My (and probably most people on this site's) genetics are way better than Chad. I feel it's extreme defeatism to assume he has better genes. I am more athletic than 99% of Chads, I am stronger, more confident, more intelligent and would be better at surviving if I had any social acceptance, and yes, I am better at speaking than Chad. There is no way Chad is better than me besides being a faggot.
There is something going on here. I had no genetic health issues, my relatives live to be 100 regularly, I literally scored a grand slam in baseball as a kid, was a freak at baseball, and I worked my ass off and yes, did the approaches I mentioned in another thread. Chad ain't shit. I outshine chad daily, and in my eyes, so do all of you. Chad is shit-scum.
Chad is good at creating systems of leverage and power to control Stacy and make her hate us (or he starves her out). That is my belief.
Ps. Chad is ugly as sin to me. When I see Incels I see guys I consider to be more handsome than Chad, not that I like to think of men in these terms.