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Is there even a point of getting a job in 2024?

Dr. Autismo

Dr. Autismo

Foid punchER
Dec 22, 2023
I'm still in my 20s, and I never had a job and I don't want one.
And yes, normies and boomers in the past have shamed me for not having a job and living off welfare (AKA bri'ish taxpayers money), without paying tax myself.
Srsly, these guys can fuck right off over a cliff or into an active volcano.

The only reason boomers want me to get a job is so i can pay tax to the government, and that taxmoney will go towards their pensions when they retire.
So despite them complaining about me living off their taxmoney, they'll do the same when they retire, fucking hypocrites.

But what do you expect from boomers mang, these guys also support all those thousands of illegal shitskins entering the country across the channel.
And boomers think these thousands of illegal shitskins all be employed, responsible and productive workers who will pay more tax money to the gov, which means they will get more money for their pensions.
Yet, most of these same illegal shitskins live off welfare too, kindly provided by the boomer taxpayers, meaning these naive dumbshit boomers will get less money when they retire! :feelshaha: :feelskek::feelsgah:
That's what you get when you only get involved in politics to line your own pockets you greedy cunts!

As for normies, these retards think that having a fancy, shiny job or career makes them superior over others.
Somehow, studying at college or uni for 4 years, getting a shitty part-time job to pay off student debt while making some fat kike bastard richer and possibly not even getting the career they wanted due to lack of vacancies somehow makes them winners.
Most college and uni students are foids, and modern foids constantly seek superiority and dominance over others, like they've been brainwashed to, especially over men.
And all to compensate for the fact that they are the inferior gender too.

AI. and automation are replacing human labour, many businesses don't have open vacancies and they prefer to employ niggers, pakis, chinks, gandhis, foids, faggots and troons, and not straight, cumskin men like me.

Getting a job is a cuck trait, I've noticed that many people who work jobs are fat, bald, short, ugly, ethnic or all of the above.
Meanwhile, many zoomers and gen alpha live at home with their parents and aren't looking for work.
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Nigga what get your ass up and go get a job fuck you doing
I get your point, I'm in my 20's myself, my biggest motivation for studying & getting a job is to find a young, mixed race whore from one of our many poor townships in South Africa, I provide basic needs & sustenance & she gives me that wet, teenage pussy :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh:

This is a very common practice in South Africa, thanks to the poverty & inequality
I get your point, I'm in my 20's myself, my biggest motivation for studying & getting a job is to find a young, mixed race whore from one of our many poor townships in South Africa, I provide basic needs & sustenance & she gives me that wet, teenage pussy :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh:
Thats the spirit even if you cant find one you can still fuck escorts weekly like a chad
Nigga what get your ass up and go get a job fuck you doing
I explained why I'm not getting a job, GrAY, I get £300 fortnightly from the government, and I'm not being a wagecuck for kike managers and I'm not being a taxcuck to the boomers who voted for feminism, faggotry and civil rights for niggers.
I'm still in my 20s, and I never had a job and I don't want one.
And yes, normies and boomers in the past have shamed me for not having a job and living off welfare (AKA bri'ish taxpayers money), without paying tax myself.
Srsly, these guys can fuck right off over a cliff or into an active volcano.

The only reason boomers want me to get a job is so i can pay tax to the government, and that taxmoney will go towards their pensions when they retire.
So despite them complaining about me living off their taxmoney, they'll do the same when they retire, fucking hypocrites.

But what do you expect from boomers mang, these guys also support all those thousands of illegal shitskins entering the country across the channel.
And boomers think these thousands of illegal shitskins all be employed, responsible and productive workers who will pay more tax money to the gov, which means they will get more money for their pensions.
Yet, most of these same illegal shitskins live off welfare too, kindly provided by the boomer taxpayers, meaning these naive dumbshit boomers will get less money when they retire! :feelshaha: :feelskek::feelsgah:
That's what you get when you only get involved in politics to line your own pockets you greedy cunts!

As for normies, these retards think that having a fancy, shiny job or career makes them superior over others.
Somehow, studying at college or uni for 4 years, getting a shitty part-time job to pay off student debt while making some fat kike bastard richer and possibly not even getting the career they wanted due to lack of vacancies somehow makes them winners.
Most college and uni students are foids, and modern foids constantly seek superiority and dominance over others, like they've been brainwashed to, especially over men.
And all to compensate for the fact that they are the inferior gender too.

AI. and automation are replacing human labour, many businesses don't have open vacancies and they prefer to employ niggers, pakis, chinks, gandhis, foids, faggots and troons, and not straight, cumskin men like me.

