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Hypocrisy IT advocate rape as a punishment for a "incel" bomber



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019

before you guy "don't post about IT" yeah i know but i post less frequently about them now

anyways, it's funny how IT think it's wrong to joke about rape but then they advocate rape as a punishment for someone who didn't even rape someone. first of all, i don't condone rape, even rape of a woman, but if you condemn rape then advocate it as a punishment, you're a hypocrite who is essentially saying "sometimes rape is a good thing" and even feminazis are condemning advocating rape as a punishment, saying it perpetuates "rape culture". no, nobody deserves to be raped regardless of who they are and rape is never okay.

also, IT clearly don't know much about prison. Prison rape doesn't actually happen as much as people say it does. It's unconfirmed how prevalent it is because many inmates, even in surveys, are afraid to say they've been raped, but studies conjecture that the percent is probably around 9%-23%. Also, most inmates don't worry about being raped in prison. The Sexual Health and Attitudes of Australian Prisoners (SHAAP) study has recently released findings about the factors associated with sexual coercion among men in Australian prisons. The study of over 2000 male prisoners in Australia found that sexual coercion in prison was actually much less commonly reported than is generally believed. Almost a third of participants had feared being sexually assaulted in prison before they were incarcerated, but once they were in prison a much smaller (though still significant) proportion (7%) reported being frightened about the possibility of sexual assault. In 1974, Carl Weiss and David James Friar wrote that 46 million Americans would one day be incarcerated; of that number, they held that 10 million would be raped aka 21.74% of inmates.

Also, when prison rape happens, only specific types of inmates get raped. Inmates don't rape anyone they hate. They usually rape those who remind them of women. Many believe this myth that being gay is accepted in prison. In reality, inmates actually hate gay people as much they hate sex offenders and snitches. They only rape others in prison because, according to research, they don't have access to women in prison and thus pick other inmates as a substitute because they crave sex. In fact, there's this rule in prison that you're only gay if you're the one being anally penetrated or sucking the penis, if you're the one doing the penetration or receiving fellatio you aren't considered gay. That's the rule in prison because it's women who receive penetration or give head.

Inmates tend to rape those who they perceive as feminine usually. For example, young inmates tend to be raped the most in prison, with the average age of a prison rape victim being 21-23 and the modal age being 18-19. 16/17 year old guys who are put in adult prisons also get raped in there much more than 18+ year old inmates. Not only do very young inmates get raped, but also inmates with youthful appearances get raped too. Young inmates often have youthful appearances, and men who look youthful are perceived as physically feminine by many inmates. One Florida inmate wrote (with spelling errors): "Mostely young youthful Boy's are raped because of their youth and tenderness, and smooth skin that in the mind of the one duing the raping he think of the smooth skin and picture a woman . . . . Prisoners even fight each other over a youth without the young man knowing anything about it to see whom will have the Boy first as his property". Also, white inmates are often raped more than inmates of color, and young white middle-class males with a slight build are at the highest risk of prison rape. Gay inmates also are at a high risk of being raped in prison and so are transgender inmates. Older inmates and black inmates are significantly more likely to be perpetrators of rape and sexual assault in prison. Inmates who weigh less than others also are at risk of being raped or sexually assaulted.

Also, Alek Minassian went to prison, and despite Shaun Attwood's predictions he'd be killed on sight, the inmates were actually friendly to AM and asked him curious questions and had conversations with him. Also, many people like these guys are usually in their own cell by themselves regardless of how inmates would treat them due to being all over the news.

@JosefMengelecel i saw a thread you and others discussed on reddit. @Robtical talked about how prison rape is prolly some gay fantasy bluepillers like to fap to.
Which thread?
Nothing new.

"prison rape" (is this legit or a virtue signaling cope for soys?) is teehee but raping a foid is MUST FEEL WRATH OF "GOD"
AM jawmogs me
the bomber is a 6/10 who could ascend to chadlite with a haircut i must admit
Not sure since his face was covered in blood. Sucks that his hands got blown off. Would have been based if the bomb went of at the right time (in Minecraft of course)

Also I find it stupid that they always talk about getting raped in jail. You wouldn’t even get raped unless you were a chadlite. And you would also have to sound feminine and act like a foid.
Not sure since his face was covered in blood. Sucks that his hands got blown off. Would have been based if the bomb went of at the right time (in Minecraft of course)

Also I find it stupid that they always talk about getting raped in jail. You wouldn’t even get raped unless you were a chadlite. And you would also have to sound feminine and act like a foid.
i saw his face before the attack.

also, i bet many IT members would be sexually assaulted in prison. most of them are just creepy white knights and the only foids who like white knights are sub6 feminists. most stacys think white knights are creepy.
the bomber is a 6/10 who could ascend to chadlite with a haircut i must admit

nah he's like 5.5 and can get to 6-6.5 with haircut. a haircut won't make him chadlite. he needs to leanmaxx
Nothing new.

