life on easy mode. They have no reason to be unhappy.
They love to attention seek though and act like their lives are shit when they are bored. All they have to do is walk into a room and all the attention is on them.

People will cater to their every whim just because they were born with a vagina. Meanwhile incels were bullied through high school, treated like scum, insulted by everyone. The only times people ever called us attractive was if they were playing a joke on us. That hurts more than just being called ugly.

Females contribute nothing to conversation. They think they can say any useless thing, and the sad reality is they can, because idiot men will eat it up. "Oh my god, you're right. The sky is blue! I've never looked at it like that before." They don't have to try. They don't have to do anything. And people will love them.

Sure, i may sound like an asshole, but if you have lived 20+ years without getting attention from women, and you're still being nice to them, then you're a fool. These creatures want nothing to do with you, and yet you're still nice and all smiles. There are times when I'm nice to women ( well not voluntarily, but i am forced to). At restaurants, for example. Always gotta be nice to those who prepare your food.
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I don't hate women just most of them
I hate women but I also love them because they give me an erection.
So I'm assuming if you were a women you would date your looksmatch or even date down out of sympathy?
Women are the the ones caapable of saving us. They have what they want, yet they refuse to give it to us. You have absolutely every right to hate who shall deprives you of happiness
There are still whiteknight cucks among us on an incel forum fml
The way I see it: if society handed everything to me on a silver platter, you'd bet I'd dig in. Thus, I can't justify hating them for doing the same.

braces for impact
thats just high tier cope, the first woman who gives you what you want (attention) will make you regret everything you said
im more just disappointed in western females. its hard to have lasting hatred for anything.
Women are the the ones caapable of saving us. They have what they want, yet they refuse to give it to us. You have absolutely every right to hate who shall deprives you of happiness
What is this? What am I reading? JFLJFLFJFLJFLFFJFLFJFLFJFL if you think like this^^^^^
How can you not hate women?
Their stupid fucking smiles. Women smile more because they live life on easy mode. They have no reason to be unhappy.
They love to attention seek though and act like their lives are shit when they are bored. All they have to do is walk into a room and all the attention is on them.

People will cater to their every whim just because they were born with a vagina. Meanwhile incels were bullied through high school, treated like scum, insulted by everyone. The only times people ever called us attractive was if they were playing a joke on us. That hurts more than just being called ugly.

Females contribute nothing to conversation. They think they can say any useless thing, and the sad reality is they can, because idiot men will eat it up. "Oh my god, you're right. The sky is blue! I've never looked at it like that before." They don't have to try. They don't have to do anything. And people will love them.

Sure, i may sound like an asshole, but if you have lived 20+ years without getting attention from women, and you're still being nice to them, then you're a fool. These creatures want nothing to do with you, and yet you're still nice and all smiles. There are times when I'm nice to women ( well not voluntarily, but i am forced to). At restaurants, for example. Always gotta be nice to those who prepare your food.
Agree 100%. We don't owe them niceness or compassion, etc. since we were never given that in the first place, so why treat them like special snowflakes? Only dumbfuck imbeciles are nice to them, especially if you're an incel.
I hate any woman who reconfirms the black pill, so almost all of them.

"Females contribute nothing to conversation. They think they can say any useless thing, and the sad reality is they can, because idiot men will eat it up. "Oh my god, you're right. The sky is blue! I've never looked at it like that before." They don't have to try. They don't have to do anything. And people will love them."

I'd most likely fuck a woman who only talked about the sky being blue, but I wouldn't love or marry her, I'm sure there are many beta cucks who would though.
Femoids are sex & food bots
hate is a strong word, i'm just a bit indifferent about them. i don't hate them because i think it's not their fault they like chad and it's not my fault being ugly for them, life it's not fair and this time i got the worst part. anyways i still believe that there are many ways to enjoy life without women.
But it is their fault when they want men like you to be their betabux and cuck them when they hit the wall. These creatures are evil and calculating. Hate them all you wish.
The way I see it: if society handed everything to me on a silver platter, you'd bet I'd dig in. Thus, I can't justify hating them for doing the same.

braces for impact
ive got to say i get what you mean, but thr dont hav to be biches about it
That's what they want but i'm not gonna give them anything.
If they betabux all the men around you, then you'll get cucked as well, or disappear in the shadows. If more man haters show up, then they will finally understand they need to make some changes because men won't just hate women for no reason.
Hating women is just a cope. Like a child getting angry at the game for losing, it's immature and stupid
High IQ post.

