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Blackpill Is your life good except the inceldom part? What else makes your life bad?



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
I suffer from depression, product of many factors and triggers, only one of which is inceldom. I was depressed even before discovering the truth about looks.

I will never be happy. The best I can hope for is to not want to die so much. I drink to cope. My life is just working, gyming, balding and seeing myself become decrepit with no gf or offspring likely. My life is literally pointless and monotonous. I barely have time for any hobbies. I don't need to get up and run to work every fucking day for another 50 years. All to die alone anyway.

But the joke is, the inceldom is only part of it. How about you?
I don't actually enjoy anything. everything is just a time waster for me
mentalcel, insecurecel, nomotivationcel, badluckcel

I am healthy. I think that is enough
Is your life good except for the one main purpose of life?

C'mon nigga, you're better than this.
i have copes such as gaming and thats all i need.
Constant Stress and dread about college, parents, I don't know what I'm going to do in life. I also started balding at 17.
I like to think I'm average, but I'm objectively bad.

I do have some good shit in my life like good relationship with parents and relatives, a decent house in a decent neighborhood, capacity of making and keeping friends, decent IQ/personality. But most things are just bad, college dropout and failure career-wise, ugly, extremely low conscientiousness, living in a third world shithole, etc.

Everything tells me my life will become worst in some decades if I don't rope. Which I actually didn't want to do, I'm at the same time LDAR as fuck and worried about myself as fuck, it's strange.

I feel like nothing that I could put effort into would really cause enough change for the better. The blackpill is so strong, and not only with femoids, with everything.
I like to think I'm average, but I'm objectively bad.
'Tis golden. I have high self-esteem, so not only i think i'm average, i think i'm far above average, while again, realising that i'm not even average sometimes hurts too much.
And my parents called me low self-steemed, because i called myself subhuman. Lol, that's a fact. But when being a subhuman and feeling that you deserve much better hurts you so much, this defines your self-esteem pretty much. And mine is high because of it. I just can't stand being so pathetic, wannabe Chad personality. Femoids don't give a crap about your Chadlite personality still, tbh.
'Tis golden. I have high self-esteem, so not only i think i'm average, i think i'm far above average, while again, realising that i'm not even average sometimes hurts too much.
And my parents called me low self-steemed, because i called myself subhuman. Lol, that's a fact. But when being a subhuman and feeling that you deserve much better hurts you so much, this defines your self-esteem pretty much. And mine is high because of it. I just can't stand being so pathetic, wannabe Chad personality. Femoids don't give a crap about your Chadlite personality still, tbh.
Self-esteem is a hell of an ambiguous concept. The difference between having low self-esteem and just being a realist is just like the difference between persistence and being pushy, or between being a creep or having attitude, it's so fucking arbitrary, it pretty much depends on the feelings of the person judging it.
My social and romantic needs are not met. Only my survival and material needs are met. I feel like a zombie or some npc background character in a video game. My life is devoid of anything meaningful. Ppl around me seem so eager to do “things” and talk about “stuff” but it’s all just hot air and empty movements. I am slowly decaying in the process.

>Look at your body— A painted puppet, a poor toy Of jointed parts ready to collapse, A diseased and suffering thing With a head full of false imaginings. —The Dhammapada
honestly yes

nothing is a problem except for inceldom, i don't even have depression or any of that so, could be doing a little better in college though, need to get my life on track, keep having days where i have absolutely no motivation because i fapped 9 times that day, but i can't complain when compared to other people here.
Osteoarthritis. Shoulder impingement I probably need surgeries for. Knee clicking and tendonitits.

Not being able to exercise without pain and further joint degeneration sucks.

Ps. I'm only 22
I suffer from depression, product of many factors and triggers, only one of which is inceldom. I was depressed even before discovering the truth about looks.