"prison rape" (is this legit or a virtue signaling cope for soys?) is teehee but raping a foid is MUST FEEL WRATH OF "GOD"
yeah male on male rape is A O K to normies
but if a woman gets raped
"oh god the horror he must be castrated and raped to death" :soy:
The Left are driven by karma culture and they have a twisted view of justice. To them, you deserve everything that happens to you not matter what your crime is.
i saw his face before the attack.

also, i bet many IT members would be sexually assaulted in prison. most of them are just creepy white knights and the only foids who like white knights are sub6 feminists. most stacys think white knights are creepy.
Foids will be repulsed by them just as much as us. IT soyboys will get raped in prison for sure. They are male feminists
yeah male on male rape is A O K to normies
but if a woman gets raped
"oh god the horror he must be castrated and raped to death" :soy:
The Left are driven by karma culture and they have a twisted view of justice. To them, you deserve everything that happens to you not matter what your crime is.
View attachment 284773

nah he's like 5.5 and can get to 6-6.5 with haircut. a haircut won't make him chadlite. he needs to leanmaxx
it's funny because people who believe in the prison "justice" myth like IT are usually the type who know little to nothing about prison. they assume that because they hate a criminal, that automatically means inmates will hate the criminal. I mean we always hear the generic "child molesters are killed in prison" myth (which doesn't actually happen, they can get beat up occasionally but not killed) yet the media never will tell us about how gay people are despised by inmates or how trannies are hated by inmates. and people who wish rape on criminals don't usually feel bad for the victims, they just are virtue signalling.
Foids will be repulsed by them just as much as us. IT soyboys will get raped in prison for sure. They are male feminists
and since IT like to condemn "toxic masculinity", they'd totally be victimized in prison. hypermasculinity is everywhere in prison.
The Left are driven by karma culture and they have a twisted view of justice. To them, you deserve everything that happens to you not matter what your crime is.

Perfectly stated, they also like to target young males that have said anything controversial in social media no matter how long ago it was said.

The people that go on these witch hunts also have some of the highest trust in the media and will believe the media whenever someone or some group is demonized and go harass them.
That's true, they always mess with young boys in prison. Not all sex offenders and domestic abusers like cucks dream of.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr1RIwFZsZM

Bluepillers are disgusting.

those inmates only are hired to be like that towards those teen boys, none of them care if you do theft or burglary, because that's what those boys sometimes did. they just were hired to scream at them.

also, nobody in prison cares if you're a domestic abusers, many ex-inmates said that guys like that are everywhere and a dime-a-dozen in prison, nobody cares if you beat your gf
those inmates only are hired to be like that towards those teen boys, none of them care if you do theft or burglary, because that's what those boys sometimes did. they just were hired to scream at them.

also, nobody in prison cares if you're a domestic abusers, many ex-inmates said that guys like that are everywhere and a dime-a-dozen in prison, nobody cares if you beat your gf
That's true. Those whiteknight fags were just acting tough for the camera.
15 year old makes a post larping about rape

Images   2020 07 03T072357590

IT users calling for rape of a incel

Interesting thread ngl
What the fuck.
Take the URL. Paste it into an archive site. And send me the archived URL. Do this for anything you find. It will go in the list. Screenshots are useless. Archive it instead. It removes their denial
I could try that
View attachment 284742

before you guy "don't post about IT" yeah i know but i post less frequently about them now

anyways, it's funny how IT think it's wrong to joke about rape but then they advocate rape as a punishment for someone who didn't even rape someone. first of all, i don't condone rape, even rape of a woman, but if you condemn rape then advocate it as a punishment, you're a hypocrite who is essentially saying "sometimes rape is a good thing" and even feminazis are condemning advocating rape as a punishment, saying it perpetuates "rape culture". no, nobody deserves to be raped regardless of who they are and rape is never okay.

also, IT clearly don't know much about prison. Prison rape doesn't actually happen as much as people say it does. It's unconfirmed how prevalent it is because many inmates, even in surveys, are afraid to say they've been raped, but studies conjecture that the percent is probably around 9%-23%. Also, most inmates don't worry about being raped in prison. The Sexual Health and Attitudes of Australian Prisoners (SHAAP) study has recently released findings about the factors associated with sexual coercion among men in Australian prisons. The study of over 2000 male prisoners in Australia found that sexual coercion in prison was actually much less commonly reported than is generally believed. Almost a third of participants had feared being sexually assaulted in prison before they were incarcerated, but once they were in prison a much smaller (though still significant) proportion (7%) reported being frightened about the possibility of sexual assault. In 1974, Carl Weiss and David James Friar wrote that 46 million Americans would one day be incarcerated; of that number, they held that 10 million would be raped aka 21.74% of inmates.

