Ive asked myself the same a thousand times. I think he is an incel, but he is waaaay to "unique" to even adress things like these in his vids. Hes like from other planet anyway. Ive listened to some of his pseudo postcasts (VORW), watched lots of vids of him and about him and concluded that the guy is legit, he is not acting. He behaves like that every day of the week, every hour of his day.
As far as i know, he is still a virgin and never had a gf. He lived in his car for a while, he has almost no friends irl and he loves his family. He was stalked for a while and the stalker posted some pics of his family on 4chan, it all happened to be fake as far as i know.
Idk, i identify with him a lot. I also look underdeveloped, i talk and behave in an old fashioned way to some extent and im also as elegant as i can (no kidding). I hope he can ascend.