I will never be happy. The best I can hope for is to not want to die so much. I drink to cope. My life is just working, gyming, balding and seeing myself become decrepit with no gf or offspring likely. My life is literally pointless and monotonous. I barely have time for any hobbies. I don't need to get up and run to work every fucking day for another 50 years. All to die alone anyway.

But the joke is, the inceldom is only part of it. How about you?

Damn, you just described my life and feelings exactly
I suffer from depression, product of many factors and triggers, only one of which is inceldom. I was depressed even before discovering the truth about looks.

I will never be happy. The best I can hope for is to not want to die so much. I drink to cope. My life is just working, gyming, balding and seeing myself become decrepit with no gf or offspring likely. My life is literally pointless and monotonous. I barely have time for any hobbies. I don't need to get up and run to work every fucking day for another 50 years. All to die alone anyway.

But the joke is, the inceldom is only part of it. How about you?

My cope is religion and religious text, read some Buddhism, Christian and now Sufi texts earlier this week - I think they all have a similar message.

Man's bodily needs are simple, being comprised under three heads: food, clothing, and a dwelling-place; but the bodily desires which were implanted in him with a view to procuring these are apt to rebel against reason, which is of later growth than they
Thus the occupations and businesses of the world have become more and more complicated and troublesome, chiefly owing to the fact that men have forgotten that their real necessities are only three--clothing, food, and shelter, and that these exist only with the object of making the body a fit vehicle for the soul in its journey towards the next world. They have fallen into the same mistake as the pilgrim to Mecca, mentioned above, who, forgetting the object of his pilgrimage and himself, should spend his whole time in feeding and adorning his camel. Unless a man maintains the strictest watch he is certain to be fascinated and entangled by the world,

Our basic needs are all met but we live in a advertisement material culture which tries to convince us we can't be happy until we have more outside of this - a girlfriend, a car, a big house, money, the perfect body...really only a small % of people can achieve those things and from my experiences the more things i own the more i feel burdened by them.
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yeah im smart and i'm motivated and productive. im short though and asian so probably will never be an executive or even manager. Whatever, fuck the system. There're all kinds of ways to make money..
i don't enjoy anything in life except visiting my prostitute oneitis. I think she is getting bored of me though and it hurts really bad.

I will always have depression but at least with a gf I could hug her when I feel down.
I suffer from depression, product of many factors and triggers, only one of which is inceldom. I was depressed even before discovering the truth about looks.

I will never be happy. The best I can hope for is to not want to die so much. I drink to cope. My life is just working, gyming, balding and seeing myself become decrepit with no gf or offspring likely. My life is literally pointless and monotonous. I barely have time for any hobbies. I don't need to get up and run to work every fucking day for another 50 years. All to die alone anyway.

But the joke is, the inceldom is only part of it. How about you?

Used to be in the same boat friend. Till I repented of most of my sins and found Jesus.

Im not gonna die alone. I'd be with Jesus (provided I live righteous till the end) :)
My life is shit. Probably shittier than majority of the incels here.
Having autism means you'll never get to experience an normal life. (unless you're a chad)
If I was an American I would had probably shot up a school already.
No real friends, 4 years behind in life because I went back to university at 22, no real hobbies, could be worse but it's pretty bad.
depressed, work a shitty minimum wage job, only a few " friends" yet i see them more as people to drink with ( plus they forgot what day my birthday is) i drink too much etc etc
not really, i work a shitty job with shitty pay. Always had problems with depression since i was a teenager. Every day is the same as the last.
stop drinking

start smoking

There is no "except inceldom". Inceldom (uglyness) permeats into all areas in life
Would you include wealth and iq as part of inceldom?
Yeah, life sucks. My life, your life, all of our lives. I'll always be a miserable failure no matter what happens. It's just the way I'm wired.
I don't actually enjoy anything. everything is just a time waster for me
basically me. Nothing gives me any satisfaction and I want to rope. My therapist even told me yesterday that I belong in a fucking asylum, because I can't into adulthood.

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