Also, when prison rape happens, only specific types of inmates get raped. Inmates don't rape anyone they hate. They usually rape those who remind them of women. Many believe this myth that being gay is accepted in prison. In reality, inmates actually hate gay people as much they hate sex offenders and snitches. They only rape others in prison because, according to research, they don't have access to women in prison and thus pick other inmates as a substitute because they crave sex. In fact, there's this rule in prison that you're only gay if you're the one being anally penetrated or sucking the penis, if you're the one doing the penetration or receiving fellatio you aren't considered gay. That's the rule in prison because it's women who receive penetration or give head.

Inmates tend to rape those who they perceive as feminine usually. For example, young inmates tend to be raped the most in prison, with the average age of a prison rape victim being 21-23 and the modal age being 18-19. 16/17 year old guys who are put in adult prisons also get raped in there much more than 18+ year old inmates. Not only do very young inmates get raped, but also inmates with youthful appearances get raped too. Young inmates often have youthful appearances, and men who look youthful are perceived as physically feminine by many inmates. One Florida inmate wrote (with spelling errors): "Mostely young youthful Boy's are raped because of their youth and tenderness, and smooth skin that in the mind of the one duing the raping he think of the smooth skin and picture a woman . . . . Prisoners even fight each other over a youth without the young man knowing anything about it to see whom will have the Boy first as his property". Also, white inmates are often raped more than inmates of color, and young white middle-class males with a slight build are at the highest risk of prison rape. Gay inmates also are at a high risk of being raped in prison and so are transgender inmates. Older inmates and black inmates are significantly more likely to be perpetrators of rape and sexual assault in prison. Inmates who weigh less than others also are at risk of being raped or sexually assaulted.

Also, Alek Minassian went to prison, and despite Shaun Attwood's predictions he'd be killed on sight, the inmates were actually friendly to AM and asked him curious questions and had conversations with him. Also, many people like these guys are usually in their own cell by themselves regardless of how inmates would treat them due to being all over the news.

@JosefMengelecel i saw a thread you and others discussed on reddit. @Robtical talked about how prison rape is prolly some gay fantasy bluepillers like to fap to.
I love threads like these it’s like you do the work of researching the subject properly and presenting what us men with common sense know/understand. The deviant society we live in loves to romanticize prison rape and act as if prison is some gay fetish dungeon. Jfl female prison on the other hand I bet you top dollar they’re all lezzing it up in there.

Also, the “rapppp culutrrr” shit needs to die along with all of this feminist bullshit, which ultimately represents the beast known as female hypocrisy and naiveness. They do not know what they want at all
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they have a weird fixation on homoerotic shit
Also, Alek Minassian went to prison, and despite Shaun Attwood's predictions he'd be killed on sight, the inmates were actually friendly to AM and asked him curious questions and had conversations with him.

Great prediction there from that bald fucker
they have a weird fixation on homoerotic shit
I love threads like these it’s like you do the work of researching the subject properly and presenting what us men with common sense know/understand. The deviant society we live in loves to romanticize prison rape and act as if prison is some gay fetish dungeon. Jfl female prison on the other hand I bet you top dollar they’re all lezzing it up in there.

Also, the “rapppp culutrrr” shit needs to die along with all of this feminist bullshit, which ultimately represents the beast known as female hypocrisy and naiveness. They do not know what they want at all
Great prediction there from that bald fucker
IT don’t care about research. They just believe whatever society says
Don't try it. Do it. Screenshots are often pointless. It only takes a few seconds to paste the link into an archiver and keep.it saved. Send them to me or goff and they will be added to the list
I saved photos of some IT foids I found
they have a weird fixation on homoerotic shit

Remember when IncelTears had to sticky a post on their old sub saying not to call people you don't like "faggots"? :feelskek:

IT don’t care about research. They just believe whatever society says

*Society and the media
I don't really care about photos of them tbh. What they look like, not really a concern of mine. If they're hatefeuled types, they are hatefuled.

Based job on keeping track of when IT slips up. Make sure you put the r/ITears posts in an archive because posts exposing their racism are getting autodeleted by reddit mods as spam like the one posted by u/Salvador66 showing where an IT user made a joke about Indian "street shitters".
Remember when IncelTears had to sticky a post on their old sub saying not to call people you don't like "faggots"? :feelskek:

*Society and the media

Based job on keeping track of when IT slips up. Make sure you put the r/ITears posts in an archive because posts exposing their racism are getting autodeleted by reddit mods as spam like the one posted by u/Salvador66 showing where an IT user made a joke about Indian "street shitters".
IT are leftists ofc they think fag is an offensive word

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