Getting a job is a cuck trait, I've noticed that many people who work jobs are fat, bald, short, ugly, ethnic or all of the above.
Meanwhile, many zoomers and gen alpha live at home with their parents and aren't looking for work.
I explained why I'm not getting a job, GrAY, I get £300 fortnightly from the government, and I'm not being a wagecuck for kike managers and I'm not being a taxcuck to the boomers who voted for feminism, faggotry and civil rights for niggers.
300£ every how often?
I get your point, I'm in my 20's myself, my biggest motivation for studying & getting a job is to find a young, mixed race whore from one of our many poor townships in South Africa, I provide basic needs & sustenance & she gives me that wet, teenage pussy :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh: :feelsohh:

This is a very common practice in South Africa, thanks to the poverty & inequality
Here in the JEWnited cUcKdom, most foids have their own jobs and have their own money, they don't need to rely on men anymore for money, a house, a car or resources.
I don't know how shit works in England. But they probably got some retail chains over there, right? Work for one of those, man. It's easy as shit. Don't work in a restaurant, especially back of house (cook, dishwasher), because that's hell.
Once every 2 weeks.
Damn am working full time as an waiter and getting paid that much if i didn't work I wouldnt get paid a dollar from the government where are you from
Working is good, but I can't find employment for some reason yo
Even if you're going to make the decision on pure selfless morals, most jobs are useless anyways and if they're useful to the economy they'll just help bankers get richer and keep the overproduction going that's ruining our planet and depleting the resources making the whole thing possible in the first place. There's no need to produce as much stuff as we do, everyone around the world could theoretically live reasonably well off what's already being made, especially if there was some eugenics program to get rid of uncivilizable populations. But, regardless, I'm not totally selfless, the same way that everyone else isn't, so I'm especially not gonna work because normies fucked me over my entire life and now I want reparations.
I don't know how shit works in England. But they probably got some retail chains over there, right? Work for one of those, man. It's easy as shit. Don't work in a restaurant, especially back of house (cook, dishwasher), because that's hell.
I'm not looking for work and I already explained why.
And yeah, working in resteraunts as an inkie-welly is a bad idea.
I don't want to get mogged by the chads and prettyboys who frequent them with their prime stacy gfs.
Buy copes, that's about it
Damn am working full time as an waiter and getting paid that much if i didn't work I wouldnt get paid a dollar from the government where are you from
Kinda figured you'd know that already, seeing as you must have read this thread before commenting.
Kinda figured you'd know that already, seeing as you must have read this thread before commenting.
Didnt read all of it also do you think its worth moving there got people living uk so i could definitely come
I can't get a job even if I want one. :cryfeels:
Job market is absolutely fucked.
Didnt read all of it also do you think its worth moving there got people living uk so i could definitely come
Depends, are you from the US, you mentioned dollars in one of your replies?
If your a nigger or spic, you'll be worshipped in the UK.
Britbongs here are massive worshippers of niggers and pakis.
They'll definetly adore spics, because you don't get them in the UK.
Fucking britbong faggots pride themselves on being world conscious, but the only regions of the world they give a toss about are africa, the middle east and south east asia!
Britbongs also don't care too much for white foreigners either, like the cucked race traitors they are.
Depends, are you from the US, you mentioned dollars in one of your replies?
If your a nigger or spic, you'll be worshipped in the UK.
Britbongs here are massive worshippers of niggers and pakis.
They'll definetly adore spics, because you don't get them in the UK.
Fucking britbong faggots pride themselves on being world conscious, but the only regions of the world they give a toss about are africa, the middle east and south east asia!
Britbongs also don't care too much for white foreigners either, like the cucked race traitors they are.
Am from balkan but we usually get treated well, atleast thats what someone i know who went there said
No, i'm a straight negro yo
You'd definetly get a job in england, britbongs worship shitskins.
Theres a KFC downtown and the only people working there are pakis and niggers, while the manager is a middle age cumskin foid with a severe case of white guilt!
Absolutely no! What's the point of having a job?

More stress
Slaving away
Still being poor because 80% of jobs don't pay anything necessary to advance in life
Can't moneymaxx with 80% of jobs
Less free time for cope and sleep
Must report to the employer about everything, be on time, and ask permission to take any breaks or sick days

Wagecucks and betabuxx wanting a chance at age 30+ foids will have a job.

