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Discussion Is Zyros's ban unfair?



East though, they heading to the East
May 30, 2018
Zyros was an entertaining user who would post about how he wanted to become a vampire or a godlike entity so he could be immortal. Alas, he was a blackpilled normie who had had sex in the past. But aren't blackpilled normies allowed on the forum, if conditionally?

Quoting the interested parties
@BlkPillPres (pro-ban)
@Napoleon de Geso (anti-ban)
Of course CuckPillPresident would like to ban the fun users here.
No. Sexhavers can fuck off this forum
blkdjdhdgdh has raw but empty IQ, Zyros has passion of cultured man, who understands things above dry IQ

Of course CuckPillPresident would like to ban the fun users here.

Look at the screenshot of his message on the other forum, who is the cuck again? (I'd say the person who wants this guy on the forum)

There is no justification for THIS GUY, being on an incel forum:

You are ironically UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF HIS LOOKS HALO to argue otherwise:

blkdjdhdgdh has raw but empty IQ, Zyros has passion of cultured man, who understands things above dry IQ



Just let larping fakecels stay around to mock us theory

You guys are just a bunch of fags affected by his looks halo
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Just let larping fakecels stay around to mock us theory

You guys are just a bunch of fags affected by his looks halo
Just require him to follow "no brag" rule, and so he could just share his wisdom with this world of mortals
I remember this guy. He's quite blackpilled about female nature, and looks etc. But still, he doesn't belong on here.
Just require him to follow "no brag" rule, and so he could just share his wisdom with this world of mortals

1. Again, you are only proving my point about his looks halo, you are literally willing to pretend that the image I showed you didn't happen, just to have him around

You don't understand the implications of your argument here, it means that any Chad can just come to this site, brag about his life, then if users "like him enough" (which will happen to a lot of you looks obsessed idiots) he will be let back in and only has to not brag on the forum, but he can definitely brag in discord, I've heard about the shit going on there which is why I never go

2. The guy has no wisdom, he is literally one of the most blue pilled users ever

He once argued that if you've had sex with only prostitutes you are still a virgin


When I then asked him - "So if a female virgin gets gangbanged by some Chad gigolos she paid to "break her in", is she still a virgin afterwards"

He could not answer :feelskek:

You guys use flawed logic and then call yourself black pilled, you're kidding yourself
1. Again, you are only proving my point about his looks halo, you are literally willing to pretend that the image I showed you didn't happen, just to have him around

You don't understand the implications of your argument here, it means that any Chad can just come to this site, brag about his life, then if users "like him enough" (which will happen to a lot of you looks obsessed idiots) he will be let back in and only has to not brag on the forum, but he can definitely brag in discord, I've heard about the shit going on there which is why I never go

2. The guy has no wisdom, he is literally one of the most blue pilled users ever

He once argued that if you've had sex with only prostitutes you are still a virgin


When I then asked him - "So if a female virgin gets gangbanged by some Chad gigolos she paid to "break her in", is she still a virgin afterwards"

He could not answer :feelskek:

You guys use flawed logic and then call yourself black pilled, you're kidding yourself

Damn, you destroyed him.

I'm sorry Napoleon, I have to get real for a second and put seriousness over memes. I don't want Zyros here after seeing proof of bragging.
1. Again, you are only proving my point about his looks halo, you are literally willing to pretend that the image I showed you didn't happen, just to have him around

You don't understand the implications of your argument here, it means that any Chad can just come to this site, brag about his life, then if users "like him enough" (which will happen to a lot of you looks obsessed idiots) he will be let back in and only has to not brag on the forum, but he can definitely brag in discord, I've heard about the shit going on there which is why I never go

2. The guy has no wisdom, he is literally one of the most blue pilled users ever

He once argued that if you've had sex with only prostitutes you are still a virgin


When I then asked him - "So if a female virgin gets gangbanged by some Chad gigolos she paid to "break her in", is she still a virgin afterwards"

He could not answer :feelskek:

You guys use flawed logic and then call yourself black pilled, you're kidding yourself
Yes, he is right about prostitutes, man of culture with moral understanding of reality. There are no universal morals, but it is just thing for highly cultured men to understand and have it from withing, and only masses must be told by authorities how to live
And about second part, it is simple - female must not be sexually touched by any man, escept her husband
Could be said in here - what if man is enlightened and cultured, and from withing feels that being cucked is moral. Answer here also simple -that man is cuck, not really cultured, and so unvalid to have own based and cultured morals

here are answers, and now unban Zyros, because he striving to godlyness
Yes, he is right about prostitutes, man of culture with moral understanding of reality. There are no universal morals, but it is just thing for highly cultured men to understand and have it from withing, and only masses must be told by authorities how to live
And about second part, it is simple - female must not be sexually touched by any man, escept her husband
Could be said in here - what if man is enlightened and cultured, and from withing feels that being cucked is moral. Answer here also simple -that man is cuck, not really cultured, and so unvalid to have own based and cultured morals

here are answers, and now unban Zyros, because he striving to godlyness

@PPEcel I think your parody thread is probably the most meta thread on the entire forum, its ridiculous how many people this applies to

Guys are literally just incoherently stringing words together, I've only recently started to notice this after your thread lol
@PPEcel I think your parody thread is probably the most meta thread on the entire forum, its ridiculous how many people this applies to

Guys are literally just incoherently stringing words together, I've only recently started to notice this after your thread lol

Napoleon's been doing it for a while but most of his posts happens to be funny, whereas MENSA_IQcel sounds like a 12-year-old who was accepted into a gifted program and thinks of himself as Einstein reincarnated.
Never heard of him but fuck that sack of shit anyway
No. How could he be "indistinguishable" from other members with his pictures revealed and his past encounters. He can't. People would bring it up in every thread. It's his fault. Blackpilled normies should only be allowed if they can keep the secret to themselves. When users start talking about their looks or past sexual encounters elsewhere and users notice it and mention it in every thread then it's time for them to go. They're just polluting the discussion of the forum.

Let's not forget some people make insane gatekeeping threads here everyday and many like those threads, but a Chad or normie can be here openly and everyone (including the same people) are going to be okay with it? I don't think so.

Napoleon's been doing it for a while but most of his posts happens to be funny, whereas MENSA_IQcel sounds like a 12-year-old who was accepted into a gifted program and thinks of himself as Einstein reincarnated.
His threads are funny too just because of all the engagement they get tbh. Especially his thread you parodied. Anyways they're both trolly.
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dont care you nigger
@PPEcel I think your parody thread is probably the most meta thread on the entire forum, its ridiculous how many people this applies to

Guys are literally just incoherently stringing words together, I've only recently started to notice this after your thread lol
He just can't speak English nigga lmfao.

Just let larping fakecels stay around to mock us theory

You guys are just a bunch of fags affected by his looks halo
Not one, but two. There are enough 'chadcels' in .co already.
You guys are just a bunch of fags affected by his looks halo
Zyros isn't THAT good looking. You are just not a fun user, definitely not in comparison to Zyros. Everyone loved his drunken rants at the bar.
He mogs me hard
He got banned because he literally would not stop posting his attention whoring face on the site, after being warned multiple times to stop
Yes, and even after he knew he could no longer do this he started posting drawings he had done of himself in an attempt to bypass the rule, a more craven encapsulation of narcissism there never was.
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Yes, and even after he knew he could no longer do this he started posting drawings he had done of himself in an attempt to bypass the rule, a more craven encapsulation of a narcissism there never was.


I didn't even know about this

He just can't speak English nigga lmfao.

Dude not being able to speak english doesn't lead to you spamming "enlightened" and "culture"/"cultured" in random sequences JFL

"He is clearly an elightened man of culture close to godlyness" JFL, like come on, they can speak english, its just part of their "persona" to speak like this

I didn't even know about this

Dude not being able to speak english doesn't lead to you spamming "enlightened" and "culture"/"cultured" in random sequences JFL

"He is clearly an elightened man of culture close to godlyness" JFL, like come on, they can speak english, its just part of their "persona" to speak like this
Well I mean that's why it sounds incoherent. I actually kind of followed what he was saying lol after rereading it 3 times.
I kinda miss his posts but I think it's better that we don't allow sex havers here, we also used to allow foids on /r/incels but that stopped.

I didn't even know about this
Yeah, he used to draw himself in cutesy anime styles as well, I actually found it hilarious.