I despise women to the maximum extent possible.
Hating women is just a cope. Like a child getting angry at the game for losing, it's immature and stupid
Are you saying women are games and objects to play with? What's wrong with hating objects that don't do what they're told?
Are you saying women are games and objects to play with? What's wrong with hating objects that don't do what they're told?
because they don't think. it's not the dice's fault for landing on a one, it's fate's or yours for throwing it that way. being angry at a dice doesn't change what's going on or what it's going to do next time. if anything, it's an inconvenience for you, the dice won't care
because they don't think. it's not the dice's fault for landing on a one, it's fate's or yours for throwing it that way. being angry at a dice doesn't change what's going on or what it's going to do next time. if anything, it's an inconvenience for you, the dice won't care
The dice will care when enough men stop taking its shit
Jfl if you don't hate women in 2018, I'd kill a bitch for a quarter
The dice will care when enough men stop taking its shit
there will always be people that roll a six or get women and continue to do so. there won't ever be a complete boycott
Hating women is just a cope. Like a child getting angry at the game for losing, it's immature and stupid
Not the same thing, fucking lol.
there will always be people that roll a six or get women and continue to do so. there won't ever be a complete boycott
The married couples we see are all over 40. Not many new marriages are happening because women are choosing the cock carousel and education over raising a family. Advanced sex robots and the artificial womb will wipe these roasties out in no time.
Women are the the ones caapable of saving us. They have what they want, yet they refuse to give it to us. You have absolutely every right to hate who shall deprives you of happiness
Young incels hate women.

When you get older you move past the hate stage and you just become indifferent to women. It is what it is at this point
lol at the cucks here refuting op post
i love womyn they are so smart and strong and theyre just as good as men and they dont have it on EZ mode they have it on nightmare mode cuz women cry a lot so that means their lives are way worse than mens
Idiots still have their fantasies that their oneitis will one day come through for them and they can live happily ever after.
If you truly understand the world around you, then there's no need to hate on anyone, as you just understand that that's how nature works. If you watch animal planet for a few hours, you'll find out that being an incel doesn't apply only to humans, but also to animals. The strongest and most genetically gifted, get to reproduce while the inferior individuals live their lifes alone, and don't get to reproduce.
Incels are not created by society, incels are nature's failures.
It's hard for me to hate an entire group indiscriminately.
There are plenty of women i've talked to that don't hate me as a person, plenty of them that hate my existence for no reason too, but I can't bring myself to hate those whom have not wronged me as a result of those who have. I'll vent online as though I hate women and even sometimes, very rarely, as though I hate white people (I love all my whitecel brothers out there tho) but IRL I can't bring myself to have resentment to someone for being a woman or being white or some shit. It's just wrong to me.
How can you not hate women?

Curiously enough, though nearly forty years old and still a virgin, never having received so much as an authentic smile from a woman, I've yet to succumb to misogyny.

Which isn't to say, of course, I don't resent the fact women are repulsed by me. Quite to the contrary. Old man though I am now, far too old for the passions that should be reserved for younger and healthier men, seeing an attractive woman still inspires a visceral wrath. It's an amazing experience, actually, almost mystical. It swells up from what is deepest in you, grips your muscles into near paralysis, strums on your nerves until you have to fight the urge to scream. The primal disgust you see in a woman's eyes when she looks at you is magical in its own way. Granted, said magic is of the blackest variety, affording you the opportunity to commune with what is most diabolic in you. Just as men have their guardian angels, monsters have their tutelary devils. It would be nice, I suppose, to be attended upon by the former rather than the latter but, well, to each the spirit he deserves. In both cases, one is granted access to Nature at its most essential. The difference being that the man is granted access the Nature's occult beauties while the monster is subjected to its most private horrors.

Though it may be unpleasant, there's a certain kind of wisdom to be found on the Nightside of the world. You'll never glimpse Mother Nature's warm smile or feel Her soft embrace, but you'll see Her frozen rictus of revulsion when She's fast asleep and in the throes of Her nightmares. In time you slowly reconcile yourself to the fact that both of these faces are truly Hers; it's merely that it's been given to the lovely to see the former and for ghouls like yourself to witness the latter.

To despise a woman because she considers you unlovable makes no more sense than to hate a storm or a wildfire for behaving as storms and wildfires are compelled to. Nature is kind to some and cruel to others and we shouldn't be surprised when a daughter resembles her Mother and acts in kind. Sure, you'll mourn the devastation inflicted by the storm. You'll instinctively howl in agony as the flame scorches your flesh. But you'd never curse the tempest or the conflagration as if they consciously intended malice; to do so would be the height of absurdity. Neither are capable of hearing your harsh words. Although it should go without saying that even if they were, they wouldn't care.
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i don't have enough ragefuel under my belt to hate women specifically. I do hate normies though
Young incels hate women.

When you get older you move past the hate stage and you just become indifferent to women. It is what it is at this point
Because your testosterone drops or you become an escortcel, and you can actually start focusing on enjoying life.
i dont hate women for just being women i hate them for being dumb selfish cunts.
I only hate feminists and blue pilled cucks. Women have it easy but they can't help it and I hate when they deny this. I still want sex and relationships though so I can't just hate or kill all of them.

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