There's no reason why I would ever want a job. I'd rather be in a European prison than work on the outside as a wagecuck Incel serf being stressed, poor, and paying all my money in taxes and rent to property owners and my work enriching the richest people at the top while also contributing to Jews, Western wars, migrants, refugees, tax cuts for the rich and corporations, foids, and the Boomers who did the most to ruin this entire world.
Here in the JEWnited cUcKdom, most foids have their own jobs and have their own money
Yep, the biggest mistake, after allowing whores to open their mouths at men, was letting them into the job market
Absolutely no! What's the point of having a job?

More stress
Slaving away
Still being poor because 80% of jobs don't pay anything necessary to advance in life
Can't moneymaxx with 80% of jobs
Less free time for cope and sleep
Must report to the employer about everything, be on time, and ask permission to take any breaks or sick days

Wagecucks and betabuxx wanting a chance at age 30+ foids will have a job.

There's no reason why I would ever want a job. I'd rather be in a European prison than work on the outside as a wagecuck Incel serf being stressed, poor, and paying all my money in taxes and rent to property owners and my work enriching the richest people at the top while also contributing to Jews, Western wars, migrants, refugees, tax cuts for the rich and corporations, foids, and the Boomers who did the most to ruin this entire world.
Yep, the biggest mistake, after allowing whores to open their mouths at men, was letting them into the job market
Thats why in the past, foids were not allowed to get jobs, educations, or own businesses or property.
They'll decide that they'll no longer need men, and they'll choose not to have children so they can focus on their educations and careers.
And as a consequence, many men are single and sexless incels and birth rates are plummeting.
Equality is a lie, equality doesn't exist, equality leads to extinction, equality kills civilizations.
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I doordash for bare minimum necessities. I need like 30-40$ every night to stay on top of bills every month. Fuck a career, fuck materialism, I just rot and food cope all day. Fuck jobs, fuck this world. Fuckity fuck fuck
I doordash for bare minimum necessities. I need like 30-40$ every night to stay on top of bills every month. Fuck a career, fuck materialism, I just rot and food cope all day. Fuck jobs, fuck this world. Fuckity fuck fuck
based as fuck
Short answer: No.

Long answer:

Yes, there are several reasons why getting a job in 2024 can be beneficial:

1. **Financial Stability**: Earning an income is crucial for covering living expenses, saving for the future, and achieving financial independence.

2. **Skill Development**: Jobs provide opportunities to develop new skills, gain experience, and build a professional network, which can enhance your career prospects.

3. **Personal Growth**: Working can offer a sense of purpose, help you build confidence, and contribute to your personal growth and development.

4. **Economic Contributions**: Employment helps contribute to the economy by increasing productivity, innovation, and consumer spending.

5. **Social Interaction**: Jobs often provide a platform for social interactions, fostering relationships and a sense of community.

6. **Healthcare and Benefits**: Many jobs offer essential benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks that can improve your quality of life.

The specific value of getting a job can vary based on personal goals, industry trends, and individual circumstances, but overall, employment remains a key component of economic and personal well-being.
I just require a source of income that allows me to save money instead of just spending it on living expenditures.
I don't know how shit works in England. But they probably got some retail chains over there, right? Work for one of those, man. It's easy as shit. Don't work in a restaurant, especially back of house (cook, dishwasher), because that's hell.
Being a dishwasher is trucel tier.
if you can neet stay a neet no jobs are worth it and i work in a pretty confortable place as a dishwasher where i'm pretty free i don't have anyone on my back the whole day and i earn around 1600 eur in total a month , not worth it overall but looksmaxsing is.
Absolutely no! What's the point of having a job?

More stress
Slaving away
Still being poor because 80% of jobs don't pay anything necessary to advance in life
Can't moneymaxx with 80% of jobs
Less free time for cope and sleep
Must report to the employer about everything, be on time, and ask permission to take any breaks or sick days

Wagecucks and betabuxx wanting a chance at age 30+ foids will have a job.

There's no reason why I would ever want a job. I'd rather be in a European prison than work on the outside as a wagecuck Incel serf being stressed, poor, and paying all my money in taxes and rent to property owners and my work enriching the richest people at the top while also contributing to Jews, Western wars, migrants, refugees, tax cuts for the rich and corporations, foids, and the Boomers who did the most to ruin this entire world.

IT hates it when downtrodden men don't give back to the society that tormented them. It also means less money for females, which is why they try to make NEETing a stigma.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1e49rqn/ah_yes_lets_just_promote_being_lazy/?share_id=L8Jw2FqgZZV3v4WsY-E8P&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

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