A lot of the photos he posted were photoshopped too, JFL at flexing frauded photos on an incel forum, the guy was mentally ill.

There's nothing fun about being incel and having larping sexhavers shitpost on your sanctuary

Amoeba IQ

He has no self awareness so he can't even comprehend that its just his looks halo doing this, if some guy with a trucel said some of the blue pilled shit he said, he'd get called an autist, he wouldn't see it as "funny"
1. Again, you are only proving my point about his looks halo, you are literally willing to pretend that the image I showed you didn't happen, just to have him around

You don't understand the implications of your argument here, it means that any Chad can just come to this site, brag about his life, then if users "like him enough" (which will happen to a lot of you looks obsessed idiots) he will be let back in and only has to not brag on the forum, but he can definitely brag in discord, I've heard about the shit going on there which is why I never go

2. The guy has no wisdom, he is literally one of the most blue pilled users ever

He once argued that if you've had sex with only prostitutes you are still a virgin


When I then asked him - "So if a female virgin gets gangbanged by some Chad gigolos she paid to "break her in", is she still a virgin afterwards"

He could not answer :feelskek:

You guys use flawed logic and then call yourself black pilled, you're kidding yourself

I'm sorry but I think it's hilarious you're writing this much this seriously to such an unserious personality, the juxtaposition is comedy to me
He has no self awareness so he can't even comprehend that its just his looks halo doing this, if some guy with a trucel said some of the blue pilled shit he said, he'd get called an autist, he wouldn't see it as "funny"
I automatically assume someone is fakecel the second they defend a confirmed sexhaver or high tier normie looking "incel" who's plagued with "muh autism" excuse to shit post on an incel forum.
I'm sorry but I think it's hilarious you're writing this much this seriously to such an unserious personality, the juxtaposition is comedy to me

Let him put Napoleon's bitchass on the spot and call out his hypocrisy.
I see its not unfair
I automatically assume someone is fakecel the second they defend a confirmed sexhaver or high tier normie looking "incel" who's plagued with "muh autism" excuse to shit post on an incel forum.
Isn't congenital autism a legitimate excuse in some cases.

There's nothing fun about being incel and having larping sexhavers shitpost on your sanctuary

Amoeba IQ
You seriously think an edgecuck with 666 in his name has any valid opinions? Nice try kid.
Zyros was an entertaining user who would post about how he wanted to become a vampire or a godlike entity so he could be immortal. Alas, he was a blackpilled normie who had had sex in the past. But aren't blackpilled normies allowed on the forum, if conditionally?

Quoting the interested parties
@BlkPillPres (pro-ban)
@Napoleon de Geso (anti-ban)

Zyros = 5'11, good looking, white, and not a virgin.
He's just held back by his major autism and interests in demonology, vampirism, magick and whatever the fuck else bullshit.
He was a bragging arrogant sex haver normshit.

an edgecuck
You called yourself "reeee" :feelskek: and you're advocating for fakecels? Ok fakecel

im pretty sure I have a valid footing over your measly 300 minutes worth of time here.

I spend more time on here than you do , your opinion on who gets to be free is worthless.

If you cant handle not having certain users on here than you simply dont belong here, that simple boyo.
Zyros is examplel of successfull nichemaxxing. I not into gothics, but would like to become more of metalhead, and then easier to search for metal girls, including SEA. But now too fag for it
Zyros = 5'11, good looking, white, and not a virgin.
He's just held back by his major autism and interests in demonology, vampirism, magick and whatever the fuck else bullshit.
demonology, vampirism, and whatever the fuck is + when nichemaxxing for females who into same things
of course, typical mods power abusing a guy just for being good looking, probably was withoutme or ryo
"He is clearly an elightened man of culture close to godlyness" JFL, like come on, they can speak english, its just part of their "persona" to speak like this

We with Zyros are honorary members of Crimson Demon Clan
Jeez I thought meeks was the embodiment of chad. Yet this guy is such a chad he doesn't even realise it. Lmao. Fuck him.
Zyros is examplel of successfull nichemaxxing. I not into gothics, but would like to become more of metalhead, and then easier to search for metal girls, including SEA. But now too fag for it

demonology, vampirism, and whatever the fuck is + when nichemaxxing for females who into same things

Based vampirecel tbh

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